Analysis, Fish Farming, Irrigation canals, Farmer income, Environmental preservationAbstract
Along the residential area of Bakbakan Village there are irrigation channels that are almost never dry and there are 2 irrigation channels with a total of 47 meters in length, a channel width of 0.6 meters, and an average water level of 26 cm. The purpose of this study is to examine how the impact of the use of irrigation channels for fish farming on farmers' income and environmental conservation. This research uses descriptive quantitative method using purposive sampling technique. The parameters analyzed are physics and water chemistry. The data used are primary and secondary data with the results of research that farmers get additional income from tilapia cultivation in irrigation canals in Bakbakan Village in the amount of Rp. 3,272,000 and business feasibility with an income cost ratio of 1.70 per period of one harvest. This research also shows that the environment remains sustainable because the physical condition and water quality are still good, with category II irrigation water quality referring to Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution Control, generally still good for temporary constraints of freshwater fish farming what is faced is that during heavy rains, there is still household waste disposal into irrigation canals and upstream water closure.
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