Pengembangan Media Kartu Kanji AR
anji, card game, augmented realityAbstract
This research was conducted with an R & D (Research and Development) approach or development research aimed at producing a product. This study aims to develop learning media for basic kanji letters. The resulting product consists of 2 products, 1) Kanji cards: cards with a collection of kanji letters, 2) card scanner applications: to display illustrations of kanji meanings in 3D.
The development of the Kanji AR Card media adopts the design model developed by Sugiyono. In the initial development process, the developer collects data on the needs of learning media from educators and students. The media is developed according to the data needs, then validated by matter experts and media experts to assess the content and aesthetics of the media. The next step is revision product design according to the input of the previous validator. Last step, the media is presented to students and then takes feedback or students' perceptions about the AR Kanji Card media.
The research results obtained from the validation results of media experts and material experts show that the Kanji AR Card media has met the eligibility standards of learning media. The score obtained from the media validation test is 82.5 with revisions while the score from the matter validation test is 85 with revisions. Revisions are made according to the advice given by experts in the validation test. Students' perceptions of the revised media can be categorized as good with a total score of 85.5. overall AR Kanji Card media can be categorized as good.