Kata Kunci:
Translation model, prescriptive studies, politeness marker, characterization, commandAbstrak
Translation model is a relatively new topic in the translation studies. Mostly, translation studies focus on descriptive analysis of translation product or process. However, prescriptive studies can also be done as the way to achieve good translation quality. One of the aspects in the quality of literary translation is shown by the politeness markers used by the characters in literary works. The authors will use certain politeness markers to develop the characterization or the image of the character through their utterances, especially commands as these speeches may threat the face of the hearers or their own face. The way translators translate these politeness markers in the translation product will directly influence the portrait of the characters. Hence, this article aims at proposing the translation model for politeness marker of command in the translation of literary works. Data were collected by comparing two translation versions made in different years. After comparing the translation techniques implemented, the technique that produce high quality of translations are recommend. The research result shows that established equivalence is recommended to be used for various politeness markers (bald on record, positive, negative, and off record), meanwhile transposition and modulation should be used carefully or avoid, reduction and addition technique should be avoided in translating politeness markers as they can change the politeness strategies. This model can be used in translating politeness markers to preserve the character’s image.