About the Journal
Welcome to the Linguistics, Literature, Culture, Arts International Seminar (LITERATES). LITERATES is a biennial international seminar organized by the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. LITERATES aims to disseminate and promote the best practice and innovation in linguistics, literature, culture, and arts. It is designed to accommodate academic discussion among students, teachers, and also researchers. The updated research findings and information were shared and contributed to enrich the academic resources through this international seminar.
Current Issue

Welcome to the 2nd Linguistics, Literature, Culture, Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) 2024. LITERATES is a biennial global conference organized by the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. The primary goal of LITERATES 2024 is to share and promote exemplary practices and innovations in the fields of linguistics, literature, culture, and arts. The topic for the 2nd Linguistics, Literature, Culture, Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) 2024 is 'INTEGRATING CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION INTO THE TRANSFORMATION OF LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE, CULTURE, AND ART STUDIES'
Our Keynote speaker is Dr. Michael R. Griffiths, Ph.D from University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia. Our invited speaker, Miho Nishimura, Ph.D Seisen University, Japan, Prof. Dr. Ketut Artawa, M.A. Udayana University, Indonesia, and Dr. Owen Edwards, Ph.D Cologne University.