Keywords: impact, implementation, bushido, society, japan.Abstract
Japan's progress in all areas of life is inseparable from the spirit of Bushido application「武士道」which was born from Neo-Confucianism, the influence of Shinto and Zen Buddhism. Bushidō's spirit in Japanese society did not only flow and was reflected when Japan was in the feudal era, the World War II period, but continues to flow today in several forms. In Bushido rooted positive moral attitudes, such as: courage, honor and dignity, loyalty and self-control, sincerity, honesty, thrift, generosity and humility. This study aims to understand the impact that appears on the implementation of the spirit of Bushido so that conclusions can be drawn in the form of research findings. This research method is a literature study method referring to Nazi’s ideas (1988). Data collection techniques are with literature study according to Sugiyono’s idea (2005). The theory used in this research is Foucault’s theory (2014) of power relations supported by Ikeno Osamu’s concept of Japanese thingking (2002) from a cultural point of view. The results showed that the implementation of the Bushido’s spirit had a positive or negative impact on Japanese society such as: spirit Kaizen, shame culture, high discipline, hard work, maintaining good manners. Carrying out the philosophy Bushido with excessive fanaticism has negative impacts in the form of: blind loyalty, pressure on social life, and self-regard as the most superior.