Analisis Return On Equity Dan Return On Asset Dalam Menilai Pertumbuhan Laba Pada PT.Wijaya Karya (Persero), Tbk Periode 2016-2020
Return On Equity (ROE), Return On Assets (ROA), Profit GrowthAbstract
This study aims to determine how the Return On Equity (ROE) and Return On Assets (ROA) in assessing the Profit Growt the object of research is PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero), Tbk ,the data is taken from the financial statements for the period 2016-2020. This research uses descriptive qualitative method which consists of three variables, namely the Return On Equity (ROE) and Return On Assets (ROA) as independent variables and Profit Growth as the dependent variable. The data analysis used in this research is the analysis of Return On Equity and Return On Assets in assessing the company’s Profit Growth. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that the average return on equity (ROE) per year as a whole is 9,27%, this condition is in the poor category based on industry average standards. For the average return on assets (ROA) per year of 3,11%, this condition is in the very good category based on industry average standards. Based on the result of these studies that Return On Equity in assessing Profit Growth has a contribution of 89,70%. And Return On Assets in assessing Profit Growth has a contribution of 179,19%. Then from the results of the weighting of the return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) in assessing the average Profit Growth for the last 5 years, namely the 2016-2020 period, it contributed 268,9% and the rest was contributed by other factors not examined. in this research.
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