predicate, grammatical category, ellipsis, persuasive, posters.Abstract
Discourse of Covid-19 poster contains persuasive sentences containing the speech acts of the government directive to urge the public to implement health protocols. The directive speech act in Japanese verbal sentences can be seen from the form of predicate. The form of the predicate is related to the grammatical category. This study describes a predicate form that reveals persuasive speech acts on Covid-19 posters in Japan. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data source is the sentence on the Covid-19 poster that applies in Japan in several provinces, namely Tottori, Chiba, Osaka, and Miyagi. Predicates were analyzed based on syntactic theory and pragmatic. Based on the result of analysis, verbs use the MASU form. In terms of tense and aspect, verbs use the TE IRU form. In terms of modality, verbs use the form OU / YOU and TE KUDASAI. The use of this form aims to influence the community to comply with the government's appeal. More over, the predicate has also eliminated. This is intended as an efficiency and the reader is considered to be able to interpret the meaning of the speech without the need to write down all parts of the sentence.