Journal on Studies in English Language Teaching (JOSELT) <p>JOSELT with registration number <strong>ISSN 272-9097</strong> is published twice a year in March and December. JOSELT contains research and literature studies in the field of English language education. JOSELT is published by the English Language Study Program, Teaching and Education Faculty of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar.</p> Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar en-US Journal on Studies in English Language Teaching (JOSELT) 2721-9097 Promoting Critical Thinking and Writing Skills through Problem-Based Learning <p>Writing is a crucial language skill that must be actively and consistently developed. This study used a brainstorming technique to improve student's writing skills through two cycles of learning activities using a classroom action research design.&nbsp; The primary data for this study were gathered by administering a questionnaire, post-tests, and pre-tests in an EFL classroom. Compared to the pre-test result, the results demonstrated that the student's writing skills had improved dramatically in the first and second learning cycles. As a result, using the brainstorming technique in writing classes is highly beneficial. According to this study, educators should consider implementing the brainstorming technique to help students become better writers.</p> Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra Copyright (c) 2014 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 01 07 The Use of Think Pair Share Combined with Video to Improve Speaking Skill in SMA (SLUA) Saraswati 1 Denpasar <p>This research was conducted to figure out whether the subjects’ speaking skill can be improved use the Think Pair Share Combined with Video. The subjects were the eighth-grade students of SMA (SLUA) Saraswati 1 Denpasar. There were 22 subjects which consist of 16 females and 6 males. The design was classroom action research design. The data which were needed for the present study were collected through Think Pair Share Combined with Video technique in two cycles and the obtained data was analyzed quantitively from the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2; then qualitatively from the questionnaire. The result showed that the students’ mean score had significant improvement from the pre-test was 63.71 to 71.5 in post-test 1, and 80.13 in post-test 2. Furthermore, to collect the additional supporting data; the researcher administered the questionnaire at the end of cycle II. It showed positive responses toward the implementation of Think Pair Share Combined with Video. In conclusion, it could be concluded that speaking skills of the tenth-grade students of SMA (SLUA) Saraswati 1 Denpasar in academic year 2022/2023 could be improved use Think Pair Share Combined with Video.</p> I Nyoman Yudiartawan Anak Agung Putu Arsana Ni Wayan Krismayani Copyright (c) 2024 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 08 24 The Correlation between Self-Esteem and Speaking Skill of the Seventh-Grade in Junior High School <p>Speaking is a complex aspect of communication, requiring practice and exposure. Self-esteem, representing individuals' beliefs in their worth and abilities, influences how students perform in speaking tasks. The primary goal of this study was to find the correlation between self-esteem and speaking skill. The subject in this study was the seventh-grade students of SMPN 4 Denpasar in the academic year 2023/2024. The sample consisted of 50 students from the seventh-grade. The researchers used two tests to collect data: descriptive monologue test, and questionnaire. The data were analyzed using pearson product moment correlation assissted with SPSS 25.0 version. It was found out that there was a significant correlation between self-esteem and speaking skill of the seventh-grade students of SMPN 4 Denpasar in the academic year 2023/2024. This study provides empirical evidences of the correlation between self-esteem and students’ speaking skill in secondary level.</p> Ni Kadek Fitri Widiani Dewa Ayu Ari Wiryadi Joni Anak Agung Istri Yudhi Pramawati Copyright (c) 2024 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 25 31 Implementation of Three-Step Interview in Speaking Class <p>The purpose of the current study was to determine how to use a Three-Step Interview as a teaching method to help the eighth-grade students at SMPN 5 Mengwi in the academic year 2023/2024 enhance their speaking abilities. The Three-Step Interview helped the students improve their speaking skills while gaining insight from their peers' thoughts and viewpoints. This study focused on 32 students, 14 of whom were male and 18 of whom were female. Action research in the classroom was used to design this study. The researchers completed two cycles to carry out the investigation. The test and questionnaire that the individuals were given served as the source of the study's data, which was qualitatively examined. The study's findings demonstrated a noteworthy enhancement in the participants' ability to carry out a brief conversation. Furthermore, the pre-cycle mean score was 56.88, the cycle I mean score was 73.28, and the cycle II mean score was 83.16. Additionally, the questionnaire demonstrated that the participants responded favourably to the Three-Step Interview during the learning process.