Analisis Kesiapan Mahasiswa Prodi PBJ UNNES untuk Mengikuti JLPT pada Era Kenormalan Baru
Readiness, Students, JLPT, New NormalAbstract
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is an event to measure Japanese language skills. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak in March 2020, the JLPT for that year was discontinued. The test will reopen in December 2021 on a limited scale. Then in 2022 another test is planned to be carried out in July and December without restrictions on the participants' domicile. This study aims to determine how prepared the students of the Japanese Language Education Study Program (PBJ) UNNES are to take the JLPT in July 2022. The approach used is quantitative with quantitative descriptive analysis methods. Data collection was carried out using open and closed questionnaires. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that the students of the PBJ UNNES are physically and mentally in good condition and ready to face the test. No one needs special treatment while taking the test due to their physical condition. Then, most of the prospective test takers understand the health protocol during the exam, and are included in the group of people who are obedient in carrying out the protocol. In terms of ability, on average they are classified as students with good learning outcomes, but they rarely do exercises, do not have the ability to study independently, and the readiness of books to support JLPT preparation is still minimal. This condition is worrying and requires appropriate and fast action to overcome it.