Community Participation for Tourism Village Development in Kesiman Kertalangu
The development of a tourism village requires the participation of local communities in all stages of development starting from the planning, implementation, and supervision stages. However, in
reality, there is often neglect of community participation. This article
aimed to examine the participation of local communities in the
development of Kesiman Kertalangu tourism village in Denpasar, and formulated a model of tourism village development that prioritizes local community participation. A focus group discussion was carried out during the data collection, as well as interviews and observations. The analytical method used was descriptive analysis, and action research by identifying existing problems, mapping potential in tourist villages, and also identifying institutional networks that exist in the development of tourism villages. This article showed that the
development of tourism village that had been carried out in Kesiman
Kertalangu Denpasar had not optimally involved local communities, the role of the village government were still more dominant, even though when referring to a clean and sustainable approach to government governance, the role of the village government was expected to be a facilitator by providing more roles and great benefits to the local community. It takes the political will of the village government to reduce its role in developing tourist villages by opening up space for the community to participate.