Directive, Expressive, Tak Terbayangkan Novel by Eka WijayaAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze (1) the form of directive speech acts and the form of expressive speech acts in Eka Wijaya's novel Tak Terbayang and (2) the function of directive speech acts and expressive speech acts in Eka Wijaya's novel Tak Terbayang. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The source of the data for this research is the novel Unthinkable by Eka Wijaya. The instruments used in this research are the researcher himself and the data card. Methods of data collection using the method of reading and taking notes. The results showed that there are forms and functions of speech acts in Eka Wijaya's novel Tak Terbayang consisting of 38 forms of illocutionary speech acts which include 25 forms of directive speech acts consisting of 1 form of coercive directive speech act, 2 forms of requesting directive speech act, 2 forms of directive speech act directive speech act of commanding, 2 forms of speech act of suggesting directive, 1 form of speech act of giving a cue, 6 forms of speech act of challenging and 2 forms of directive speech act of pleading. While the 13 forms of expressive speech acts consist of 3 expressive speech acts praising, 4 thanking speech acts, 3 complaining expressive speech acts, 1 defeating expressive speech act and 2 flattering expressive speech acts. The function of speech acts in Eka Wijaya's novel Tak Terbayang consists of 38 functions of illocutionary speech acts which include 25 functions of directive speech acts consisting of 1 function of coercing directive speech act, 2 speech act of asking directive, 2 directive speech act of ordering, 2 functions of directive speech act suggesting, 9 functions of commanding directive speech act, 1 function of signaling speech act, 6 functions of challenging directive speech act and 2 functions of pleading directive speech act. While the 13 functions of expressive speech acts consist of 3 functions of expressive speech acts of praise, 4 functions of speech acts of saying thank you, 3 functions of expressive speech acts of complaining, 1 function of expressive speech acts of blaming, and 2 functions of expressive speech acts of flattering.
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