Interdental Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi (IJKG) 2024-12-30T04:17:06+08:00 drg. Ilma Yudistian, Sp.KG. Open Journal Systems <p>Interdental Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi (IJKG) with registration number p-ISSN <a title="P-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>1979-9144</strong></a> and e-ISSN <a title="E-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2685-5208</strong></a> is a journal published by the Faculty of Dentistry UNMAS Denpasar as a forum for the publication of scientific articles in the form of research reports, case reports, and special articles from all dentistry disciplines and other related sciences. IJKG is published twice a year in the form of print and online journals. Articles published in IJKG are expected to contribute to the advancement and development of dentistry.</p> Comparison Between Conventional and Electrocautery Approach in The Treatment of Pericoronitis 2024-10-11T10:09:36+08:00 Feby Monika Sri Pramestri Lastianny Vincensia Maria Karina <p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Pericoronitis refers to an intraoral inflammation caused by an infection affecting the gum tissue surrounding a tooth that is either erupting or partially erupted. The gum tissue is known as operculum which entrapped food debris and hard to clean, causing inflammation. It frequently occurred in lower third molars although it can be happened with any erupting teeth. This case report was to discuss the comparison result of removing operculum between using conventional technique with scalpel and electrocautery.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Case: </em></strong><em>A 22-year-old female patient visiting RSGM Prof Soedomo, Yogyakarta with a chief complaint of pain in the lower left and right back tooth for the past five months, interfering with her meals and causing discomfort. Extraoral examination showed no abnormalities and intraoral examination showed operculum covering the distal occlusal of tooth 38 and 48.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Case Treatment:</em></strong><em> Operculectomy was performed at region 38 using scalpel and blade while at region 48 using electrocautery to eliminate pericoronitis.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Discussion:</em></strong><em> The bleeding while excision in operculectomy with scalpel and blade was quite excessive and need an effort to control. In the other hand, bleeding was mild in operculectomy with electrocautery. There was no swelling in electrocautery surgery while mild swelling was found in conventional approach</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>Therefore, the treatment results demonstrate that both technique showing good healing and removing any discomfort but electrocautery approach was painless compared with scalpel and blade approach. Operators should have to know the associated risk and management of post operative complications.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Feby Monika, Sri Pramestri Lastianny, Vincensia Maria Karina The Corticosteroids Intralesional Injections as a Treatment of Oral Lichen Planus: Systematic Literature Review 2024-10-09T13:19:20+08:00 I Nyoman Gede Juwita Putra <p><strong><em>Introduction. </em></strong><em>Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is a chronic immunological disorder that is inflammatory in form. Unlike skin lesions, oral lesions are more resistant to local and systemic therapy. The aim of this literature review is to explain alternative therapies in OLP cases using intralesional injection techniques. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Literature Review. </em></strong><em>In general, OLP lesions in the oral cavity have no symptoms, but the atrophic-erosive form has mild symptoms such as discomfort and soreness. OLP therapy can generally be carried out with systemic or local therapy, however, OLP therapy is a long-term therapy that can be a challenge of the treatment, particularly in complex medical patients. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Discussion. </em></strong><em>The use of corticosteroids in oral diseases is generally as anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and immunosuppressive. Various methods, such as topical and systemic corticosteroids, griseofulvin, topical retinoids, hyaluronic acid, tetracycline, and topical cyclosporine, have been used to reduce morbidity. From several previous studies, Triamcinolone acetonide injection is a corticosteroid commonly used in OLP therapy in varying doses. In general, Triamcinolone acetonide injection is given in a dose of 20mg/ml or 40mg/ml. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion. </em></strong><em>Injectable corticosteroids, especially Triamcinolone acetonide, are an effective therapy as an OLP treatment that can minimize the side effects of long-term corticosteroid therapy.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Nyoman Gede Juwita Putra Dental Health Education for Managing Poor Oral Hygiene in Middle-Aged Female Patient 2024-12-22T15:15:17+08:00 Yudha Rahina Ni Putu Dila Wahyuni Ni Kadek Ari Astuti Ketut Virtika Ayu Dewa Made Wedagama Pudak Elang <p><strong>Background:</strong> Oral health has not received sufficient attention from society. Oral hygiene is often neglected, and proper toothbrushing has not yet become a habit. This case study aimed to provide dental health education to middle-aged patients to improve their oral health status.</p> <p><strong>Case:</strong> A 57-year-old female patient complains of painful mouth sores on the lower lips, easily bleeding gums, and unpleasant breath. The patient had poor oral hygiene.</p> <p><strong>Case Treatment:</strong> The recurrent minor aphthous stomatitis, can be treated with Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%. The condition of easily bleeding gums and bad breath are managed by performing scaling and root planning on the patient. However, this patient needs to be educated to maintain her oral health.</p> <p><strong>Discussion:</strong> Providing dental health education is a crucial aspect to offer patients, alongside addressing their dental concerns. Dental health education was delivered using direct persuasive communication techniques on days 1, 7, and 14, coinciding with treatment and follow-up appointments.