Pola Kalimat Majas Hiperbola Penanda「推量」‘Tebakan’ pada Lagu Mosawo
Sage, Hyperbole, Song, MosawoAbstract
This study focuses on the structure of the hyperbolic figure of speech as the marker 「推 量」'Guess' in the song Mosawo. The problem in this study is to find out how the structure of the sentence pattern that shows hyperbole as a marker of 「推量」'Guest' in the song Mosawo. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with the data used is a song by Mosawo. Based on the theory of Matsumura Akira and Tjhin Thian Shiang, 14 data were obtained which were used by songwriters in showing their ideas using hyperbole. In the data found the sentence pattern「~みたい」「~よう」「~そう」as a marker「推量」'Guess'. Among them were found data with a pattern in the lyrics which indicates a situation that almost happened to the writer, namely a distance that can almost be touched by a finger. The author shows the situation by using the word「降れそうな」 'as if touched', basically the incident did not happen but the author wants to reveal the existence of an impossible opportunity that can be realized.