Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) <p>Welcome to the Linguistics, Literature, Culture, Arts International Seminar (LITERATES). LITERATES is a biennial international seminar organized by the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. LITERATES aims to disseminate and promote the best practice and innovation in linguistics, literature, culture, and arts. It is designed to accommodate academic discussion among students, teachers, and also researchers. The updated research findings and information were shared and contributed to enrich the academic resources through this international seminar.</p> en-US (I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika) (Editor) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 22:02:22 +0800 OJS 60 FRONT MATTTERS <p>This section includes proceedings cover, editorial board, and table of content.</p> Committee Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 CODE MIXING UTTERED BY CINTA LAURA AND MAUDY AYUNDA FOUND IN PUELLA ID YOUTUBE CHANNEL <p>The aim of this study is to identify the types of code mixing utilized in the episode "Bicara Cinta" in Cinta Laura’s Puella ID YouTube channel’s. The data were taken from Cinta Laura's Puella ID YouTube channel's "Bicara Cinta". This study used observation and descriptive qualitative technique by method watching the video, listening to the conversation in the video and taking notes. For collect the results of the study used theory from Muysken (2000:3) to analyze several types of code mixing. The results of this study showed that insertion code mixing was the types of code mixing that occurred most frequently, whereas alternation were the types of code mixing that occurred least frequently. There were 62 data found in all, including 48 (77%) insertion code-mixing types,3 (5%) alternation code mixing, and 11 (18%) congruent lexicalization.</p> Ni Gusti Ayu Joyce Krismayanti, Putu Devi Maharani, Komang Dian Puspita Candra Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SYMBOLIC AND MEANING OF LOCAL WISDOM AT THE EXORCISM RITUAL IN MADE VILLAGE SURABAYA <p>The local wisdom of the village's exorcism ritual culture is an ancestral heritage that needs to be developed and maintained well. The exorcism ritual has glorious values and moral messages conveyed through the ritual in the form of symbols and meanings contained therein can be well preserved for generations by the local community. The exorcism ritual is a ritual tradition with the aim of eliminating and avoiding disasters that occur in the village community. Exorcism ritual is taken in Made village. This research used data collection techniques through observation, interviews, skilled involvement, and documentation as a form of supporting data to answer the problems in this research. The problem is to know the symbols and meaning for the exorcism ritual. The Researcher also collected data by being directly involved in exorcism rituals in Made village. In this research, the researcher used symbolic theory written by Winfried. In this symbolic theory, the researcher divides three symbols. The first, the symbols are as conventional signs. The second, the symbols are as iconic signs, and the last, the symbols are as connotation signs. In this research, the researcher used descriptive methods with skillful involvement techniques. The object in this research was taken in Made Village. Made Village is one of the villages in West Surabaya which still used exorcism rituals. The purpose of exorcism ritual or ngeruwat (Java language: to purify) is a purification ritual that it is still carried out by most Javanese people, especially the people in Made village. The tradition village exorcism ritual used several or equipment, one example is bucet (kind of worship rice is as similar to a mountain), fruits, incense, and a statue that resembles a tiger. From this research, the researcher wanted to find the symbolic and meaning in which used by people in exorcism ritual.&nbsp;</p> Dewanto Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DEEP TALK DANIEL MANANTA AND DEWI SANDRA IN "DANIEL TETANGGA KAMU" (CODE SWITCHING AND CODE MIXING APPROACH) <p>This study aims to determine the intensity of the use of code switching and code mixing in a Youtube Channel owned by Daniel Mananta with his guest star Dewi Sandra. The conversation uses two languages, and the purpose of this study is not only to find out the types of code switching and code mixing, but also to find out the functions that show the differences in each speech. This research is descriptive qualitative in which researchers not only classify based on type and function, but also describe and explain more specific and detail to get weighty research results. There are the four types of code switching used by Dewi Sandra, intra sentential is more dominant than the other types. Interjection is an excuse that is often used by Daniel compared to other types. because all the words that Daniel said sometimes showed his feelings and emotions. Expressing group is an excuse that is often used by Dewi Sandra.</p> Ika Oktaria Cahyaningrum, Yunita Widiyantari, Ramadan AB Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EXPLORING TYPES OF CODE-MIXING USED IN GITA WIRJAWAN’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL <p>Code mixing happens in daily life when speaker with bilingual background often mix their code from one code to another in their utterance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of Indonesian-English code mixing found in Gita Wirjawan YouTube Channel podcast entitled <em>“Maudy Ayunda: Kartini Modern Berani Tantang Status Quo”</em>. This study performs qualitative descriptive approach in analyzing the data. This study employed theory proposed by Hoffman (1991) as the primary theory in classifying the data. According to Hoffman (1991) there are three types of code mixing intra-sentential code mixing, intra-lexical code mixing, and involving a change of pronunciation. This study found two types of code mixing in this podcast, there are intra-sentential and intra-lexical code mixing. The findings of the data analysis were presented formally and informally. There were 136 code mixing data found in the podcast. This includes intra-sentential code mixing with 116 data and intra-lexical code mixing with 20 data. The most common type of code mixing used in this podcast was intra-sentential code mixing.</p> Ni Made Putri Kartika Sari , Putu Devi Maharani, Komang Dian Puspita Candra Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 INTER-SENTENTIAL CODE-SWITCHING IN TS MEDIA PODCAST WITH NESSIE JUDGE <p>This study focused in analyse the types and function of code switching based on the theory from Appel and Muysken (1987) found in TS Media podcast with Nessie Judge on YouTube Channel. