Subak as Biocultural Diversity-Heritage Framework
Bioculture can be explained as a deep relationship between biodiversity and local culture, resulting in harmonization between the two. Biological and cultural aspects that are interrelated with human behavior. Biological and cultural aspects interact with each other so that they affect various types of aspects of human life. Bioculture is an approach that can be applied in various fields, especially environment, agriculture, biology, health and education. As one of the world's cultural heritages, subak is a biocultural system that is fixed in society. Subak's consistency in a long period of times has been well tested. The existence of co-adaptation and co-evolution mechanisms causes subak to be rich in various biocultural diversity, namely all the diversity of life that includes biodiversity, culture and language in the social system of society. Subak bioculture also contains existing conservation values which are strengthened by local village awig awig or pararem. Thus, it is interesting to study a basic framework of subak with its rich bioculture that can support sustainable development. Results The basic framework of Bioculture within the scope of the subak includes a framework that is completely covered by the concepts of Ecosystem that consist of, Social, Physical, and Culture aspect which can support subak Sustainability.