Ngayah: Majalah Aplikasi IPTEKS <p>Ngayah is an application science and technology magazine in community service activities. This magazine is published by the Community Science and Technology Service Forum (FLipMAS) in the Bali Region, published twice a year in July and December</p> en-US (I Ketut Widnyana) (I Nyoman Adi Susrawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.) Mon, 12 Aug 2019 11:25:57 +0800 OJS 60 PKM NELAYAN TANGKAP DUSUN LUPUS <p><em>Fishing fishery is </em><em>one of&nbsp; of adverise sectors mainly in the Coastal area, including in this case fishermen in Lupus Sub Village - Labetawi Village, Tual City, Maluku Province. </em><em>Fishing fishery is </em><em>one of adverise sectors mainly in the Coastal area, including in this case fishermen in Lupus Village - Labetawi Village, Tual City, Maluku Province. </em><em>Lupus has rich potential </em><em>in fish resources (SDI) where the demersal fish species that have high economic value such as; fish&nbsp; Grouper, Cockatoo, Red Fish, Jackfruit Seeds, and Yellow Tail Fish are the types of fish that are often targeted by fishermen using fishing gear</em><em> and traps</em><em>.</em><em>Two </em><em>fishing gears&nbsp; have been use fisherman </em><em>this community service</em><em> is also to find other types of fishing equipment that are consuder productive&nbsp; catches. </em><em>The partner, in this case, is a fisherman who is a reliable fishermen&nbsp; in the field of fishing, but they are still depend on the owner's fishermen. The fishing facilities that used in getting the catch must be partially paid to the owner's fishermen. The purpose of this community service program is to make both partners become entrepreneurs who are able to manage their own fishing business and not depend on other owners so that they can help to improve the economic level of both partners through effective fishing fisheries management.</em></p> Erwin Tanjaya, R M K Teniwut Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 USAHA PERIKANAN TERPADU DI FAKULTAS PERIKANAN UNIVERSITAS PGRI PALEMBANG <p><em>The Faculty of Fisheries, University of PGRI Palembang has two campuses, namely at Campus A Plaju for administrative and lecture activities, while for practical activities, field practice, research and training, specifically for the Faculty of Fisheries located at Campus C Sematang Borang-Palembang. Campus C Sematang This place occupies about 1 ha of land, which has been equipped with Office Room facilities, Multipurpose Room for meetings, Lecture Rooms, Fish Hatchery Workshop, Fisheries Product Processing Workshop, Entrepreneurship Workshop, Fish Feed Production Room, Cement Pond for seeding, Bioflog for enlargement and floating net cages for enlargement. Campus C is specifically intended for the Fisheries Faculty which was completed in 2012. In 2013 and 2014 the Chair of the Proposal Team received Community Service Grant as Team Leader for the Campus Innovation Product Business Development Program Scheme (PPUPIK) entitled "Establishment of Scale Fish Feed Factory Home Industry as a Source of Income Generating for the Faculty of Fisheries, University of PGRI Palembang ".For the Lab scale, this activity has been going well and has good prospects, the problem faced is that fisheries business activities on campus C of the Faculty of Fisheries have been running, but the activities are still partial, each field moves individually (not yet integrated management). The solution offered is that with this PPUPIK "Integrated Fisheries Business" activity all business fields are managed in an integrated manner, so that each business sector can support and strengthen each other. For this reason, on this occasion we from the Faculty of Fisheries began to develop activities in an integrated manner, starting from ornamental fish hatchery and consumption, enlarging consumption fish, making feed, processing fishery products, marketing results and training and training in fisheries for users and communities who need.The results of the implementation of the activity indicate that the activities of the Business Unit Establishment in PT Science and Technology based have been established with the name "Faculty of Fisheries Entrepreneurship Unit" with Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries No. 294 / A.16 / F.Perik / UNIV.PGRI / 2017 dated July 3, 2017 concerning the Establishment of the Entrepreneurship Unit at the Faculty of Fisheries, University of PGRI Palembang. The products that have been produced to date are: a) Catfish Seeds, Koi and Gurami, b) Consumption Fish (Catfish and Tilapia), c) Ornamental Fish (Koi Fish), d) Processed Products (Pundang Seluang and Various form of Cork Fish Kemplang Crackers). From the results of business analysis, this activity is feasible to do with B / C ratio = 1.466, Break Even Point (BEP) = Integrated Fisheries Business Input point reached when production reaches 4,611.36 Catfish seeds + 3,458.52 Gurami seeds + 2,305.68 Koi seed + 345.85 kg consumption Catfish + 576.42 kg consumption Gouramy fish + 5,764.20 Koi ornamental fish + 23.0 fishery products processed package, Return of Investment (ROI) 18.48% and Pay Back Period (PBP) ) = 20,645 Months.Outputs generated from this activity are 1) Establishment of Business Units in Science and Technology-based PT, 2) Products, 3) National Journal of Accredited Community Service, 4) Presentation of papers, 5) Draft of Teaching Materials, and 6) Draft Patents / Intellectual Property Rights.