Metafora Bahasa Jepang yang Mengandung Leksikon Bagian-bagian Wajah


  • Ni Wayan Meidariani Program Studi Sastra Jepang Fakultas Bahasa Asing Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Ida Ayu Radha Program Studi Sastra Jepang Fakultas Bahasa Asing Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar


Japanese language, metaphor, face


Metaphor is an expression that uses comparison to understand about concept. Metaphor can be found in Japanese language in the form of idiom. This paper discusses about the meaning of metaphor in idiom that use the lexicon of part of the face. The analysis of the meaning of idiom in this paper uses the conceptual metaphor theory proposed by Lakoff and Johnson. The analysis uses a mapping of the source and target domains so that it can reveal the meaning of idiom that use word found on the face. Furthermore it can be knowing the concept of the Japanese people who give rise to metaphorical expression using the lexicon of the face in the form of idiom. The results of research showed that in the metaphorical expression of the face using the word face, eyes, nose and mouth. The part of the face as the source domain and the target domain are human trait and condition that have similar characteristic to the function of the body part on the face. The word kao 'face' in the metaphorical expression kao ga hiroi and kao ga ureru is used to indicate the state of a person who is known by many people. The word me 'eyes' in metaphorical expression is used to shows a states of visionary judgment about something. The word hana 'nose' in the metaphorical expression hana ga takai shows a prestige. The word kuchi 'mouth' in the metaphorical expressions kuchi ga karui and kuchi ga warui is used as a comparison to shows a person's character related to parlance.


