Ethnopharmaceutical Study of Banjar Saraseda Community Group Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali
ethnopharmaceutical, medicinal plants, traditional medicineAbstract
The use of ethnopharmaceuticals is still widely used in Bali, because it has been passed down from generation to generation. Although Balinese people still hold a strong belief in traditional medicine systems and have long used plants as medicinal ingredients, there is still very little research that documents the diversity of plant species recorded in the usadha palm along with its use in treating various types of diseases. This study aims to determine what plants are used by the community in Banjar Saraseda, Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali. This study is a study conducted using the interview method. Submission of questions to respondents about the local name of the plant in the area of Banjar Saraseda Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali which has benefits as a treatment. It was also asked about the name of the plant area, the benefits / indications of treatment, the part of the plant used, as well as how to use and process the plant as a medicine. The Data were then analyzed descriptively using tables. Based on ethnopharmaceutical research conducted in Banjar Saraseda, Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali, 20 types of plants were generally obtained. The parts of plants used by the community in Banjar Saraseda, Tampaksiring, Gianyar, Bali include leaves (75%), rhizomes (15%), and fruit (10%). The way of processing plants used include boiled (65%), pounded (15%), shredded, mashed, brewed and without processing each by 5%. Based on the indications for use, the indications used in medicinal plants are to treat fever (20%), muscle pain and gout (20%), hypertension (20%), hives (10%), diabetes (10%), wounds, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and ulcers by 5% each%.
Keywords: ethnopharmaceutical, medicinal plants, traditional medicine
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