</em></p> Helmi Haris, Tri Widayatsih, Asmawati Asmawati Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN ICT GAME INTERAKTIF BAGI GURU-GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI KECAMATAN BULELENG <p><em>In this globalized era English plays a central role for international competition. This fact leads the government to give the opportunity to introduce English in the primary schools as the local content subject. One of the important components to make learning successful is instructional media, which is used by the teacher during teaching and learning process. The purpose of this social service program is to assist elementary school teachers in Buleleng district to improve their knowledge and skill in using ICT based interactive game and to improve the students’ motivation and learning achievement. The method of the program was technology transfer which was conducted through traning in using technology in this case ICT based interactive game, and in-service training in which the participants were given training and direct tutorial to the 4 representative schools representing 24 elementary schools of 17 sub-districts in Buleleng district. From those 17 sub-districts, there were 24 teachers, who taught English subject, were given training to use ICT based interactive game, which further was followed with designing a simple teaching scenario in the group. One representative of the 4 groups was then appointed to practice teaching simulation in the form of peer teaching.&nbsp; The program was continued with direct tutorial to the 4 representative schools involving 4 teachers representing eastern, western, southern, and northern parts of Buleleng district.&nbsp; The results of the program proves that (1) the training of using ICT based interactive game was valued very effective in improving the teachers’ knowledge and skills with the total score of effectiveness </em><em>91.67</em> <em>categorized as very good, (2) there was improvement in the teachers skills in designing the lesson plan and conducting instruction shown from the result of direct tutorial and classroom observation using N1 and N2 forms. In designing the lesson plan, the teachers’ skill was 90% in the first tutorial which became 92% in the second tutorial categorized as very good, while in conducting instruction, the teacher’s skill also had similar result 90% in the first tutorial which became 92% in the second tutorial. Furthermore, the students’ achievement also shows improvement after being taught using ICT based interactive game, that is from 69.88 (categorized as moderate) which became 87.15 (very good). In terms of motivation, the score was 89, which means that the students had a very good motivation in studying English with the use of ICT based interactive game.</em></p> Ni Made Ratmingsih, I Gede Budasi, I Gede Batan Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PEMBERDAYAAN MITRA PEMELIHARAAN Holothuriascabra <p><em>Good economic prospects of H. scabra cause H. scabra to be captured for sale without regard to the sustainability of H. scabra. Initially the partners only captured H. scabra and sold it to collectors. The presence of H. scabra which is starting to be difficult to obtain encourages partners to start an enlargement effort. The existing condition of the enlargement business carried out by the partners is still conventional, the absence of a good application of science and technology causes the results obtained by partners have not been maximized. The main purpose of this activity is to empower partners in the enlargement of H. scabra with the application of good science and technology in feeding. The method of implementing community service (partners) to solve the problems experienced by partners in the enlargement of H. scabra is by training. The main work of this science and technology implementation activity is the training of partners in preparing and feeding H. scabra enlargement. The advantage of training feeding strategies is that partners can increase H. scabra production. Partners are able to know the growth of H. scabra and know the harvest time of H. scabra. Training and mentoring during the implementation of this program received good appreciation from partners, partners have better knowledge and skills in enlargement of H.scabra especially in H. scabra feeding and are skilled in measuring growth.