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The chief complaint of the patient and several other complaints have been addressed successfully. Dental health education for middle-aged patients has proven effective in addressing poor oral hygiene conditions.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yudha Rahina, Ni Putu Dila Wahyuni, Ni Kadek Ari Astuti, Ketut Virtika Ayu, Dewa Made Wedagama; Pudak Elang The Association of Neonatal Stunting Undernutrition With Early Childhood Dental Caries 2024-12-12T11:57:14+08:00 Dewa Made Wedagama I Gusti Ayu Ari Agung Ilma Yudistian Ni Putu Idaryati I Gusti Agung Ayu Hartini Ni Putu Widani Astuti Dewi Farida Nurlitasari <p><strong><em>Introduction:</em></strong><em> Early childhood dental caries (ECDC) is a major public health problem affecting up to 90% of children worldwide and is related to diet and nutrition. Early childhood undernutrition, including fetal stunting, and stunting, is a global problem. Undernutrition in neonatal stunting could be the cause associated with ECDC. This scoping-review aims to understand the linkage mechanism behind neonatal stunting undernutrition to ECDC. This concept is expected to generate further research to help prevent both growth, stunting undernutrition and ECDC. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Review: </em></strong><em>This study uses the PRISMA method, with the steps: (1) Question framework (literature study); (2) Search for articles in databases (on PubMed, ProQuest, Google Scholar), and journal data bases with articles published from 2017 to 2024; (3) Selection of relevant research; (4) Data extraction; (5) Synthesis with narrative method. The study obtained 5 articles to be reviewed, proving that pregnant women who experience chronic undernutrition (mainly deficiency of protein, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, minerals Fe, Ca, P and Zn), will contribute to giving birth to undernutrition stunting neonatal, with severe ECDC in 1 article; 1 articles analyzing the strong relationship between chronic neonatal stunting undernutrition with enamel hypoplasia, low quality and rate of saliva, an important cause of ECDC; and 3 article analyzing the neonatal stunting undernutrition is associated with severe ECDC. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>Chronic undernutrition</em> <em>in pregnant women and subsequent neonatal stunting significantly contribute to the risk of severe ECDC.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewa Made Wedagama, I Gusti Ayu Ari Agung, Ilma Yudistian, Ni Putu Idaryati, I Gusti Agung Ayu Hartini, Ni Putu Widani Astuti, Dewi Farida Nurlitasari Risk Factors for Dental and Oral Disease Abnormalities in Productive Age in Indonesia 2024-12-28T00:37:13+08:00 I Gusti Ayu Ratih Pramesti Anton Rahardjo Iwany Amalliah Badruddin <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Oral diseases are among the most common diseases globally and have a serious health and economic burden, greatly reducing the quality of life for those affected. The most common oral diseases and considered a global public health priority are dental caries (tooth decay), periodontal disease, tooth loss, lip and oral cancer.</p> <p><strong>Review:</strong> The method used in writing this article is Literature review, which is a literature search both internationally and nationally conducted using the Pubmed, Science Direct, and Proquest databases. In the initial stage, the search for journal articles was obtained from January 2013 to November 2023. The method used in writing this article is Literature review, which is a search for both international and national literature conducted using the Pubmed, Science Direct, and Proquest databases. In the initial stage of the search, journal articles were obtained from January 2013 to November 2023. A total of 1806 studies were potentially eligible and identified, finally, 10 studies were included for quality assessment 5-10 PRISMA flow chart of the literature selection process. After duplicates were removed and relevant studies were selected based on title and abstract, 43 full-text articles were retrieved and evaluated for eligibility. Of these, 24 articles were excluded based on the exclusion criteria, the remaining 10 studies investigated the relationship between dental health status and risk factors. The country of this study was Indonesia. The study subjects varied, with the age of the sample ranging from 10 years to 65 years.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Most oral health conditions are largely preventable and treatable at an early stage. Oral diseases are caused by various modifiable risk factors common to many non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It is important to understand the etiological factors and pathogenesis of each dental health status to recognize and understand the associated risk factors. Periodontal disease, dental caries, dental erosion, fluorosis and oral cancer have multifactorial risk factors, effective disease management requires a clear understanding of all associated risk factors, almost all risk factors are significant to dental health status.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Gusti Ayu Ratih Pramesti, Anton Rahardjo, Iwany Amalliah Badruddin The Impact of Health Promotion on Knowledge of Dental Caries Prevention in Elementary School Children 2024-12-28T02:00:54+08:00 Ade Melia Rositian Syamsulhuda Budi Musthofa Nurjazuli <p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Dental caries in children aged 5-9 years has</em> <em>54%</em><em> and 41.4% at </em><em>age of 10-14 year</em><em>s </em><em>in Indonesia. This is due to children's low awareness of dental and oral health. This research will discuss the impact of health promotion on knowledge of dental caries prevention in elementary schools. </em><strong><em>Review:</em></strong> <em>The method </em><em>of</em><em> this research is a systematic literature review using PRISM</em><em>A</em><em> diagram with a total of 16 </em><em>article</em><em>. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>The results</em><em> of data extraction</em><em> in the 16 </em><em>article known that there was a knowledge improvement </em><em>through the pre-test and post-test process. This increase has an effect on children's insight into caries, so that it can increase children's willingness to brush their teeth regularly, reduce consumption of cariogenic foods and check with the dentist.