</p> Rai Dewi Riana Sari Ni Wayan Krismayani Dewa Gede Agung Gana Kumara Copyright (c) 2024 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 32 40 The Analysis English Figurative Languages of Song in Ariana Grande “Thank U Next” Album <p>In this study discusses figurative language. The researcher takes figurative language from Ariana Grane's “Thank U Next” album. The researcher only took some of the lyrics from the 9 songs on the album. In the lyrics of the song contains a different meaning from reality. Therefore the researcher analyzed the meanings contained in the song sung by Ariana Grande. The researcher uses a qualitative method to classify the meaning contained in the song, based on the theory from Knickerbocker and Renninger and the theory of meaning by Leech. In conclusion, the 10 songs chosen by the researcher used figurative language such as Metaphor, Personifications, Hyperbole, Symbol, and Simile.</p> I Gusti Agung Putri Wirastuti Ni Made Sukma Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 41 49 Improving Reading Comprehension through the Implementation of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) <p>It is impossible to separate comprehension from reading. The pre-test results indicated that the individuals struggled to recognize the text's general content, specialized information, textual meaning, and textual references. The goal of the current study was to determine whether Numbered Heads Together could help eighth grade students at SMPN 4 Kuta Utara with their reading comprehension. As a result, the researcher carried out an action research study in a classroom to meet the study's goal. The pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire were then given out by the researcher. From the pre-test, the students' mean scores significantly improved, going from 59.37 in cycle I to 71.87 in cycle II and 82.81 in cycle III. Moreover, the researcher used the questionnaire in the conclusion to get the extra supporting data. The result of the questionnaire showed the percentage of the 52.32% strongly agreed, 41.86% agreed, 5.37% undecided, 0.43% disagreed and 0% strongly agreed. Based on the results, of this study it could be concluded that reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Kuta Utara in academic year 2023/2024 can be improved through Numbered Heads Together.</p> Ni Nyoman Sukma Nadi Ulandari I Gde Putu Agus Pramerta Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2024 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 50 57 Improving Students' Ability to Write Descriptive Text through Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) <p>The reality that has occurred so far is that many students struggle to write texts using English, which has encouraged teachers to conduct Classroom Action Research because student motivation is still low; this research aims to increase students' motivation and ability to learn English, incredibly Descriptive Text material. The image media used in this research are readily available around us, cheap, familiar, and attractive to students. The method used in this Classroom Action Research utilizes Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), which is project-based learning because it is also used to motivate students to write and even do good work. The subjects in the Classroom Action Research here are state middle school students. The research results show that image media dramatically increases students' motivation and ability to write Descriptive Text. Image media is exciting and effective as a source of ideas for students when generating ideas for writing descriptive text. So, in the end, students are motivated and able to write descriptive text well. Several things influence students' low motivation in writing recount text, including students finding English difficult, feeling bored with the learning situation, and students' lack of enthusiasm.</p> Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra Loisa Laton Copyright (c) 2024 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 58 61 Implementing Project-Based Learning to the Students’ Learning Outcomes <p>The selection of appropriate and ideal learning models by teaching staff or teachers so that they can be applied in the teaching and learning process is a fundamental factor that significantly influences student interest and achievement of learning outcomes.&nbsp;&nbsp; Several learning models can be applied in schools' teaching and learning process, one of which is the learning model Project Based Learning (PjBL). This research was conducted due to the student's lack of interest and learning outcomes caused by conventional learning methods, which seemed less effective and monotonous, so students did not play an active role in learning. This can be seen from the average student learning outcomes in learning about introducing myself who have not reached the minimum learning criterion so that the learning model is applied Project Based Learning (PjBL) is expected to be a solution-appropriate, effective, and efficient way to increase student interest and learning outcomes in English subjects, especially material Introducing Myself in the classroom. The research method used in classroom action research is the learning model PBjL. This is qualitative research.&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on the results of data analysis in the field, it was found that the use of learning models PBjL can increase the interest and learning outcomes of the students about introducing myself until the learning model PBjL teachers can apply it in learning activities in the classroom because it can increase student interest and learning outcomes.</p> Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra Celfiani Eno Copyright (c) 2024 Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 5 1 62 71