The Influence of Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment and Self-Efficacy into Employee Performance in PT BPR Khrisna Darma Adipala Badung, Bali
Performance is a concept that shown the connection between working achievements and time management needed to present a product or service by an employee. The succeed of employee works directly build an organizational success. Employee performance not only was the measure but also the quality. This research purposed to test and empirically proved the influence organizational climate, organizational commitment and self efficacy into employee performance in PT. BPR Khrisna Darma Adipala Badung, Bali. The population in this research was the permanent employees whose already owned more than 3 years of service is 40 persons. The research used total sampling technique and whole population represent as sample. The research placed on PT.BPR Khrisna Darma Adipala Badung, Bali. Data collection done by doing a questionnaire. The analysis technique used is instrument test, classic assumption test and multiple linear regression. The research result shown that organizational climate, organizational commitment and self efficacy owned positive and significant influence to employee performance in PT. BPR Khrisna Darma Adipala Badung, Bali. The next result hopefully would develop this research with use another variable
that theoretically owned more influence to employee performance, such as working discipline..