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ade Melia Rositian, Syamsulhuda Budi Musthofa, Nurjazuli Biological Mechanism of Orthodontic Movement in The Treatment of Skeletal Class II Malocclusion Using Twin Block 2024-10-11T11:33:32+08:00 Hilda Fitria Lubis Erik Idrus Dewi Fatma Suniarti Sastradipura Retno Widayati Miesje Karmiati Purwanegara <p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Patients of growing age with dentoskeletal class II malocclusion are often found in the clinic, to avoid further severity it is recommended to use functional appliance in cases involving skeletal. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Review: </em></strong><em>Functional appliances have been widely used since activators were introduced by Andersen, but the use of activators has many disadvantages such as the shape that blends between the maxilla and mandible making it difficult for patients to open their mouths, speak and eat, then the large shape makes patients uncomfortable and causes facial changes. Clark developed the twin block to answer the previous shortcomings, which is a simple and separate design between the mandible and maxilla causing patients to be more comfortable in speaking and eating so that it is comfortable to use for a long time. Twin block is a functional appliance used to reposition the mandible forward in cases of class II malocclusion with retrognathic mandible. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> This paper describes the design and use of twin block and its effectiveness in skeletal correction. In addition, its use was found to improve facial shape, reduce overjet and overbite, corrected molar relationships and alleviated patient complaints.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hilda Fitria Lubis, Erik Idrus, Dewi Fatma Suniarti Sastradipura, Retno Widayati, Miesje Karmiati Purwanegara The Influence of Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin on Osteogenesis as a Material for Periodontal Regenerative Treatment 2024-08-24T13:39:33+08:00 Marapandi Cakra Kwartarini Murdiastuti Sri Pramestry Lastianny <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><em>: Periodontal regenerative treatment involves various aspects of achieving healing of soft and hard tissues, thus requiring materials with good regenerative stimulation capabilities. </em><em>Injectable</em> - <em>Platelet Rich Fibrin</em> or I-PRF <em>is one of the most commonly used materials in regenerative periodontal and has a high success rate in bone regeneration as well as soft tissue in periodontal surgeries. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the influence of I-PRF on osteogenesis as a material for periodontal regenerative treatment. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Literature Review:</em></strong><em> I-PRF has a good ability in achieving regeneration of both soft and hard periodontal tissue. The advantages of I-PRF over conventional PRF are higher levels of leukocytes and easier application. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> I-PRF is ideal for achieving osteogenesis and periodontal tissue regeneration in regenerative periodontal care.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marapandi Cakra, Kwartarini Murdiastuti, Sri Pramestry Lastianny Periosteum-Derived Micrograft in Sinus Floor Augmentation: A Literature Review 2024-12-28T11:24:08+08:00 Esti Cahyani Adiati Dimas Ilham Hutomo Sri Lelyati C. Masulili <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong><em> Vertical deficiency due to maxillary sinus pneumatization in the posterior maxilla is a challenge for clinicians in dental implant placement. Sinus floor augmentation is a treatment procedure to overcome the vertical deficiency problem. Various regenerative materials have been used and developed for sinus floor augmentation, one of them is periosteum-derived micrograft (PDM) which derived from autogenous periosteum. Periosteum has pluripotent cells and a good proliferation rate that is useful for bone regeneration and potential for sinus floor augmentation. This literature review was conducted with the aim of investigating the use of PDM in sinus floor augmentation. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Review.</em></strong><em> Sinus floor augmentation aims to achieve adequate bone height in the posterior maxilla by raising the sinus membrane and placing regenerative material before dental implant placement. Periosteal-derived micrograft is periosteal tissue which cut into smaller pieces and processed for use with scaffolds to heal bone defects. Micrograft have been shown to induce scaffold revascularization, express Wingless/Integrated (WNT-16) and periostin (POSTN), mesenchymal stem cell marker, pro-angiogenic factor and β-catenin gene involved in osteogenic differentiation, osteoblast maturation, and overall bone regeneration. PDM has the advantage of producing faster bone regeneration and shows good clinical results in sinus floor augmentation. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion.</em></strong><em> Periosteum-derived micrograft has a good potential so it can be applied in sinus floor augmentation.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Esti Cahyani Adiati, Dimas Ilham Hutomo, Sri Lelyati C. Masulili The Effect of 15% Moringa Leaf Extract Gel on Gingival Wound Healing of Post-Curettage Wistar Rats With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Condition 2024-12-24T11:22:09+08:00 Eka Pramudita Ramadhany Valeo Adika Laksana Ni Luh Desy Ayu Susilahati Muhammad Rafif Musyaffa Ni Wayan Ari Wulansari Ni Putu Natasya Pretty Shinta Mahadewi I Dewa Agung Ayu Indraswari Pramesti <p><strong><em>Introduction:</em></strong><em> Diabetes mellitus is one of the biggest global health emergencies in the 21st century and &gt;90% of cases are type 2. Diabetes mellitus and periodontitis are related diseases. Patients with diabetes mellitus who exhibit early signs of periodontitis in their gingival tissue may benefit from periodontal interventions such as curettage and adjunctive therapeutic. Numerous studies show the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Moringa oleifera leaves decrease the levels of AGEs in individuals with hyperglycemia and promote unimpeded wound healing. