JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies2025-02-28T06:33:14+08:00I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri, S.S., Journal Systems<p>ELYSIAN JOURNAL is a journal with the scope of literary studies, linguistics and English translation published by the English Study Program, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University (FBA UNMAS Denpasar). This journal is published four times a year accommodating articles written by students of English Study Program, FBA UNMAS Denpasar and other researchers.<br>The articles can be a reference for young researchers, especially for those who is focused on English Language and Literature.</p> <p>ELYSIAN JOURNAL is published in February, May, August and November.</p> of Figurative Language Found in White Swan Selected Song Lyrics 2024-08-23T11:35:13+08:00I Kadek Bayu Parmawanparmawan123@gmail.comDesak Putu Eka<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study is aims to find out and analyze types of figurative language in White Swan selected song lyrics on album Behind The Door. The objective of this research ware to find out types of figurative language and analyze their meaning. There are two theories that used in this research. The first theory is proposed by Knickerbocker and Raninger (1963) to analyze the types of figurative language. The second theory is proposed by Leech (1981) to analyze of the meaning. This study used descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data source. For the result there were six types of figurative language that find in White Swan selected song lyrics, such as: 4 data of simile (16,67%), 5 data of metaphor (20,83%), 2 data of synecdoche (8,3%), 1 data of metonymy (4,16%), 6 data of personification (25%), and 6 data of hyperbole (25%). Based on the result the types of figurative language that dominantly used in White Swan selected song lyrics is personification and hyperbole.</p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Abstract</span></span></strong></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">This study aims to find and analyze the types of figurative language in the lyrics of selected songs from White Swan on the album Behind The Door. The object of this study is to find out the types of figurative language and analyze their meaning. There are two theories used in this study. The first theory was put forward by Knickerbocker and Raninger (1963) to analyze the types of figurative language. The second theory was put forward by Leech (1981) to analyze the meaning. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to analyze data sources. The results show that there are six types of figurative language found in the lyrics of the selected White Swan songs, namely: 4 simile data (16.67%), 5 metaphor data (20.83%), 2 synecdoche data (8.3%), 1 metonymy data (4.16%), 6 personification data (25%), and hyperbole as many as 6 data (25%). Based on the results of the study, the dominant types of figurative language used in the lyrics of the selected White Swan songs are personification and hyperbole.</span></span></p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Functions of Derivational Suffixes in BBC News: Earth Edition2024-08-25T13:47:34+08:00I Gede Angga Pratamaanggagede46@gmail.comNi Putu Cahyani Putri<p>This research focused on analyzing class-changing derivational suffixes found in the article of BBC News: Earth Edition. In this research, class-changing derivational suffixes from BBC News: Earth Edition stories were analyzed using a qualitative method. The note-taking method applied in collecting data for this research. The data collection involved reading five selected articles from the BBC News: Earth Edition website, noting relevant information, and classifying the functions of derivational suffixes. This study applied the theory proposed by McCarthy (2002) in analyzing the morphological function of derivational suffixes in each word. By highlights how different suffixes modify the root word and how these modifications fit into broader morphological patterns, it helps in identifying systematic relationships between suffixes and the meanings they produce. Formal and informal methods were applied in this study in presenting the data. This study identified four functions of class-changing derivational suffixes, namely adverb derived from adjective (32%), adjective derived from noun (11%), verb derived from noun (0%), noun derived from verb (57%). The findings indicated that nouns derived from verbs were more frequently found in the online news stories of BBC News: Earth Edition.