Analisis Penggunaan Majas dalam Lagu – Lagu Yoasobi
figure of speech, song, yoasobiAbstract
Figure of speech is a way to express thoughts through language that embodies the soul and individuality of the author. Figure of speech is found in many literary work, example is a song. Songs contain a lot of expression and delivery of messages in it. All of these things can be contained in various types of figure of speech used in writing the song. Many singers still use figure of speech to convey meaning in the lyrics. Therefore, the goal of research is to find out the meaning and use of figure of speech in Yoasobi songs. Because many learners do not know the true meaning of the song lyrics that are heard. So it cannot implement words, phrases, clauses and sentences that contain a figure of speech. Yoasobi songs, especially on the album "The Book" and "The Book 2" were chosen as data sources because Yoasobi is a new and famous group among Japanese learners. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of the research found eupizesis, metaphors, figurative, personifications, inverse, oximoron, eupimism, irony, climax, tautology, sinekdok, antithesis, and hyperbole.