</em></p> Santi Penina Tua Rahantoknam, Syahibul Kahfi Hamid, Kristhina Priskila Rahael Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 IPTEK BAGI PRODUK EKSPOR KERAJINAN SONGKET MOTIF BALI DI KABUPATEN KARANGASEM BALI TAHUN KETIGA <p><em>The increasing demand for songket woven fabric has led to micro businesses in the manufacture of songket weaving in the village of Sidemen which has its own characteristics from Balinese songket weaving. Songket Ayu Sidemen and UK Suastini Songket are yarn-based songket weaving businesses. The problems that occur at this time are such as the lack of a representative work place, the lack of looms that have functioned poorly due to the age of looms, processing and management of raw materials and products that have not been well managed, human resource management and management finance that needs to be improved, product packaging that is still very simple, songket weaving motifs that are still less varied, and marketing techniques that are still traditional and untouched by technology as a marketing aid. Based on the problems faced, there will be a phased activity for three years starting from the management of woven materials to product packaging and product marketing through the internet. In the first year (2016) achieving output in the form of 100% workplace improvement to be better, SME assets increased by 50%, workers could better manage woven materials and increase product quality by 20%. In the second year (2017) is the first ability of all (100%) UKM workers in making good motives and designs and able to design product packaging. Both UKM owners can do well in operational management, labor and management of woven materials, so that it can make 40% efficient use of resources. All three UKM are able to increase marketing network expansion by 50% using the latest communication technology and social media utilization. Output focus in the third year (2018) is the first application of inventory systems, financial systems and marketing systems and websites as marketing tools have been able to be applied to SME partners by 100%. Both partner UKM are able to market products to international standards for fabric products. Third, the achievement of marketing network expansion by 50% and product sales by 40%..</em></p> Luh Made Yulyantari, IGKG Puritan Wijaya Adh Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT KELURAHAN OESAPA KUPANG MELALUI PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN BERBAGAI OLAHAN DAGING AYAM PETELUR AFKIR SEBAGAI PANGAN FUNGSIONAL <p>Program Pengabdian Masyarakat berbasis Ipteks bagi Masyarakat ini khalayak sasarannya adalah ibu-ibu PKK di RT 23/RW10 Kelurahan Oesapa Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). yang merupakan masyarakat tidak produktif secara ekonomis. Jumlah mitra ini ditetapkan sebanyak 15 orang dengan mempertimbangkan efisiensi dan intensitas pelaksanaan program. <strong>Tujuan</strong><strong> kegiatan</strong> yaitu untuk 1) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan bagi ibu-ibu PKK Kelurahan Oesap adalah pengolahan daging ayam petelur afkir, 2) memberikan pangan fungsional dari produk olahan daging ayam, 3) meningkatkan keamanan pangan bagi masyarakat, 4) menciptakan akses bagi terciptanya wirasaha baru di kelurahan Oesapa. <strong>Target khusus</strong> yang ingin dicapai yaitu memproduksi nugget ayam sebagai pangan fungsional rendah kolesterol yang berasal dari ayam petelur afkir. Metode yang akan dilakukan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu dengan pelatihan, penyuluhan, demonstrasi pendampingan, dan evaluasi.&nbsp; serta memberikan paket bantuan beberapa alat pengolahan produk ayam lokal. Penyuluh anakan diberikan dengan memberikan buku, dan ceramah mengenai pentingnya protein hewani bagi kesehatan masyarakat. Demonstrasi akan dilakukan dengan praktek langsung pembuatan baso, ayam asap, ayam panggang, dan nugget ayam dari ayam petelur afkir.</p> N.G.A. Mulyantini, Ulrikus R. Lole Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 IbM PENGAJARAN BAHASA BALI DI SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 3 KALIBUKBUK DAN SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 3 ANTURAN, SINGARAJA <p>IbM pengajaran Bahasa Bali ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bentuk materi dan media ajar Bahasa Bali di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Kalibukbuk, Singaraja dan Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Anturan, Singaraja. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh persoalan akan lemahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan Bahasa Bali yang baik dan benar yang akan berimplikasi pada punahnya Bahasa Bali tersebut. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, LPPM Universitas Panji Sakti dan program IbM Pengajaran Bahasa Bali dimintai bantuan untuk bekerjasama menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Target luaran dari program ini meliputi: (i) Buku ajar Bahasa Bali untuk siswa sekolah dasar kelas 1; (ii) Media ajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Bali untuk siswa sekolah dasar kelas 1; (iii) Nilai tes Bahasa Bali siswa rata-rata &gt; 75 dan (iv) Sebuah publikasi ilmiah tentang penanganan masalah peningkatan ketrampilan siswa kelas 1 dalam mempelajari dan menggunakan Bahasa Bali yang baik dan benar. Adapun metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan materi ajar meliputi : (a) Uji coba materi ajar; (b)&nbsp; evaluasi kegiatan; (c) revisi; (d) pelaporan. Sedangkan metode pelaksanaan yang berkaitan dengan&nbsp; pengembangan media ajar meliputi: (a) rapat kerja tim pelaksana untuk menyusun pedoman pelatihan, materi pelatihan, surat-surat terkait, pedoman penilaian kinerja pelatihan, dan hal-hal teknis lainnya, (b) persiapan tempat dan peralatan serta bahan-bahan pelatihan, (c) pelaksanaan pelatihan pemanfaatan komputer dan TIK dalam pengembangan media ajar, (d) pendampingan perancangan media ajar berbasis komputer dan TIK, (e) penilaian/evaluasi kinerja pelatihan, serta (f) pelaporan kegiatan. Dengan adanya materi dan media ajar yang dihasilkan melalui program ini, diharapkan kemampuan siswa dalam Bahasa Bali akan meningkat sehingga secara tidak langsung kelestarian Bahasa Bali sebagai salah satu bahasa daerah tetap terjaga.</p> Kadek Yati Fitria Dewi, Luh Putu Ary Sri Tjahyanti Copyright (c) 2018 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PKM KELOMPOK TRANSPLANTASI LAMUN DI OHOI DIAN (PKM Seagrass Transplantation Group in Dian Village) <p>Program kemitraan masyarakat tentang transplantasi lamun telah dilaksanakan di Ohoi Dian dari bulan Maret – November 2018 pada 2 kelompok mitra yaitu mitra sinai dan mitra efrata. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah 1). untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang manfaat lamun, 2). untuk melatih masyarakat dalam teknik transplantasi lamun&nbsp; dan 3). terbentuknya daerah perlindungan lamun. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah berupa&nbsp; penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan dalam bentuk : 1) teori yang disampaikan melalui presentasi, 2) metode diskusi dalam bentuk Focus Group Diskusi (FGD) dan melatih mitra dalam teknik pembuatan frame dan teknik transplantasi lamun, serta 3) persiapan penentuan lokasi donor dan lokasi penanaman, pengambilan bibit lamun, penanaman lamun dan pemantauan melalui demonstrasi/praktek, simulasi dan kunjungan lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan terhadap kegiatan kelompok mitra,&nbsp; baik persiapan penentuan lokasi donor dan lokasi penanaman lamun, pengambilan bibit lamun, penanaman lamun dapat memberikan hasil yang cukup baik, terutama dalam hal peningkatan pengetahuan dan pertumbuhan lamun dengan baik.</p> Evangelin M.Y. Kadmaer, Erna Almohdar, Petrus P. Letsoin Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PKM: KELOMPOK PENGERAJIN BERBAHAN KERTAS KORAN DI DESA BERABAN KECAMATAN KEDIRI KABUPATEN TABANAN <p><em>Tabanan is one of the regencies in the province of Bali which has many craftsmen of religious ceremonies and traditional Balinese tools. Especially in Kediri sub-district, Pandak Bandung village, and Beraban village, there are craftsmen of religious ceremonies and ceremonial instruments of Balinese culture. Balinese ceremonies have their shape, material and appearance very typical for Balinese. Types of ceremonies that are most often used in Balinese religious and cultural ceremonies such as sok keben, small bokoran, large bokoran, a place for flowers to pray, and dumplings. Mr. Made Suwetra. The two groups of craftsmen took the initiative to produce Balinese ceremonial tools with environmentally friendly materials as well as very affordable prices but the quality of the products can compete, namely used newspapers. Handicrafts from the two groups are very popular in the community, from the lower classes to the upper classes. So, then the two groups of craftsmen were made service partners in the community partnership program. The situation of the business conditions of the two partners is enough to promise the benefits of seeing, the average value of the two partners is quite large, where the partner of Mr. Bagus Manubawa's idea can reach 5 million per month while the partner Made Made Suwetra can reach 6 million per month. The profit of the two partners can be 60% - 80%, from the turnover because the material used is 70% of used newspaper waste. The number of workers from Ide Manubawa's Idea partner is 3 people while partner Made Made Suwetra is 4 people. If we look at it from the beginning of our partner's business, Manubawa's good idea has been started since 2013, one year earlier than I Made Suwetra's partner, starting from 2014. However, the partner has obstacles and expectations, namely Made Suwetra's partners want to make newsprint rollers into semi-finished material. Good Idea Partners Manubawa wants their products to be known by the wider community by using ICT