Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada LPD di Kota Denpasar


  • Yonasia Osinta Wanggur Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Made Edy Septian Santosa Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • I Gede Cahyadi Putra Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar


Information System User Participation; Organization Size; System Development Formalization; Personal System Engineering Ability; Top Management Support; Accounting Information System Performance


Accounting Information System (AIS) is a system used to collect, record, store and process data to produce information for decision making. An accounting information system can be said to be effective if the system is able to produce acceptable information and provide information in a timely, accurate and reliable manner. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the performance of accounting information systems at LPDs in Denpasar City. The population in this study were all LPD employees in Denpasar City, totaling 549 employees and the number of samples used was 105 respondents. This research method is a quantitative research method with primary data obtained from questionnaire data measured using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that Information System User Participation, Organizational Size, Personal System Technical Capability, Top Management Support have a positive effect on the performance of accounting information systems. On the other hand, system development formalization does not affect the performance of accounting information systems. These results show that in each LPD in Denpasar City, it is agreed that with the Participation of Information System Users, Organizational Size, Personal System Engineering Capability, and Top Management Support Can Improve Information System Performance in the institution.


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