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. Indonesian and English language used in this data sources. The researcher used theory from Appel and Muysken to analyzed types and function of code-switching from book entitled “Language Contact and Bilingualism” (1987). The most data sources are intra-sentential types switching and referential and expressive function. In this study, only inter-sentential was focused in finding the data. There are found tag-switching 8 data, 17 data found in inter-sentential, 20 data found in intra-sentential, expressive 31%, referential 31%, directive 20%, phatic 7%, Metalinguistic 11%, and Poetic 0%.</p> Ni Luh Putu Renata Utami Putri, I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALYZING PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE IN LE MINERALE ADVERTISEMENT: FOCUS ON HEALTH AND FAMILY <p>This research aimed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the persuasive language used in Le Minerale advertisement, with a special focus on increasing health and family values. This research explored understanding how persuasive linguistic strategies are used to influence audiences. The approach and theory were centered on discourse analysis in exploring persuasive language in the context of health-and family-oriented advertising. The research data were collected from Le Minerale advertisements broadcast on LeMinerale YouTube, especially from the advertisement “Komitmen Le Minerale untuk Sehatnya Keluarga”. Language analysis includes word choice, language style, rhetorical devices, and other persuasive language techniques and strategies in advertising. The research results revealed a spectrum of persuasive language strategies used in Le Minerale advertisements to convey the importance of health and family values. The finding involved word choices which included words that appeal emotional and words that has positive connotation; language style that included direct and personal, formal, and informative; rhetorical devices that involved repetition and enumeration; and the techniques and strategies of persuasive communication that found include association of the text and authority appealed and information richness and benefit that given. These findings explain how persuasive language is used to communicate health messages in the context of mineral water advertising, thereby influencing consumer perceptions and behavior, especially regarding family health.</p> Ida Ayu Putri Gita Ardiantari, Anak Agung Ayu Dian Andriyani, Ida Bagus Made Satya Swabawa Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE USE OF SLANG WORDS FOUND IN HIP - HOP MUSIC ALBUM BY YEAT <p>Slang words are informal and non-standard words or phrases that are often used in casual conversations and usually used by young generation. In the era of globalization, slang words are not only found in daily conversation but also found in literary works like in song lyrics. This research mainly aims to find out type of slang words used in hip hop music 2 Alive (Geek Pack) album and analyze the meaning of slang words found in hip hop music album 2 Alive (Geek Pack) album by Yeat. This study used five songs in the album 2 Alive (Geek Pack), such as; <em>Poppin, Luh&nbsp; Geek, Double, On Tha line&nbsp; and Jus Better</em>. This study used the theory of type of slang by from Kipfer and Chapman (2007) and also the theory of meaning by Claire (1998:15). This study employed observation method by several steps done&nbsp; in the data collection process, such as; including listening to the song lyrics, reading, and comprehending the lyrics. Descriptive qualitative method was used in analyzing the data. This study found 35 data for primary slang and&nbsp; 6 data for secondary slang. There were 41 data of slang words found in 5 songs of Yeat. The aim of using slang words or we already know the meaning is seldom the exchange of information and make communication more casual and informal and also sound modern.</p> I Made Angga Saputra, I Komang Sulatra Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE USE OF INSTAGRAM AS MEDIA TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ LANGUAGE SKILLS <p>As the rapid of growth of technology, social media has become essential to human life. Social media has many roles, it can provide entertainment, it can be the channel of communication, and currently becomes media of teaching and learning including teaching and learning English language. One of the famous social media used as media of English language learning and teaching is Instagram as it provides many features that enable us to use it in the learning process. This library research study is aimed to provide general overview of how Instagram, as social media, can be utilized as media in language teaching and learning process as well as how effective it is in improving students’ language skills. The data used in this study are secondary data, taken from previous studies conducted by researchers in relation to the topic. The results of the study show that Instagram has been widely used as media of language teaching and learning. It is proven effective in improving students’ language skill, especially writing skills. In addition, based on several previous studies conducted, the use of Instagram is proven capable of improving students’ positive attitudes and motivations towards learning for various reason.</p> Novita Mulyana Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 POST-PANDEMIC TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIP AND EFL LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT: A CORRELATIONAL STUDY OF 11TH GRADERS AT SMA NEGERI 1 PENEBEL <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This study aims to explore the correlation between teacher-student relationship and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning achievement after a pandemic among the 11th graders of SMA Negeri 1 Penebel in the academic year 2022-2023. The sample for this study was 87 students. The English learning achievement in this study refers to the students final English learning score. Based on the aim of the research, the researcher formulated a correlational study. The teacher-student relationship score was obtained from a questionnaire administered in the class. The questionnaire consisted of 24 items that measured student conflict, closeness, and dependence on the teacher. This questionnaire was adopted from Pianta’s professional manual about the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS). For the students’ English learning score, the researcher got it through documentation from the English teacher. This English learning score was obtained from the students’ daily tasks, midterm test, and final test. In analyzing the data, the researcher used Pearson Product Moment in the program SPSS 27. The result of the calculation showed that the value of rxy is -0.443. The researcher then compared it with rtabel at the significant degree of 5% (0.208). The correlation between teacher-student relationships and EFL learners’ achievement is negatively significant. As a result, the alternative hypothesis, which stated that there is a correlation between X and Y variables, is accepted.