
  • Kadek Risma Dwitha Widyaswari
  • I Nyoman Widiyasa
  • Ni Made Lovyanti Isswandari

Kata Kunci:

Video 360 derajat, Pembelajaran Tari Bali


The aim of this research is to determine the usefulness of 360° videos as a medium for learning Balinese dance and to determine the public's response to 360° videos as a medium for learning Balinese dance. The research method used is a qualitative-descriptive method.  This research uses a non-probability sampling method.  This research used a sampling technique called purposive sampling.  The problem raised in this research was: Can 360° videos was used a medium for learning Balinese dance?  And how does the public respond to 360° videos as a medium for learning Balinese dance?  Referring to the problem discussed, namely 360° videos being used as a medium for learning Balinese dance and knowing the public's response to the benefits of 360° videos in learning Balinese dance, it can be discussed based on these two problems. First, based on the results of the problem analysis and respondent's responses, it can be said that the use of 360° videos in learning Balinese dance can be carried out by extra dance teachers at SMAN 2 Semarapura who had an interest in dance, students at SMAN 2 Semarapura who were members of  extra dance, genz non extra dance at SMAN 2 Semarapura, and the general public who have an interest in dance. This was supported by respondents' interest in using 360° videos as a medium for learning Balinese dance.  Second, the public's response to the benefits of 360° videos in learning Balinese dance is positive. This can be seen from the community's responses which stated that by learning Balinese dance through 360° videos you get several benefits.  Based on this description, it can be concluded that 360° videos were useful in learning Balinese dance. This statement is also strengthened by the opinions of people who have studied Balinese dance through 360° videos.  


