Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Pada LPD Di Kecamatan Ubud
Level of Accounting Understanding, Leadership Ethics, Professionalism, Application of Accounting Information Systems, Internal Control, Quality of Financial ReportsAbstract
The quality of financial reporting includes information that is detailed and open, easy to understand and compiled so that it does not make it difficult to use. Financial reporting is one component of the financial results notification stage. Complete financial information records generally contain balance sheets, profits, losses, and other components that are able to explain other financial reporting components. The quality of a report is assessed if the information obtained is able to help in making decisions and can be understood by its users. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of the level of accounting understanding, leadership ethics, professionalism, application of accounting information systems, and internal control on the quality of financial reports at Village Credit Institutions in Ubud District. In the research conducted, the population used was all LPD employees in Ubud District, namely 378 employees from 32 LPDs in Ubud District. This research sample used a purposive sampling method, totaling 110 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis technique where classical assumptions are first tested.The resulting research shows that the variables of professionalism, implementation of accounting information systems and internal control have a positive effect on the quality of financial reporting at Village Credit Institutions in Ubud District. Meanwhile, the variables of the level of understanding of accounting and leadership ethics have no effect on the quality of financial reporting at Village Credit Institutions in Ubud District
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