Campaign of Covid-19 by World Health Organization (WHO) : Semiotics Analysis
Keywords: WHO, Covid-19, Semiotics.Abstract
The aims of this study is to Analyze Campaign Of Covid-19 By World Health Organization (WHO) in Semiotics. This poster is one of the media tools that has proven to be effective in spreading the word aboutthe outbreak. The poster's goal is to publish media that includes writing, images, or acombination of the two in order to provide information to the general public. Posters are typically displayed in public places. The data was taken from the internet about the Covid-19poster from World Health Organization (WHO). The method used is the signifier and signifiedof semiotics. The collected data were qualitatively analyze by using Ferdinand de Saussure's theory (1916). Based on the data analysis, there is a finding sign as tools for message delivery. Based on the resultsof the data obtained that can be concluded that the presence of posters can make people comply with health protocols. Aposter can be an effective tool for informing people about the dangers of Covid-19. In this poster, there are verbal and visual sign can interpret the hidden meaning.