BALINATA’ Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Dalam Meningktkan Minat Belajar Dan Keterampilan Berbahasa Bali


  • I Gede Yasa Pradnyana Eka Putra
  • Putu Ayu Trisna Wulandari
  • Pasek Ni Wayan Kasih Mahendri


This research was motivated by the decline in the number of
Balinese speakers and the low interest of children in learning
Balinese, so the researchers created the BALINATA educational
game as a learning medium to increase children's interest in
learning and Balinese language skills. The objectives of this
research are, (1) Describe the design of the BALINATA
educational game; (2) Describe the working mechanism of the
BALINATA educational game; (3) Analyzing the influence of the
BALINATA educational game on students' interest in learning
and Balinese language skills. It is hoped that this research will
provide benefits for students, teachers and other researchers.
This type of research is R&D (Research and Development) using
the ADDIE model which will be carried out from 10 October -
23 December 2024 at SMA Negeri Bali Mandara and SD Negeri
4 Tamblang. The research subjects were 1st grade students at
SD Negeri 4 Tamblang, while the object of this research was the
BALINATA educational game. Data analysis was carried out
using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Based on the
results of the hypothesis test, the results obtained are; (1)
BALINATA educational games have a significant influence on
increasing students' interest in learning as evidenced by the
results of the student interest in learning questionnaire which
increased after students played the game; (2) The BALINATA
educational game has a significant influence on students' skills
as proven by the results of the Paired Sample T-test which shows
the significance value is less than 0.05. So it can be concluded
that the BALINATA educational game is effective in increasing
students' interest in learning and skills in the Balinese language.

Balinese language,
educational games,
interest in learning,