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Dewa Sang Made Widiantara, I Made Perdana Skolastika Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE USE OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN NAVICULA SELECTED SONG LYRICS <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This research is intended to identify the type and analyze the meaning of figurative language used in the "Navicula" song lyrics. The data were obtained from seven songs by Navicula entitled: “Tomcat”, “Love Bomb”, “Refuse for forget”, "Days of war night of love", “sail on”, "Harimau Harimau", “Do it yourself is dead, Now we Do It Together”. The method of collecting data in this study was observation method by listening, reading, and note taking the lyrics that contain figurative language. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method in analysing the data. This study applied the theory of types of figurative language from Perrine (1963) and the theory from Leech (1981) to analyze the meaning of figurative language. Out of the 12 types of figurative language proposed by Perrine, only five types of figurative languages were found, namely; metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbolic, and irony. Those figurative languages carried some meanings which were connotative, referential, and figurative meaning.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> I Made Duta Cahya Chalpykayana, I Komang Sulatra Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE MEANING OF VISUAL VALUES IN THE FILM "KACANG DARI" <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The Film "Kacang Dari" is a musical film which is a mode shift from oral tradition in the form of a lullaby in Pujungan Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali entitled Kacang Dari. Mode shift for the Oral Tradition of Kacang Dari is a process of transforming a traditional song into a musical film, so it becomes a very interesting thing to study, considering that the constraints on the inheritance of cultural traditions are a problem that needs a solution. The purpose of this study is to describe the meaning of visual and verbal aesthetic values in the film "Kacang Dari". This research is in qualitative method with observation and interview techniques in collecting the research data. The meaning of visual aesthetic values is analyzed using the aesthetic value theory (Junaedi) and elaborated with Film Semiotics theory (Meltz in Marseli). The results show that the visual and verbal aesthetic values in the film "Kacang Dari" are analyzed through mise en scene aspects (setting, costumes, make-up, shooting, movement and character acting, lighting and dramatization effects) which become one unit to convey the message of the film. The research conclusion shows that the musical film "Kacang Dari" is the interpretation result of an oral tradition which is mode shifted as a film which produces a different shift accompanied by the use of a different language.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Ni Kadek Dwiyani, I Wayan Mudra, I Nyoman Artayasa Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TURN-TAKING MECHANISM IN THE LATE LATE SHOW BY JAMES CORDEN YOUTUBE CHANNEL <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Each person who wants to engage in a conversation should be aware of the role of turn- taking, particularly in turn-taking mechanisms that decrease the violations of each other during a conversation. The study focused on finding what types of turn-taking are used in The Late Late Show by James Corden and how turn-taking mechanisms occur between the host and the guest stars during the conversation. This study consisted of data collection which is done by observation, taking notes on critical information related to turn-taking mechanisms, and doing qualitative. It was found that the talk show used some kind of turn- taking mechanism, and taking the turn was the most frequently used. In addition, every conversation has its own unique set of mechanisms. This study implies that, regardless of the mechanism used, the coherence and cohesion of the participants' utterances are what matter most in a conversation.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Ni Made Sunariati, Putu Nur Ayomi Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A SLANG ANALYSIS USED IN THE “DIE HART” MOVIE <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This study discusses slang words in the “Die Hart” movie. The method of study was descriptive- qualitative. The purpose of this study was to find out the types of slang used in this movie. In this study, the theory of Allan and Burridge (2006) was used to identify and explain types of slang. In collecting data, the observation method was applied to obtain authentic data. The steps of data collection were: 1) watching the movie several times; 2) taking note of the potential slang used by the characters; 3) rereading the movie script; and 4) recording all slang words found in the movie. The result of this study shows that there are a total of 32 slang words found in this movie. There are eight data that can be classified as fresh and creative (25.00%), eight data for flippant (25.00%), seven data for imitative (21.88%), five data for acronym (15.63%), and four data for clipping (12.50%). The use of slang words in this movie was dominated by fresh and creative, and flippant. The use of slang has an impact on creating familiarity in society and the social environment. Apart from that, it needs to be understood so that there are no misunderstandings when using those words with other people in an informal situation.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Ni Kadek Wina, I Made Yogi Marantika Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF THE KANJI FOR THE CHARACTER ONNA HEN IN THE MANGA KARIAGE KUN VOL. 49 <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Kanji are Chinese letters that originated in mainland China during the Han era, with each character having a unique meaning and significance. Kanji letters first appeared in Japan in the fourth or early fifth centuries. In Japan, kanji letters are part of the hyoui-moji set of letters that express meaning. The majority of kanji have two pronunciations: onyomi and kunyomi. On-yomi is a method of reading kanji that uses ancient Chinese pronunciation. Meanwhile, kun-yomi is a method of reading characters in Japanese. Bushu, or basic characters, are the most significant portion of a kanji because they can communicate a broad range of meanings. Understanding the meaning of a kanji, both as a fundamental character and when joined with other kanji-forming characters, can be facilitated by being familiar with each bushu. Bushu can also simplify the process of seeking up a kanji's definition in a dictionary. Semiotic analysis is the pertinent theory in this study because kanji is a sign. The study of signs is known as semiotics. In an attempt to learn more about bushu in a kanji, the author looked into onna hen, one of the bushu characters that are employed in kanji. The reason the author picked bushu is that onna hen, are examples of basic kanji. The manga Kariage kun Vol. 49 is the source of the data. According to the research's findings, each kanji's bushu onna hen represents the tasks and responsibilities that are allotted to women, including sweeping or going to the market. There are also some that exemplify the characteristics of women, like bearing children. A different kanji, meanwhile, stands for the function and standing of men and women in marriage.