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of 15% Moringa leaf extract gel on the healing of post-curettage Wistar rat gingival wounds with type 2 diabetes mellitus. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Material and</em></strong><em> <strong>Method:</strong> Wistar rats were separated into two groups namely, CMC-Na and 15% gel Moringa leaf extract. Gracey curette is used on the rats periodontal pockets. Mice were euthanized and histological observations were carried out in three fields of view using image raster software with 100x magnification. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Results and Discussion:</em></strong><em> The treatment group exhibited a higher mean level of gingival wound healing (Re-epithelialization and fibroblast cell) compared to the CMC-Na group. Mann-Whitney U test indicated significant disparity (p&lt;0.05) between the two groups. The impact of flavonoids, saponins, and tannins found in Moringa leaf extract increase higher average off re-epithelialization and fibroblast cell. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> Moringa leaf extract gel 15% have effect of increasing gingival wound healing in wistar rats with Diabetes mellitus type 2 after curettage.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Pramudita Ramadhany, Valeo Adika Laksana, Ni Luh Desy Ayu Susilahati, Muhammad Rafif Musyaffa, Ni Wayan Ari Wulansari, Ni Putu Natasya Pretty Shinta Mahadewi, I Dewa Agung Ayu Indraswari Pramesti Effectiveness of Milk as A Desensitizing Agent in Dentin Hypersensitivity After Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment 2024-12-27T10:50:06+08:00 Kristina Silaban Martina Amalia Rini Octavia Nasution <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is the most common clinical problem after nonsurgical periodontal treatment. It is characterized by sharp pain or discomfort arising in response to thermal, chemical, or osmotic stimuli due to exposure to dentin after enamel or cementum on the root surface that is lost in periodontal treatment. This can complicate the patient's plaque control and lead to failure of periodontal treatment. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of milk as a desensitizing agent for DH treatment after nonsurgical periodontal treatment.</p> <p><strong>Literature Review:</strong> DH is the movement of fluid within the dentinal tubules stimulating A-delta fibers resulting in localized sharp pain based on Brannstrom's Hydrodynamic Theory. Milk contains casein phosphoprotein (CPP) where the phosphosaryl sequence attaches to the amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) of teeth and forms CPP-ACP bonds so as to prevent the loss of calcium and phosphate ions and re-form apatite crystals which is a mechanism of dental desensitization. The results of Sabir and Alam's research found that gargling with milk can provide calcium and phosphate bioavailability which can help remineralize open dentin tubules so as to reduce DH. After nonsurgical periodontal treatment, milk can be used as a desensitizing agent and gargling with milk for several days effectively reduces DH quickly. </p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The use of milk as a desensitizing agent can result in a significant decrease in DH after nonsurgical periodontal treatment. Milk is also easy to come by, cheap, works fast, and can be used at home for DH issues.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kristina Silaban, Martina Amalia, Rini Octavia Nasution Testing The Use of A Dental Light Prototype With A Focus on The Performance And Comfort of Doctors And Patients 2024-12-27T10:38:11+08:00 I Gusti Ayu Fienna Novianthi Sidiartha Putu Mariati Kaman Dewi I Gusti Made Ngurah Desnanjaya <p><strong>Pendahuluan : </strong>Lampu gigi berfungsi sebagai alat penerangan esensial yang membantu dokter gigi melihat detail rongga mulut pasien dengan jelas, terutama dalam kondisi pencahayaan yang kurang memadai, sehingga meningkatkan ketepatan diagnosis dan efektivitas perawatan serta mengurangi risiko kesalahan.</p> <p><strong>Bahan dan Metode : </strong>Untuk mengevaluasi kinerja dan kenyamanan prototipe lampu gigi, digunakan kuesioner tertutup yang mencakup aspek intensitas, distribusi cahaya, dan ergonomi.</p> <p><strong>Hasil : </strong>Hasilnya menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan setelah penggunaan prototipe, dengan lebih dari 80% dokter gigi puas dengan intensitas cahaya dan 78% menilai distribusi cahaya merata. Kepuasan pasien juga meningkat, dengan 85% merasa nyaman dengan pencahayaan yang tidak menyilaukan.</p> <p><strong>Kesimpulan : </strong>Lampu gigi yang diuji menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam kinerja dan kenyamanan setelah digunakan, baik menurut penilaian dokter gigi maupun pasien.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Gusti Ayu Fienna Novianthi Sidiartha, Putu Mariati Kaman Dewi, I Gusti Made Ngurah Desnanjaya Differences in Tooth Brushing With Different Bristle Hardness in Ciburial 01 Elementary School Students, Bandung District 2024-12-27T22:03:21+08:00 Marlin Himawati Faiqa Aliifah Henri Hartman <p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Dental and oral health problems in 5-14 years old are tooth decay, cavities, gums that bleed easily when brushing teeth and swollen gums. One of the causes of dental and oral health problems is plaque. Plaque can be overcome by brushing teeth. The purpose of the study was to determine the difference in brushing teeth with different bristle hardness in students of the State Elementary School, (hereinafter abbreviated as SDN) Ciburial 01 village under the guidance of the Faculty of Dentistry, General Achmad Yani University.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Materials and Methods: </em></strong><em>The type of research used was a Quasi-Experimental. Data were analyzed descriptively using the cross-sectional study method with measurements before and after brushing teeth in students of SDN Ciburial 1. Students of SDN Ciburial 01 will be divided into two equal groups. The first group uses a soft-bristled toothbrush and the second group uses a medium-bristled toothbrush. Furthermore, the assessment was carried out using the Quigley Hein plaque index modified by Turesky Gilmore Glickman. The respondents studied were 100 students who were not included in the exclusion criteria.