Formulation and Physical Quality Evaluation of White Turmeric Ethanol Extract Granules (Curcuma zedoaria) with Various Concentrations of Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone Binders


  • wayan apriliani a:1:{s:5:"id_ID";s:34:"Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar";}
  • Debby Juliadi Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • I Gede Made Suradnyana Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar



formulation, granule, white turmeric, PVP, physical quality


White turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria) is a medicinal plant that is widely used by Indonesian people as a treatment for a disease.  Processing of this plant is carried out by blending it and serving it as a traditional medicine.  However, the method of processing which is still very traditional allows errors in processing to make the efficacy of white turmeric not optimal, besides that the preparations that are processed cannot be used for a long time.  Granule is a solid dosage form intended for oral use, the advantage of this preparation is the flexible dosage weight which allows for the formulation of large amounts of active ingredients such as most extracts.  This study aims to obtain white turmeric ethanol extract granules with varying concentrations of polyvinyl pyrrolidone, namely 1%, 3%, and 5% which have good physical quality.  The test results from this study showed that the physical quality of the preparation was good, in which the organoleptic preparation obtained was light yellow in color, smelled of orange aroma, and granular form.  The granule compressibility test of the three formulas complied with the requirements because it was <20%.  The granule flow rate test showed that the three formulas met the requirements, namely >10 gram/second.  Test angle of repose of the three formula granules meet the requirements> 40o.  The granule soluble time test showed that the three formulas met the requirements, namely <5 minutes, and the granule water content test of the three formulas met the requirements, namely <5%.  The use of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) binders with concentrations of 1%, 3%, and 5% produced good granules.


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