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Gede Adi Pratama Saputra, Ladycia Sundayra, Ni Luh Gede Meilantari Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 USING INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS- RAISING TASKS TO PROMOTE LEARNERS’ AWARENESS OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Teaching grammar has been a challenge for English teachers as it is viewed as complex, and unimportant in a communication. In order to make the process of teaching and learning effective, many language practitioners, teachers, lecturers have been trying to devise a variety of approaches, methods, techniques and tools. In this study, Consciousness-Raising Tasks (CRTs) were proposed as a tool to help teachers in grammar instructions and students to become fully aware of the target grammar feature. The researcher had a comparison of the inductive and deductive methods in the teaching of specific language rule, that was mixed conditional sentences. In the inductive method, learners used the noticing strategies. In the deductive method, however, learners were given a list of grammatical rules and examples. A total of 28 students from the English department, which were then categorized into two groups, were involved in this study; the first group used the inductive methods, and the second used the deductive method. The instruments used in this study were pre- and post-tests. There were three steps that were taken. First of all, the pre-test was administered to both groups. Next, the different treatment was given. Finally, the post-test was given after the treatment was finished. The results show that consciousness-raising tasks with the inductive and deductive methods were both effective to promote awareness and give better understanding of the target language rules, since the results of the post-tests for both groups demonstrated significant difference compared to the results of the pre-tests.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Jonathan Tanihardjo, Rex Stardy Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ESL STUDENTS’ DEFIANCE IN TRANSLATING COMPOUND WORD ON LITERARY WORK <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This study serves the intricate challenges faced by English as Second Language (ESL) learners when tasked with translating compound words from a novel. Translation, often considered a complex cognitive and linguistic process, presents a unique set of difficulties for ESL learners, particularly those in the novice stage of language acquisition. This study explores the factors contributing to ESL learners' defiance in effectively translating compound words from literary texts. The study employs qualitative analyses, as well as participant observations. Novice ESL learners are engaged in translation tasks, drawing from excerpts of contemporary novel, and their experiences are analyzed to uncover patterns of defiance in the translation process. Findings suggest that ESL learners grapple with linguistic nuances, cultural disparities, and literary stylistic elements that are integral to accurate and contextually relevant translation. Moreover, learners often encounter cognitive overload, leading to difficulties in maintaining fluency and coherency in their translations.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Putu Desi Anggerina Hikmaharyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 AN ANALYSIS OF SLANG FOUND IN THE MOVIE ENTITLE DUMB AND DUMBER <p>This paper aims to describe types of slang words, meanings, and reasons for using slang words in In The Movie Entitle Dumb And Dumber movie directed by Peter Farrelly. The characters in In The Movie Entitle Dumb And Dumber movie use slang words in their daily or informal contexts. The researchers usedqualitative methods in this research process. The technique used in the data collection part was by using the observational method where the researchers observed the data collection in the form of scripts in In The Movie Entitle Dumb And Dumber movie. Based on the data collection, there are 118 slang words found in this movie. The researchers concluded that there are three findings. The first finding is type of slang word where there are 4 types of slang words used by characters in In The Movie Entitle Dumb And Dumber movie, such as fresh and creative, imitative, flippant, and clipping. Then, the second finding is the meaning of each slang word used by the characters in In The Movie Entitle Dumb And Dumber movie. While, the third finding is the reason for using slang words where there are 7 reasons for using slang words, such as to address, to form intimate atmosphere, to initiaterelax conversation, to express impression, to show intimacy, to reveal anger, and to express humiliation. This research is expected to broaden our knowledge about the slang words used in America and to widen our understanding about the application or use of slang words slang for daily life for speakers who are interested in using and learning slang words.</p> Gloria Stefan E. DulaF Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE FORMS OF INDONESIAN ADVERB OF MANNER IN MENEPIS SEGALA RINTANGAN <p><span class="dig-Theme dig-Theme--bright dig-Mode--bright In-Theme-Provider" style="display: contents;">This study aimed to analyze the forms of the Indonesian adverb manner. The data were taken from an Indonesian version of a bilingual biography entitledMenepis Segala Rintangan. A qualitative methodology was employedin this study. The Indonesian adverb theory proposed by Moeliono et al. (2017) was applied in analyzing the data. The results of the data analysis are presented using a narrative approach and descriptive sentences. According to the findings of this study’s analysis, the forms of Indonesian adverb of manner have some varieties that can be categorized into base adverb, deverbal, deadjectival, denominal, as well as denumeral.A base adverb was applied directly as an adverb in a sentence or clause. Meanwhile, verb, adjective, noun, and number are involved in the formation of deverbal, deadjectival, denominal, as well as denumeral adverbs of manner.