as their intermediary. And from the results of partner business observations, there were also things that needed to be improved, such as production equipment, financial management, motive design and marketing training. So, the purpose of this community service is to help solve the problems of the two partners in order to increase the quantity and quality of their production, help make production management, management of raw materials, financial management and help product marketing through ICT and also provide sustainable marketing tools . The output target that has been achieved to date through this activity is the purchase of some equipment to support the business that has been carried out 70% such as oilless compressor machines, paper cutting tools, thick paper scissors, and others, training for business management and management improvement has been carried out 70%, Website creation to </em><em>improve marketing has been completed 100%</em></p> I Komang Setia Buana, I Gusti Ngurah Wardana Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 IbM GERAKAN BANK SAMPAH SEKOLAH TINGKAT SEKOLAH DASAR DI KOTA MAKASSAR <p><em>Garbage became a serious problem particularly in the city. It was caused by indicipline human’s behaviour in managing their garbage. In order to change that behaviour, better garbage management that was started from elementary school level.</em><em>Clean life behavior by managing garbage can be done by Bank Sampah Sekolah movement. This movement was social engineering to save environment through involving people at school to manage garbage by applying 5R principals (rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle and replant).Through this movement, it was expected that a paradigm changing on concept of garbage. If it was managed in better way, money can be generated. This community development program aimed to increase the capacity on managing Bank Sampah Sekolah for people in school. The research finding shown that better management on Bank Sampah Sekolah by following planning, organization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation was effective to increase clean life behavior and paradigm changing on garbage where it can be income generating. </em></p> Fatmawati Andi Mappasere, Naidah Husein Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PKM: IRT PAKAIAN RAJUTAN DI KECAMATAN TABANAN KABUPATEN TABANAN PROVINSI BALI <p><em>Tabanan tourism objects grow micro crafts in the city of Tabanan, such as the craft of "yarn knitting". Some groups of craftsmen who have produced the yarn knit are IRT Ni Wayan Mursiniati and IRT Ni Wayan Debby Suciawati. Both IRT craftsmen took the initiative to produce ferns and accessories from knitted yarn. The handicrafts from the two IRTs are in great demand by local, domestic tourists and foreign tourists visiting tourist attractions in the Tabanan area. So, then the two IRT craftsmen were made a service partners in the Community Partnership Program. The monthly interest of the two partners is quite large, where IRT partner Ni Wayan Mursiniati can achieve the highest turnover of up to 10 million per month with an average of 7 million per month, while Ni Wayan IRT Debby Suciawati can only achieve the highest turnover of 3 million per month with an average of 2 million per month. The partners' second profit can be 60% - 80%, from turnover because the operations and materials used by the two partners are not expensive. The number of workers from IRT partner Ni Wayan Mursiniati is 10 people, all of whom are housewives in their neighborhood and will increase if there is a large order, while IRT partner Ni Wayan Debby Suciawati has 3 members. When viewed from the start of the IRT partner Ni Wayan Mursiniati's efforts have started since 1999, while IRT partner Ni Wayan Debby Suciawati began her business in 2008. However, the partner has obstacles namely in marketing and production. In marketing both partners only have very narrow marketing and not too many know their production. So far their products are ordered by collectors, or leave them at souvenir shops. Meanwhile, in the knitting production process both partners have only relied on needles and hands in making yarn knits. In this service program the two partners hope to increase their production and marketing. And from the results of partner business observations, there were also things that needed to be improved, such as production equipment, financial management, motive design and marketing training. So, the purpose of this community service is to help solve the problems of the two partners so that they can increase the quantity and quality of their production, help make production management, financial management and help product marketing through ICT and also provide sustainable marketing tools. The output targets to be achieved through this activity are increasing knowledge in the field of 100% financial management, increasing production by 50%, increasing sales by 50% -70% and marketing more effectively. To achieve these outcomes, the methods that will be used are by applying technology in production, increasing management knowledge, and using ICT in marketing and promotion such as creating promotional websites. Training for business management and management improvement has been carried out 100%, website creation for improving marketing has been completed 100%.