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results and Discussion: </em></strong><em>The results of the study showed that students of SDN Ciburial 01 who experienced a decrease in plaque index had a different picture in students who brushed their teeth using a medium-bristled toothbrush (96%) with students who used a soft-bristled toothbrush (78%).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>The conclusion of this study is that a medium-bristled toothbrush is considered better at cleaning teeth than a soft-bristled toothbrush.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marlin Himawati, Faiqa Aliifah, Henri Hartman Perceptual Differences Between Patients Who Received Orthodontic Treatment at Orthodontic Specialist, General Dentists, And Dental Technician In Denpasar 2024-12-24T10:35:54+08:00 Louise Cinthia Hutomo Mia Ayustina Teresa Justina <p><strong><em>Introduction:</em></strong> <em>The high prevalence of malocclusion in Indonesia, which is as much as 80% of the total population in Indonesia causes the level of Orthodontic treatment to increase. The need for orthodontic treatment in the community is inseparable from the perception of the community in choosing orthodontic treatment and operators. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in perceptions between patients who received orthodontic treatment at orthodontic specialist dentists, general dentists, and dental technician in Denpasar. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Method:</em></strong> <em>This study was an observational study with a cross sectional study design with a sample of 108 respondents who received orthodontic treatment at three different operators. Respondents were given a questionnaire with closed questions to determine differences in perceptions between respondents who received orthodontic treatment at all three operators. The data obtained were then analyzed by bivariate and univariate with cross sectional approach with chi square analysis. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Results</em></strong><strong><em> and Discussions</em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong> <em>As many as 77.8</em><em>% of respondents were female and male as many as 22.2%, dominated by respondents aged 21-25 years as many as 33.3% of respondents. Good perception of orthodontic treatment 85.2% and bad as much as 14.8%. With details as many as 36 respondents in orthodontic specialist dentists and general dentists produce good perceptions and 20 respondents in dental technician produce good perceptions, while 16 bad perceptions are found in dental technician. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong> <em>It was concluded that there were differences in perception between patients who received orthodontic treatment at specialist dentists, general dentists, and dentists in Denpasar.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Louise Cinthia Hutomo, Mia Ayustina, Teresa Justina Frequency Of Normal Variation Of Buccal And Labial Mucosa In Oral Disease Clinic Rsgm Andalas University 2024-07-24T12:18:57+08:00 Haria Ftri Gita Dwi JS Reno Wiska Wulandari Nila Kasuma <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><em>: Diseases or lesions of the oral mucosa are a significant aspect of oral diseases that greatly affect the patients experiencing them. Among all oral mucosal diseases, there are several conditions categorized as normal variations in the anatomical structure of the oral mucosa. Normal variations in the oral cavity are clinical presentations that are unusual. Non-pathogenic conditions, namely clinical variations in the form of uncommon organ structures with specific characteristics, fall into the category of normal and are not pathological conditions. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Material and Method</em></strong><em>: This study employed observational descriptive research to examine the presentation of normal variations in the oral mucosa of patients at the oral disease clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry, Andalas University. Univariate analysis was conducted in this research to observe the distribution of normal variations in the oral mucosa. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Results and Discussion</em></strong><em>: The number of samples in this study was 620 patient data, with the prevalence of normal variations in the oral mucosa found to include cheek biting, fordyce granule, linea alba, leukoderma, and irritation fibroma. The highest prevalence was cheek biting at 52.6%, while the lowest was irritation fibroma at 1.8%. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusio</em></strong><em>n: Cheek biting is the most common normal variation in the oral mucosa observed at the oral disease clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry, Andalas University. </em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Haria Ftri, Gita Dwi JS, Reno Wiska Wulandari, Nila Kasuma Effectiveness Of Sodium Hypochlorite As A Desinfectant On Alginate Impression Materials 2024-04-02T14:36:55+08:00 Stephanie Naranathadewi Rima Parwati Sari Kristanti Parisihni Aprilia Moh. Basroni Rizal <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> Cross infection is a problem that has attracted attention in dentistry. One procedure that carries a risk of cross infection is impression taking. Impression is a major factor in the chain of spreading the infection because it will be contaminated with various oral microorganisms during the procedure. Impression material that is often used is alginate. Alginate has imbibition properties which increase the potential for contamination. Disinfection of alginate impression by spraying sodium hypochlorite can be a solution to prevent cross-infection effectively and efficiently. This article aims to determine the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite as a disinfectant in alginate impressions.