</span></p> I Gusti Ayu Agung Sintha Satwika, Ni Wayan Suastini, Ni Luh Putu Laras Jayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EXPLORING ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS IN “THE MENU” MOVIE: A CRITICAL ANAYLYSIS <p>C<span class="dig-Theme dig-Theme--bright dig-Mode--bright In-Theme-Provider" style="display: contents;">ommunication holds significant importance in our daily lives, with language serving as a crucial tool for interaction among individuals. Through language, people engage in daily communication. However, language is not merely about the words spoken; it can also be an action in itself. Pragmatics, a field of study, allows us to understand the meaning of language expressions. Among its branches is speech acts, particularly illocutionary acts, which serve the purpose of conveying intended meanings in utterances. This research aims to analyze the types and meanings of illocutionary actswithin the movie "The Menu," directed by Mark Mylod. Employing Searle's (1976) theory to categorize illocutionary acts and Leech's (1974) theory to interpret implied meanings, data for the analysis are collected through observation. The study findings arerevealingthat assertive acts occur most frequently, totaling 24 instances.</span></p> Ida Bagus Brahmanda Indrasta Pratama, Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF JAPANESE AND INDONESIAN COMPOUND WORDS <p><span class="dig-Theme dig-Theme--bright dig-Mode--bright In-Theme-Provider" style="display: contents;">This study analyzes the similarities and differences between Japanese and Indonesian compound words based on their construction and meanings. The data was collected from Japanese and Indonesian official news websites like Asahi Shinbun and Kompas through observation and note-taking techniques. The data were analyzed using the distribution method. The theory was used to analyze the contrastivities by using the morphology theory by Chaer (2008), Katamba (1993), and Kageyama (2016). This study's results show that 10 compound words formed in Japanese and Indonesian have similar meanings. Based on the construction, both have different types of combinations including compound nouns, adjectives, and verbs. The difference in construction is the Japanese compound can have a phonetical change calledrendaku. Based on the meaning, both in Japanese and Indonesian compound it can be divided into two categories: endocentric and exocentric compound. However, there are some compound that does not have similar idiomatical meaning even though its constructed using the same lexeme in both languages.</span></p> Made Henra Dwikarmawan Sudipa, I Wayan Wahyu Cipta Widiastika, Ni Luh Yunda Anindyana, Gusti Ayu Made Yuni Mahadewi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE USAGE OF SENTENCE-FINAL PARTICLES IN ACTION COMICS KUREYON SHINCHAN 1 <p>This paper aims to find out the usage of Japanese sentence-final particles. The source data is a comic book entitled action comics kureyon shinchan 1. Japanese particles found in the data areanalyzed descriptively by categorizing them based on the gender and age of the speakers. Several sentence-final particles can be found in the data, such as wa, yo, ne, no, wa yo. Some of those sentence-final particles are gender and age-restricted; they can only be used by specific genders and ages</p> I Gede Oeinada Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 AN ANALYSIS OF ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS FOUND IN DAEBAK SHOW SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 <p>The study focuses on analyzing illocutionary acts thatare found in Daebak Show Season 2 Episode 1. The aims of this study were to find out the types of illocutionary acts based on the utterances between the host and the guest in the Daebak Show using Searle's (1976) theory and to find out the function of illocutionary acts using Leech's (1983) theory. In collecting the data, the writer used the descriptive qualitative method, and there were several steps: (1) downloading the video; (2) watching and transcribing the video; (3) identifying the types of illocutionary acts; and (4) taking notes. The data was taken from the dialogue between the host and the guest. The findings and results of this study total 36. Data on illocutionary acts found in Daebak Show include assertive (41,6%), Directive (27,7%), expressive(25%) and commissive (5,7%). The results of this study show that assertives of illocutionary acts become the most common used in the podcast.</p> Anak Agung Sagung Diah Prameswari, I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TRANSLATION PERFORMANCE OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE AND DEEPL IN TRANSLATING INDONESIAN SHORT STORIES INTO ENGLISH <p>The prevalence of machine translation systems has increased in recent years due to their accessibility and the high demand for translation services worldwide. While translation tools and systems are useful for several fields and genres, their reliability for literary works continues to be a subject of debate. Critiques are often directed at the inadequate quality of literary texts that have been translated by machines. This research aimed to examine the performance of two neural machine translation systems,Google Translate and DeepL, in translating Indonesian short stories in the book “Cerita-Cerita Jakarta”. This qualitative research was designed to assess the quality of machine translation in translating literary work. The translation errors category proposed by Koponen (2010) was used as the theoretical framework. The findings revealed several errors in the literary translation by Google Translate and DeepL. The translation errors included untranslated concept, omitted concept, and mistranslated concept. Challenges were encountered by both Google Translate and DeepL in translating cultural terms, onomatopoeia, abbreviations, idiomatic expressions, slang words, and address terms.</p> I Gusti Ayu Mahatma Agung, Putu Gede Budiartha, Ni Wayan Suryani Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 AN ANALYSIS OF CNN NEWS ARTICLE: A LEXICAL COHESION <p>This study investigates the lexical cohesion found in a CNN News, “What’s Next in the Search for the Imploded Submersible?” As a research design, descriptive qualitative method was applied to explore how lexical items were utilized in a news article so that readers areinterested in making up a deeper understanding on the content of the news. The lexical items were connected to each other in making the article worth reading. The analysis was made in accordance with Paltrigde’s (2000) that was applied through several steps to gain the validity of the present study. The analysis includes several stages, namely selecting, classifying, describing the data descriptively, and analyzing them comprehensively. This study found that four kindsof lexical cohesion in CNN news are synonymy, repetition, antonymy, hyponymy, and meronymy. Repetition consists of 30data (71.3%), synonymy consists of 5data (11.9%), antonymy consists of5data (11.9%), and meronymy consists of2data (4.9%). Therefore, the most frequently use of lexical cohesion is repetition, and the lowest occurrence in the data is hyponymy. The investigation of lexical cohesion in a news article can enhance the understanding of how different types of text construct its own style including the utilization of lexical items in newswriting.