correlation, vocabulary mastery, reading comprehensionAbstract
Vocabulary is needed in English reading comprehension. The correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension was concern to be figured out. There were 37 eighth-grade students of SMP (SLUB) Saraswati 1 Denpasar in the academic year 2022/2023 who participated in the study. Further, in collecting the data, the researchers used two kinds of tests: a cloze task for vocabulary mastery and a short answer task for reading comprehension. SPSS 25.0 program was utilized to analyze the data with the following steps: normality testing, homogeneity testing, Pearson Product Moment, and t-test. The result of this research showed that there was a significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension with an r value 0.675. In addition, it showed that the level correlation was sufficient because it was in the interval of 0.60-0.799. Therefore, it shows a significant correlation between the two variables: vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. Further studies with a wide range of subjects are recommended to figure out the role of vocabulary in English learning.
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