Cooperative script, social skills of studentsAbstract
Learning process occurs in the classroom between students and students as well as with teachers tend to be low. In addition, students tend to be passive if grouped in a group, some students prefer to work alone rather than work and solve problems with group friends and some students prefer to be busy with their own world, (telling stories, drawing and playing). To overcome the problem one of the appropriate learning model applied is cooperative script. where it has been tested, can improve students' grouping or collaborating skills. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of application of cooperative script learning model to the social skill of junior high school student of Wisata Sanur. This type of research is using pre-experimental design (non-design) with research design that is one-group pretest-posttes design. The study was conducted at junior high school student of Wisata Sanur Denpasar from February to May 2018. The population of this study is all students of class VIII, then the sampling is done based on interviews with some teachers of SMP Tour Sanur. So the sample used is kls VIII D. The data collection is done through observation and give score by using rubric of social skill assessment of student, previously done validation of content by supervisor. Based on data obtained after being tested with Wilcoxon Matched Pairs there was a significant difference (P = 0.000) before treatment and after treatment. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of cooperative scrip learning model has a very real effect or there is an increase (P = 0,000) toward social skill of junior high school student of Wisata Sanur.