</p> Ni Made Adriyani Resti Wiratami, I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 BILINGUAL STORE NAMES: A CONTACT-LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE SPECTACLE IN DENPASAR <p>Drawing upon data from first-hand fieldwork, this study explores the mixing of two different codes <br>that have been recently found to be used as store names in Denpasar, the capital city of the Bali <br>Province, Indonesia. It is aimed at describing the contact-linguistic landscape phenomenon and <br>revealing how local store owners address multilingualism as a response to the increasingly <br>heterogeneous and linguistically hybrid society. The research reviewed related theoretical <br>literatures, applied observation, did some interviews with note takings, from which the data suggest <br>the reason or motivation behind the case. In the study the spotted signages combining Balinese and <br>English words are theoretically resemble intra-lexical code-mixing. The bilingual construction took <br>place because each language is believed to have its own important role: the use of the local tongue <br>reflects motivation to maintain and promote the Balinese cultural and linguistic identity, whereas, <br>the use of English suggests expectation of projecting image of “world class” business therefore has <br>been believed to be a tool of attracting shoppers. Despite the gradual decreasing of its native users <br>over the generation, the option to combining Balinese and English as a business identity in public <br>place mirrors the rising language loyalty among some of the locals that may echo the resistance <br>towards its fatal linguistic loss in the short future.</p> Made Iwan Indrawan Jendra, I Made Wiradnyana Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A MULTIMODAL ANALYSIS OF IMPLICATURE AND GENDER REPRESENTATION IN ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN MEMES <p>Internet memes can be considered as multimodal constructions as they typically involve a combination of images <br>and texts. Memes are commonly humorous, but they have also been used to convey more specific messages, such <br>as memes that include gender representation contents. Additionally, the messages included in the memes are not <br>always explicitly presented. In other words, the memes contain implicature, and the readers must be able to <br>interpret the implied meaning to fully understand them. Although several studies on gender representation in <br>memes have been conducted, studies that compare the gender representation in English and Indonesian memes <br>are scarce. Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap by highlighting how men and women are portrayed in English <br>and Indonesian memes. More specifically, the purpose of this research is to examine how the multimodal elements <br>in memes (i.e., image and text) interact with one another and contribute to the construction of the implicature <br>regarding gender representation. The research also aims to investigate whether there are similarities and <br>differences in the way gender is represented in the English and Indonesian memes. A total of 12 “men vs. women” <br>memes (6 English and 6 Indonesian) taken from various internet sources serve as the main data and are analyzed <br>qualitatively. The findings reveal that both the text and image in memes play a significant role in the construction <br>of the implicature regarding gender representation. Additionally, it is also found that men and women are <br>portrayed very similarly between the English and Indonesian memes</p> Ardi Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE OF DESA KUTUH: MULTILINGUAL PUBLIC SIGNAGE FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM <p>The specific objectives of this research are twofold: firstly, to delineate the syntactic scope of the public signage <br>discovered in the tourism area of Desa Kutuh; and secondly, to scrutinize the role of the multilingual linguistic <br>landscape at Desa Kutuh in enhancing the tourist experience and promoting sustainable tourism. The research <br>methodology employed herein is qualitative in nature, involving the descriptive analysis of both the syntactic <br>scope and the role of public signage around Desa Kutuh. The analytical framework draws from linguistic <br>landscape theory as advanced by Yendra and Artawa (2020), supplemented by select micro-linguistic theories, <br>including: 1) syntactic scope theory by Noortyani (2017), 2) linguistic landscape functions by Shohamy (2015) <br>supported by Landry &amp; Bourhis (1997). The research outcome shows that multilingual linguistic landscape in <br>Desa Kutuh tourism area is formed in two different syntactic scopes, phrase and sentence. They have served <br>purposes related to conveying information and representing symbols. These roles contribute to the discourse <br>surrounding multilingual communication, cultural preservation, and sustainable tourism in the region</p> Ni Made Verayanti Utami, Ni Nyoman Deni Ariyaningsih, Betty Debora Aritonang, Gede Irwandika4 Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 IMPROVING INTERPRETING SKILLS OF FIFTH-SEMESTER STUDENTS AT UNMAS DENPASAR ENGLISH LITERATURE STUDY PROGRAM THROUGH VIDEO ON YOUTUBE <p>This research was classroom action research conducted to improve the interpreting skills of fifth-semester students <br>in one class of the English Literature Study Program at Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. This research <br>involved a group of students who were the subjects of action. The research cycle included action planning, <br>implementing learning using YouTube video media, observing students' interpreting skills, and reflecting. The <br>results of observations of students' interpreting abilities after implementing the action were used to evaluate the <br>impact of using YouTube videos in learning in one class. The result showed that the use of YouTube videos was <br>a great medium for improving students' skills, especially for interpreting. The video helped the student from the <br>perspective of audio-visual because by having good audio visual, the students were able to receive information <br>better compared to just listening</p> I Made Perdana Skolastika, Gede Irwandika, Amanda Rizqi Wulan Dari Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALYZING DISCOURSE MARKERS IN YOUTUBE PODCAST: A CASE STUDY OF “HOW TO STOP INSECURITY & TRULY LOVE YOURSELF TO THE CORE” WITH SELENA GOMEZ AND JAY SHETTY <p>Discourse markers (DM) are important linguistic elements that can help speakers to organize