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Review: </em></strong><em>Sodium hypochlorite will form hypochlorous acid and release active chlorine compounds. Active chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent that will inhibit bacterial enzymes and disrupt the function of cell metabolism which causes cells or bacteria to be eliminated.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> Sodium hypochlorite by spraying method has an effect on the amount of microorganism contamination of the oral cavity on the alginate impressions. Therefore sodium hypochlorite can be effectively used to disinfect the alginate impressions.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Stephanie Naranathadewi, Rima Parwati Sari, Kristanti Parisihni, Aprilia, Moh. Basroni Rizal Acute Toxicity and Allergy Test of Pegagan Leaf Extract (Centella asiatica) on Mice (Mus muscullus) 2024-12-17T14:12:49+08:00 Hendri Poernomo Mochammad Taha Ma'aruf Luh Gede Pradnyani <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is a type of plant that is often used as a traditional medicine that has the properties to accelerate wound healing, rheumatic inflammation, asthma, hemorrhoids, dysentery, fever, and as a blood enhancer. The use of plants as medicinal raw materials is increasing, so it is necessary to prove its safety by conducting acute toxicity tests and allergy tests.</p> <p><strong>Material and Method</strong>: in vivo laboratory experiment with quasi experimental method and post test-Only Control Group Design with histopathological observations on the liver of mice. Mice will be grouped into 5 groups and each group consists of 5 mice consisting of 1 control group and 4 treatment groups. The treatment group was given gotu kola leaf extract orally and observations were made for 14 days.</p> <p><strong>Result and Discussion</strong>: obtained the results of acute toxicity test research, obtained LD50 value is 12.5gr/kg BW (mild toxic), on microscopic observation in the control group there was no damage to the liver, while in the treatment group there were changes in the form of liver damage. For acute toxicity, the weight of mice after being given gotu kola leaf extract was tested using Shapiro Wilk and Kruskal Wallis tests. From the analysis results, there was no significant difference.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Gotu kola leaf extract does not cause toxic effects on mice mortality and also does not cause allergies in mice.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hendri Poernomo, Mochammad Taha Ma'aruf, Luh Gede Pradnyani Analysis Of 5R Implementation at Nala Husada Dental Hospital Surabaya 2024-08-24T14:18:30+08:00 Caecilia Indarti Endah Wahjuningsih Arya Brahmanta <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. The 5S culture (Sort, Set Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) is a culture adopted from Japan, a way of building and maintaining a clean, comfortable and set order environment. The implementation of the 5S culture at the Nala Husada Dental Hospital will have an impact on the process of improving safety and service quality which is an important component of service to patients. Initial survey results show that the 5S culture is not yet running, so it is a problem that needs to be solved.</p> <p><strong>Materials and Methods</strong>. This type of research is experimental research. The 5S socialization was carried out to those in charge of units, as respondents totaling 39 people. This research began with a pre-test, socialization and post-test were carried out to measure understanding of the 5S. The 5S audit assessment was carried out on 28 service units and 38 non-service units. The 5S audit assessment uses the 5S LAM KPRS indicators. The 5S assessment audit was carried out twice. The results of the first audit are conveyed to all work units as an evaluation for improvement. After that, a second audit was carried out to see the follow-up to the results of the first audit.</p> <p><strong>Results and Discussion</strong>. The results obtained were better understanding of knowledge and audit results after the 5S socialization. Pre-test score 59.17, post-test 80.51. The results of the first stage of the 5S audit total score for service units was 53.0%, non-service units 40.6%. The results of the second stage of the 5S audit showed an increase in the audit score. The total score of service units was 68% and non-service units 61.9%</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>. Understanding knowledge and 5S audit results shows an increase in 5S awareness. 5S audits must continue to be carried out consistently and continuously, and require commitment.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Caecilia Indarti, Endah Wahjuningsih, Arya Brahmanta Alternative Advancements: Hyaluronic Acid Vs. Connective Tissue Graft In Black Triangle Management 2024-12-28T11:17:38+08:00 Fathia Agzarine Deandra Robert Lessang Dimas Ilham Hutomo <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><em>: The growing demand for aesthetic dentistry has increased the need to address the issue of the black triangle. This condition refers to the loss of the interproximal area leaving the gap in the gingival embrasure which eventually compromises the appearance of gingival harmony. Various treatment options have been explored to overcome the black triangle, from surgical to non-surgical approaches. Objective for this study is to compare the effectiveness between Connective Tissue Graft (CTG) and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) in black triangle management. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Review:</em></strong><em> Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA)-adapted literature searches were conducted from four online databases (Pubmed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Embase) published in English from 2018 to 2023. A total of 1103 studies were retrieved, and following systematic review, 7 articles were selected as the inclusion criteria. Five studies employed HA as the therapeutic approach, while CTG was utilized in only two studies. Both treatments showed improvements in clinical parameters, such as increasing papila interdental height (PIH) and decreasing black triangle height (BTH). All the improvements are statistically significant.</em> <em>The recent trend in black triangle management suggests a shift towards the adoption of HA due to its minimally invasive procedures and high predictability results.