</em></p> Putu Pande Yudiastra, Gusti Ngurah Mega Nata Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PKM KELOMPOK USAHA PENGRAJIN KURSI ROTAN DI KELURAHAN LIBUO KECAMATAN DUNGINGI KOTA GORONTALO PROVINSI GORONTALO <p><em>A rattan chair production by a joint business group engaging Mohimondalo and Iloheluma has been conventionally operated this far.&nbsp; This rattan production run by craftsman is taken through direct orders by clients.&nbsp;&nbsp; The production has not been supported by a mechanical technology so that it impacts on a lengthier production time consuming.&nbsp; This community partnership program aims to introduce the mechanical technology equipment in the rattan chair production process, and to develop the product models of rattan chair and its marketing strategy. The program implementation methods are (1) the introduction to production management in which the continuous process production model allows understanding towards the production planning pattern covering the planning and the monitoring of the production process in relation to raw material stock, types of product, and the number of products produced in the on-going period and in the future, (2) the mechanical technology dissemination through workshop and assistance of mechanical equipment use which enables workers to have understandings about the equipment use for a better skill in the application, (3) the workshop of the latest rattan chair model development, and (4) the assistance program of the marketing strategy.&nbsp; The outputs of the program indicate that in case of production management aspect, there has been a raw material stock which ensures a sustainable production in a scheduled period so that the production process should no longer rely on clients’ orders, the workload distribution of the workers is&nbsp; proportionally based on skills.&nbsp; In the production technology aspect, the workers have benefitted the use of seal knife, compressor engine, air stapler, and drilling machine, and been able to applied binding techniques of rattan connections.&nbsp; The use of mechanical technology equipment has impacted on faster production by 1-2 days consuming.&nbsp; In the other production aspect, there has been a development of the latest rattan chair model labeled as voltron model for more ergonomically modern living room furniture.&nbsp; In case of marketing strategy, there has been cooperation with furniture stores through vertical marketing system.</em></p> Muammar Zainuddin, Ardiwansyah Nanggong Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 USAHA LOLOH KUNYIT KOMUNITAS KOLOK BERBASIS POTENSI LOKAL DI DESA BENGKALA, BULELENG, BALI <p><em>The aim of this activity was to empower the kolok community through making local turmeric loloh based on the potential in Bengkala Village. Kolok community development is carried out with the guidance of Competency Standards (SK) and Basic Competencies (KD), then translated into the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) skills. This empowerment activity has multiple benefits, namely complete illiteracy, and independent business skills. As a kolok community independent business with the technical implementation as follows. (1) Expressing the desire to try the kolok community based on their interests and potential, (2) Practicing a skill that has the opportunity to become a business field in accordance with available local interests and potential. The approach used in this activity is a pedagogical, functional, and thematic approach. The methods used in learning activities are lectures, discussions, and direct practice. The results of the activity showed that the kolok community had hygienic skills and variety in taste. Besides skills, it also adds income, and completes independent business literacy (KUM).</em></p> Ni Wayan Arini, Dewa Bagus Sanjaya, Dewa Nyoman Sudana Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI PESTISIDA NABATI DAN HAYATI DALAM RANGKA MEMPERKUAT BUDIDAYA PADI BERBASIS ORGANIK DI DESA PELIATAN UBUD KABUPATEN GIANYAR BALI <p><em>The Teges Subak group and the Subak Putungan group face problems in controlling pests and diseases in rice and secondary crops. In rice plants farmers are very disadvantaged by attacks of pests and diseases that cause rice plants to become puso (empty grains and red stems). The attack of pests and diseases causes rice production to decrease by more than 50%, which is very detrimental to farmers in Subak Teges and Subak Putungan. The main objectives of the program to implement appropriate