their discourse and <br>convey interpersonal messages to engage more effectively in communication. This study explores the use of DMs<br>in a podcast video entitled “How to Stop Insecurity &amp; Truly Love Yourself to the Core”, featuring Selena Gomez <br>and Jay Shetty. The main goals of this research are to recognize the different kinds and purposes of discourse <br>markers used in casual conversations between these two renowned individuals. The results of the analysis reveal <br>the presence of four distinct discourse marker types: cognitive markers, structural markers, referential markers, <br>and interpersonal markers, each with its specific functions. Notably, the most frequently observed discourse <br>marker is the cognitive marker “like”, especially used for self-correction and clarification. This research not only <br>contributes to the understanding of DMs but also emphasizes their crucial role in shaping and enriching informal <br>communication among speakers of diverse backgrounds and contexts</p> Putu Nur Ayomi, Ni Made Ari Santhi, Ni Putu Laksmi Dewi Utami Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LINGUISTICS FORENSIC ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMARY RULE IN KUTUH VILLAGE <p>The objective of this study is to conduct an analyse the textual content pertaining to inheritance under national <br>law and customary law. This study is an investigation in forensic linguistics aimed at establishing the relationship <br>between meaning and society perception in the comprehension of customary norms. This study employs a <br>qualitative research methodology, specifically utilizing text analysis as the primary tool. The employed <br>methodology includes the utilization of observation, recording, and interviews conducted with community leaders <br>living in the Kutuh village. The study employed the observation method, specifically utilizing the note-taking <br>approach, to investigate the association between the meaning found in national legal texts and customary law<br>texts. A study was conducted utilizing the conversant approach and face-to-face technique to investigate the <br>execution of the law provisions governing indigenous peoples in Kutuh village. The issues were examined by <br>forensic linguistics, supported by the idea of semantics. The findings of this study indicate that there exists a <br>variety of societal perceptions of meaning. This perspective was identified through the utilization of <br>questionnaires and interviews</p> I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri, I Wayan Juniartha, I Gusti Bagus Wahyu Nugraha Putra, Ni Luh Putu Laras Jayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 INVESTIGATING GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE STUDENTS' ABSTRACT WRITING: A QUALITATIVE STUDY AT UNIVERSITAS MAHASARASWATI DENPASAR <p>Scientific writing requires several compulsory elements and writing an abstract is one of them. Writing an English <br>abstract has become a requirement in various both national and international journals. Writing an abstract becomes <br>vital as it grasps the content of the scientific writing general. Thus, an abstract should be accurate, clear, brief, and<br>specific. In the process of writing an abstract, errors could possibly occur due to differences in the language system <br>between the learners’ first and second language. This qualitative study aimed to investigate types of grammatical <br>errors made by English Literature students in writing abstracts for their theses at Universitas Mahasaraswati <br>Denpasar. It involved 26 abstracts taken from the students’ theses. The data were collected by both observation <br>and documentation method. This study applied the theory of surface strategy taxonomy by Dulay, et al. (1982) in <br>analyzing the data. From the results of the analysis, four types of grammatical errors were found with a percentage <br>of omission of 60%, addition of 19%, mis-formation of 13%, and mis-ordering of 8%. The results signified the <br>persistence of grammatical errors among seventh-semester students, highlighting the need for further attention <br>and improvement in the abstract-writing skills of English Literature students at Universitas Mahasaraswati <br>Denpasar</p> Ni Putu Cahyani Putri Utami Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 TRADITIONAL MARTIAL ARTS REVITALIZATION: TENGKLUNG GOBLEG OF BALI <p>In Bali, traditional martial art is part of the community’s identity. However, in recent decades many Balinese <br>people have been shifting to practice martial arts originating from other nations, such as MMA (Mixed martial <br>arts), Karate, Judo, Wushuu, Kempo, Aikido, Kick Boxing, and many others. It is evident from the number of <br>clubs where foreign martial arts training or dojos are held. Some martial arts from outside can enter Indonesia and <br>reach Bali, inseparable from the strength and power of globalization. This situation makes Balinese traditional <br>martial arts, one of which is Tengklung Gobleg, experiencing degradation. This is interesting to observe <br>considering that the Tengklung Gobleg, as an original Balinese martial art that has existed for a long time, has <br>fewer and fewer learners, caused by the rise of other martial arts entering Indonesia and Bali. Based on this <br>phenomenon, this research aims to find out what needs to be done to revitalize the traditional martial art. This <br>qualitative research uses interview techniques, observation, and documentation to collect the data. The data was <br>then analyzed eclectically using revitalization theory, globalization theory, and other supporting theories related <br>to the problem. The results of the research show that the degradation of Tengklung Gobleg, which is currently <br>almost extinct, requires steps to be taken to revitalize it, including exploration, reconstruction, reinterpretation, <br>and re-actualization efforts so that the martial art can exist and develop as one of Bali's local identities, and is the <br>pride of Balinese people in general.</p> Wayan Nurita, Ida Bagus Gde Nova Winarta, I Gde Agoes Caskara Surya Putra Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EXPLORING IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS IN BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY MOVIE <p>This research aims to conduct a thorough examination of idiomatic expressions found in the film "Bohemian Rhapsody." The primary objectives of this study involve categorizing these idiomatic expressions systematically and exploring their meanings as depicted in the movie. To achieve these goals, the study integrates two key theoretical frameworks. First, it adopts Odell &amp; McCarthy's (2010) categorization theory of idiomatic expressions. Second, it incorporates Leech's (1981) theory on semantics, which focuses on delving into the meaning of idiomatic expressions, enabling a profound interpretation of the idiomatic expressions woven into the narrative of "Bohemian Rhapsody." The research employs an observation method as its primary approach for data collection, involving various stages such as script analysis, documentation, and classification of idiomatic phrases and sentences from the film. The data analysis follows a descriptive qualitative method. The findings of this analysis reveal a diverse range of idiomatic expressions in "Bohemian Rhapsody," including similes, binomials, proverbs, euphemisms, clichés, and fixed statements, each offering rich and multifaceted meanings. This in-depth exploration significantly enhances our comprehension of the utilization of idiomatic expressions in cinematic discourse.