Kata Kunci:
GoTrunyan-ART, Interctive Promotional Media, Augmented Reality, Local Culture of Trunyan VillageAbstrak
The low interest and interest of the younger generation due to globalization in exploring and getting to know the local culture of Trunyan Village requires a special strategy to overcome it. One strategy that can be implemented is the development of digital-based interactive promotional media. The interactive promotional media that will be developed is "GoTrunyanART" Media Innovation for Introduction to Local Culture in the Trunyan, Kintamani-Bangli Region Based on Augmented Reality Technology. The aim of this research is to find out and describe an overview of community needs, a general description of interactive promotional media and the level of community acceptance of GoTrunyan-ART: Media Innovation for Introduction to Local Culture in the Trunyan, Kintamani-Bangli Region Based on Augmented Reality Technology. This research is Research and Development research with the development of the game "GoTrunyan-ART" following the flow of game development starting from needs analysis, game model development, design, concept validation and feasibility, revision, field testing (product acceptance level). Design creation is carried out on the Assemblr Edu application digital media platform. The results of the research show that respondents need innovation in the form of promotional and exploration media, especially interactive local culture media to support respondents' interest and interest in getting to know, knowing and preserving the local culture of Trunyan Village. The general description of "GoTrunyan-ART" was created as an innovative media for introducing local culture, especially Trunyan Village, which was created by integrating Augmented Reality technology. The creative design features available include 3D Objects, 2D Objects, Annotation, FunFact, Explanation Board, Video URL and Photo Slideshow. The level of acceptance of GoTrunyan-ART products is very high both in terms of perceptions of interactive promotional media, perceptions of usage aspects and perceptions of aspects of increasing exploration and knowledge. Thus, GoTrunyan-ART products are suitable for use as digital-based interactive media as interactive promotional media regarding the local culture of Trunyan Village in the era of globalization.