</em><em> Three out of five studies included stated that HA injection decreases BTH to </em><em>1mm at 6-month follow-up.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> HA presents itself as a promising alternative to the CTG for filling the papila deficiency, though it does not apply to all cases. Long-term studies are needed to observe the general use of HA for black triangle treatment. </em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fathia Agzarine Deandra, Robert Lessang, Dimas Ilham Hutomo Maximum Labial Frenektomi Using The Two-Clamps Technique In Fixed Orthodontic Patients: A Case Report 2024-08-09T09:52:23+08:00 Yoseph Saferius Kanisius Ani Firman Salam Hasanuddin Thahir <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><em>: The frenulum is a fold of mucous membranes that attaches the lips to the alveolar mucosa, gingiva, and underlying periosteum. The high and large frenulum attachment between the maxillary incisors can cause aesthetic problems in orthodontic results. Therefore, surgical removal of the frenulum is necessary to prevent a recurrence, gingival recession, difficulty in oral hygiene, interference with labial movement, and esthetic or orthodontic requirements. </em></p> <p><strong><em>History and Clinical Findings</em></strong><em>: A 20-year-old woman with fixed orthodontic wear one month ago was referred from the orthodontics department because there was a high and large frenulum attachment between the maxillary incisors. Clinical examination obtained diastema on teeth 11, 12, 13 and 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33 and 41, 42, 43, with Angle Class I occlusion. There were no abnormalities in the oral mucosa and the patient had no history of systemic disease. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Case Management</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Management of frenectomy using clamps and a scalpel with the two clamps technique method. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Discussion</em></strong><em>: Frenectomy is the frenulum-cutting procedure with the aim of improving esthetics due to central diastema. A frenectomy is performed conventionally with a scalpel using a two-clamp technique to remove the muscle fibers that connect the orbicularis oris to the palatine papillae, with excision covering the interdental tissue, palatine papillae, and frenulum. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Concussion: </em></strong><em>Closure of the diastema between the maxillary incisors with a prominent frenulum is more predictable with frenectomy and concomitant orthodontic treatment than with frenectomy alone.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yoseph Saferius Kanisius Ani, Firman Salam, Hasanuddin Thahir Combination Therapy Of Frenectomy And Orthodontic Appliance For Midline Diastema Closure 2024-07-10T10:41:32+08:00 Ulfah Chaerani Saputri Ayu Rahayu Feblina Surijana Mappangara <p><em><strong>Introduction :</strong> Midline Diastema are a main aesthetic concern for patients, due to its location in anterior teeth and its visibility during smiling. One of the main causes for a midline diastema is an aberrant frenum position, causing the gap between the anterior teeth. In order to address the problem a frenectomy was performed, followed by the application of orthodontic appliances.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Case : </strong>Patient was referred from the Orthodontic Department of Hasanuddin Dental Hospital due to relapsing Midline Diastema. Patient complained of an non-aesthetic smile due to the gap in the anterior tooth. Class IV Frenal Attachment. Mucogingival Deformities and Conditions Arounds Teeth (Aberrant Frenum/Muscle Position).</em></p> <p><em><strong>Case Treatment : </strong>Patient showed full healing in 1 month and full diastema closure using Removable Orthodontic Appliances in 6 months.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Discussion : </strong>Frenectomy is done to remove the aberrant attachment and removing the frenal position that blocked in the midline area, thus removing the cause of diastema. Full closure is achieved through orthodontic appliance.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Conclusion : </strong>Combination of Frenectomy and Orthodontic Treatment shows a high effectivity in treating Midline Diastema.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfah Chaerani Saputri, Ayu Rahayu Feblina, Surijana Mappangara Endodontic Treatment Of A Tooth With Change Of Diagnosis From Pulp Necrosis To Irreversible Pulpitis 2024-12-28T01:16:02+08:00 Syifa Byandra Fajar Fatriadi <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><em>: Dental caries is the primary cause of pulp disease. As caries progresses, the pulp undergoes morphological and histological changes. To detect pulp conditions, pulp vitality tests can be performed to stimulate myelin nerve fibers in the pulp tissue. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Case</em></strong><em>: A 31-year-old female patient came to RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran with a complaint of a large cavity in the upper right front jaw tooth since a year ago. A few months later, she fell from a motorcycle which caused the cavity to become even larger. The patient had a history of spontaneous throbbing pain, but it is now completely gone.</em></p> <p><strong><em> Case Treatment</em></strong><em>: A root canal treatment was performed over six visits. The first visit involved initial examination and status recording. The second visit included caries removal, access opening, and pulp extirpation. The third visit encompassed re-walling, working length measurement, and root canal preparation. The fourth visit involved sterilization control and trial obturation. The fifth visit included obturation or filling of the root canal of tooth 11. The sixth visit consisted of obturation verification. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Discussion</em></strong><em>: Accurate pulp diagnosis based on neurovascular changes within the pulp is crucial for the success of endodontic treatment. Pulp vitality tests such as cold pulp test (CPT), hot pulp test (HPT), and electric pulp test (EPT) are common methods for assessing pulp condition.