</p> I Komang Sulatra, Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi, Yohanes Edison Ino Mite Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings: Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Arts International Seminar (LITERATES) Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LANGUAGE ATTITUDES OF BALINESE YOUNG GENERATION TOWARD BALI KOPLO SONGS: SOCIOLINGUISTIC APPROACH <p>Balinese as a mother tongue is an identity and ancestral heritage whose existence must be properly preserved and maintained. The media that can be used to maintain it is through songs. One of the songs popular with the people of Indonesia, particularly Bali is accompanied by <em>koplo</em> music. Nowadays, Balinese <em>Koplo</em> songs are widely distributed by social media. Therefore, Balinese <em>koplo</em> songs can be heard by all levels of society, from young to old everywhere, when people have media and internet access. It is hoped that this article will be able to analyze and describe the sociolinguistic factors that influence the maintenance of the Balinese language. The theory used in this research is sociolinguistic, namely the theory of language shift and maintenance with a qualitative approach.</p> I Putu Ariana Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 INDONESIAN SPEECH ACTS IN UPLOADS SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM @KOMPASCOM PRAGMATIC STUDY <p>This study aims to describe the type, form and form and intent of Indonesian speech acts used in Instagram @kompascom social media uploads&nbsp; . The type of research used is qualitative research. The source of data in this study is a written source contained in @kompascom Instagram social media uploads&nbsp; . The data in this study are all speech acts of locutionary speech acts, illocutionary speech acts, and perlocutionary speech acts. The data collection techniques used are documentation techniques, read, listen, tap, listen freely and take notes. The results showed: <em>First, </em>the types of speech acts found, namely locutionary speech acts, illocutionary speech acts, and perlocutionary speech acts. <em>Second, the </em>type of locutionary speech act consists of the form of statements, the form of commands, and the form of statements. The type of illocutionary speech act consists of (a) assertive form, (b) directive form, (c) expressive form. The perlocutionary speech act consists of encouraging, annoying, pleasurable, making the speech partner do something, inspiring, impressive, making the speech partner think about, relieving, and attracting attention. <em>Third</em>, the form of speech acts is in the form of writing with the intention of speech, namely to influence, invite, attention, stimulus, forbid, praise, criticize, appreciate, and as a form of channeling complaints.</p> I Gusti Ngurah Mayun Susandhika Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' PERSPECTIVES ON DIFFICULTIES IN PARAGRAPH WRITING AND THEIR STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME THE DIFFICULTIES <p>This paper describes the result of student self-reflection on their writing ability and the strategies used to overcome the difficulties in paragraph writing in their academic writing class. The data was collected through a self-reflection written by the participants. The students were guided to reflect on their learning experience in two aspects: their views on their writing ability and the strategies used to overcome the difficulties in paragraph writing in the classroom. Twenty-one 4th semester students of the English literature program from the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University, were chosen as the participants for this study through a purposive sampling method. This method was suitable because these students have gone through the same learning experience with a similar context, which provided enough data for the study. The result of their self- reflection was analyzed using a qualitative approach. The findings indicate that more than half of the participants perceived grammar as their most common problem when writing paragraphs. Second to that, half of the participants stated vocabulary and small number of students stated figurative language. In terms of the strategies used, the majority of participants stated that read more literature was the best option, followed by taking notes, and the third was paraphrasing.&nbsp;</p> Ida Ayu Mela Tustiawati, Ida Bagus Suharta Adi Wiguna Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800 COGNITIVE DOMAIN LEVELS IN ENGLISH FOR TOUR GUIDE TEXTBOOK USED IN INDONESIAN TOURISM VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS <p>This study aims to identify cognitive domain categories found in the textbook used for teaching English for tour guides in tourism vocational schools in Bali, Indonesia. The identification was based on the revised version of Bloom's taxonomy, which suggests six levels of cognitive dimension. The book entitled “English for Professional Tour Guiding Services”, was published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. The research employed a mixed-methods approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques, including content analysis and descriptive quantitative methods. The data were organized in the data analysis table, and the activities were classified based on cognitive dimension levels. The result revealed that the textbook contained 180 activities. The task included 53 (29,4%) remembering, 29 (16%) understanding, 47 (26,1%) applying, 19 (10,5%) analyzing, 16 (9%) evaluating, and 16 (9%) producing. In addition, 129 activities were identified as higher order thinking (HOTS) and 51 activities were considered as lower order thinking (LOTS). The main exercise was remembering and applying which highest cognitive level of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. Also, each chapter has a distinct amount of HOTS and LOTS exercises as well. These findings could be treated as an important reference for the decision of material selection in teaching English for Tour Guides in tourism vocational schools.</p> Anak Agung Putu Arsana Copyright (c) 2024 Fakultas Bahasa Asing UNMAS Denpasar Tue, 23 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0800