technology to the community of these farmer groups are (1) To help farmers in integrated pest and disease control technology, (2) Providing productive rice planting techniques, (3) Providing training in the manufacture of locally based plant-based pesticides, (4)Providing techniques for making biological pesticides based on Trichoderma sp, Metharizium sp, and Glyocladium sp, (5) Providing techniques for the application of vegetable and biological pesticides to rice plants, (6) Training farmers in the technique of monitoring pests and diseases in the field. The method used is counseling, training and mentoring. The expected outcome of this community-based application of appropriate technology activities is; 80% of farmers understand and are skilled in making vegetable and biological pesticides, 90% of farmers understand and are skilled in implementing integrated pest and disease control technology and 90% of farmers understand and are skilled in monitoring pests and diseases in the field, farmers are able to produce 50 liters of vegetable pesticides themselves, farmers are able to produce50 kg of their own biological pesticides, attacks of pests and diseases have decreased by 75%.</em></p> Ida Bagus Swaputra, Ni Gst. Ag. Gde Eka Martiningsih, I Nyoman Gde Maha Putra, I Nyoman Patra, I Ketut Widnyana Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PELATIHAN DAN BIMBINGAN TEKNIS KEWIRAUSAHAAN BAGI KELOMPOK PETERNAK AYAM DI DESA BAUMATA UTARA KECAMATAN TAEBENU KABUPATEN KUPANG <p><em>The system for raising chickens in North Baumata Village, Taebenu District, Kupang Regency is still traditional, and knowledge of entrepreneurship is still low. Entrepreneurial knowledge can have a positive impact on the progress of chicken farming in the North Baumata village. The purpose of this service activity is to: 1) improve chicken livestock entrepreneurship knowledge for farmers in North Baumata Village, NTT so that farmers can analyze and evaluate the economic conditions and production management, 2) form and develop the North Baumata Village community in Kupang Regency into a community who are economically independent, and 3) help improve the quality of life of the community. The method used to carry out this service activity is by counseling, demonstration (calculation of profit and loss for the effort of raising chicken, diffusion of science and technology with local feeding, sanitation, and vaccination), assistance, and evaluation. This IbM activity can help partner groups in North Baumata Village, Taebenu District, Kupang NTT Regency to be able to produce chickens that can be profitable. Partner groups are motivated in this activity so that it is expected to increase economic added value, especially for women of partner groups in North Baumata Village.</em></p> Ulrikus R. Lole Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PKM PENGEMBANGAN MANAJEMEN TEKNOLOGI PENGELOLAAN BAMBU SEBAGAISUMBERDAYAALAMLOKALDANMEUBELKURSIDIKABUPATEN PINRANG PROVINSI SULAWESISELATAN <p><em>The target of the Community Partnership (PKM) program is an economically productive community group (small business). The aim of the program is to develop economically independent communities. The business partners in this program are the "Mentari" bamboo handicraft business and the "Shawwal" Chair Furniture belonging to Mr. Baharuddin Mamma and belonging to Mr. Rudy. The problems faced by the two partners are as follows: 1) equipment / equipment / production facilities need to be developed and inadequate, 2) opportunities for cooperation between the two partners need to be developed 3) the market is still limited and needs to be improved, 4) need to develop quality and quality production. With the above conditions, the PKM activities program implemented are: 1) adding more equipment / equipment / production facilities, 2) accommodating the cooperation of the two businesses, 3) developing the media and market reach, 4) more innovative production assistance through the cooperation of the two partners. The results that have been achieved are: 1) procurement of equipment / equipment / facilities to support the production process, namely the procurement of compressor machines, machine drills, work floors, soakingponds, </em><em>2) facilitating cooperation between the two partners to produce more innovative and</em><em> competitive&nbsp; production,&nbsp; 3)&nbsp; making&nbsp; website&nbsp; marketing&nbsp; media.&nbsp; 4)&nbsp; An&nbsp; innovative&nbsp; type of </em><em>production has been born in collaboration with the two business partners in the form of a sofa chair. This program is expected to be able to facilitate the development of partner businesses and then be able to provide a multiplier effect for bamboo handicraft businesses and the business of chair furniture in partnership with them.</em></p> Fatriady MR, Rani Bastari Alkam Copyright (c) 2019 LPPM Unmas Fri, 09 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0800