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion and Suggestions</em></strong><em>: To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of pulp vitality, it is necessary to use a combination of various vitality tests.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syifa Byandra, Fajar Fatriadi Management of Broken Endodontic Instruments in the Apical Third of Right Central Incisor Using the Braid Technique 2024-08-29T09:09:49+08:00 Putu Mariati Kaman Dewi <p><em><strong>Introduction: </strong>Complication that can happened during root canal preparation is separation of endodontic instruments during cleaning and shaping Separated instruments can influence the cleaning of the root canal and the obturation of the root canal system becomes incomplete. Therefore, broken instruments in the root canal should be removed so that root canal cleaning can be carried out optimally. Retrieval of broken instruments in the root canal must be attempted manually or by using special instruments. This article discusses the procedure for removing broken endodontic instruments in the apical third of a tooth using the braid technique.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Case report and management:</strong> a 34-year-old male patient came with complaints of a broken instrument during root canal treatment. Currently the patient's are not in pain. The therapy was carried out by taking a broken lentulo instrument using a braiding technique. After the broken instrument was removed, calcium hydroxide was applied to the root canal as intracanal medicament. A week later the root canal was obturated using the lateral condensation technique. The patient was then instructed to return to the general dentist who had previously treated him for restoration of the tooth that had undergone root canal treatment.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Conclusion :</strong> Fracture of instruments in the root canal is influenced by the operator's ability, the instrumentation process and the anatomy and morphology of the root canal. One simple technique that can be used by operators to increase the success of retrieving broken instruments is the Braiding technique so that hermetic obturation can be achieved</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Mariati Kaman Dewi Gingival Depigmentation With Scraping Technique And Frenectomy With Parallel Technique One Visit Veneer Prep Nursing 2024-12-24T11:35:46+08:00 Adiguna Putra Walianto Osa Amila Hafiyyah <p><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Smile design requires harmony between the teeth and the surrounding soft tissue. In the case of anterior veneer treatment preparation, in patient with midline diastema and hyperpigmentation of gingiva should be adequately assessed. One visit treatment for periodontal surgeries is more beneficial for the patients and operator. In this case report, we reported a single visit treatment of frenectomy and gingival depigmentation to achieve more aesthetically acceptable patient prior to veneer procedure. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Case: </em></strong><em>A 28-year-old female patient came to the Periodontics clinic on referral from the Prosthodontics clinic with chief complaint of gapped upper front teeth and brownish upper front tooth gums. Superior labial frenulum attachment was located on the interdental papilla which extended palatally, causing a central diastema and interfering with the veneer plan.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Case Treatment: </em></strong><em>Gingival depigmentation by scraping technique using scalpel no. 15C and frenectomy by parallel technique using scalpel no. 11 to make two parallel incisions on the lateral side of the frenulum in one visit.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Discussions: </em></strong><em>Periodontal surgery cases that can be performed simultaneously are those in the same region with the advantage that is effectiveness of time and trauma incurred as well as cost efficiency. Dark uneven gingiva can be treated with gingival depigmentation and frenectomy is a procedure that removes the frenulum completely including its attachment to the bone.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion and Suggestions: </em></strong><em>Gingival depigmentation with scraping technique and frenectomy with parallel technique provide good treatment results and can be performed together in a single visit to address patients' aesthetic demands regarding gingival pigmentation and support central diastema correction through veneer treatment in collaboration with prosthodontics.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adiguna Putra Walianto, Osa Amila Hafiyyah Socket Preservation After Tooth Extraction Maxillary Lateral Incisor: A Case Report 2024-12-22T16:09:53+08:00 Norman Hidajah R.A Eka Yunanthi Ketut Virtika Ayu Surwandi Walianto <p><em>as a result off a tooth loss. These change are usually significant and can make placement of a conventional denture or an implant more difficult. Socket preservation after tooth extraction can minimize ridge resorption. Socket preservation can be done by atraumatic tooth extraction, placement of bone graft material, membrane combination of bone graft and membrane, and connective tissue graft. </em></p> <p><strong><em>History and Clinical Findings</em></strong><em>: a 40 year old woman came to the clinic complaining of a fractured right upper front tooth 3 years ago due to an accident and wanted to make dentures. Intraoral examination did not reveal any remaining teeth in region 12. X-ray results revealed fractured root remnants in the socket. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Case Treatment</em></strong><em>: The extraction procedure was carried out using the close method, giving bone graft and suturing.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Conclusion</strong>: post extraction maintenance of the alveolar ridge minimizes residual ridge resorption and, thus, allows placement of a conventional denture or an implant that satisfies esthetic and functional criteria. </em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Norman Hidajah, R.A Eka Yunanthi, Ketut Virtika Ayu, Surwandi Walianto Content of Volume 20 Issue 3 December 2024 2024-12-30T04:09:52+08:00 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024