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Analysis of Derivational Suffixes Found in CNN News: Entertainment Edition2024-08-25T21:58:16+08:00Dewa Ayu Giri Ulangiriulan4@gmail.comNi Putu Cahyani Putri<p>This research explores how derivational suffixes alter the meaning and grammatical category of words. The study analyzed derivational suffixes found in CNN News: Entertainment Edition, focusing on their types and functions. A descriptive qualitative method was employed, which involved reading the articles multiple times, selecting words with suffixes, and applying note-taking techniques to organize the data. Plag's (2002) theory was used to classify the derivational suffixes identified. CNN News was selected due to its up-to-date content and its status as a globally popular media outlet, widely read by diverse audiences. The analysis revealed a total of 233 derivational suffixes, categorized into four types: 4 instances of verb suffixes, 88 instances of adverb suffixes, 79 instances of nominal suffixes, and 62 instances of adjective suffixes. The results showed that adverb suffixes were the most prevalent in CNN News: Entertainment Edition. This finding suggested that adverbial modification played a significant role in the language of entertainment news. The study underscored the importance of understanding suffixes in analyzing contemporary media language.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies in Delivering Directive Illocutionary Act in Mission Impossible-Dead Reckoning Part 1 Movie2025-02-24T11:13:08+08:00Ida Bagus Suharta Adi WigunaSuhartaadiwiguna230102@gmail.comPutu Devi<p>The aim of this study is to identify and describe the types of directive illocutionary acts present in the movie Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 and the styles used to deliver these acts through the characters' utterances. Data were gathered by watching the movie multiple times, keeping track of any statements that seemed to imply directing acts, cross-referencing with the transcript, and categorizing the statements that contained directive illocutionary acts. This study found and identified three types of directives; commands, requests, and suggestions based on Kreidler (1998) theory. These types were further categorized into various styles, such as direct and indirect speech, and into sentence types (declarative, interrogative, and imperative) according to Yule's (1996) theory. The analysis was conducted using a qualitative method, with 40 instances of data collected. The most frequent type was command (26 data), followed by suggestion (8 data), and request (6 data). The most common style observed was direct imperative (24 data), followed by direct declarative (7 data), and indirect interrogative (3 data).</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Sign on Coldplay’s Song “Biutyful” (Semiotic Analysis) 2024-09-26T09:49:28+08:00Ni Ketut Novia Anggreninovia.anggreni01@gmail.comIda Ayu Mela<p><span class="s16">The purpose of this study is to </span><span class="s16">analyze</span><span class="s16"> and interpret the meanings or messages conveyed by the semiotic indicators present in three specific scenes from Coldplay's "Beautiful" music video. Data for this analysis was obtained from Coldplay’s official YouTube channel, ensuring authenticity and accuracy in the selection of the music video scenes. </span><span class="s16">These verbal signs </span><span class="s16">within the music video specifically numerals and taglines</span><span class="s16"> were evaluated using Roland Barthes' (1967) semiotic theory of denotative and connotative meanings. </span><span class="s16">The data of this </span><span class="s16">researchwere</span><span class="s16"> analysed by using descriptive qualitative method</span><span class="s16">. </span><span class="s16">This study focuses on the analysis of verbal signs, examining both their denotative and connotative meanings in the context of communication</span><span class="s16">. </span><span class="s16">The music video scenes contained three verbal signs. </span><span class="s16">Ultimately, the findings of this research will shed light on the various layers of meaning embedded in the verbal signs of the music video. This includes understanding how these signs, </span>when<span class="s16">interpreted beyond their literal sense, contribute to the overall narrative and thematic depth of the video.</span></p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Functions of the Main Character in Spiderman: No Way Home Movie Script 2023-10-28T00:15:38+08:00Robert Kristian Adinatakrisrobet@gmail.comI Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya<p>This study focuses on the language function used by the main character in the movie "Spiderman: No Way Home". The aim is to trace the use of language functions and describe the dominant types of language functions used in the film "Spiderman: No Way Home". The data is the dialogue of the main characters in the movie "Spiderman: No Way Home". This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research. The findings show that there are six types of language functions used by the main character in the movie "Spiderman: No Way Home". They are expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, phatic, and poetic. The most dominant type of language function is metalinguistics. This study aims to determine the grammar used in the film "Spiderman: No Way Home". This film is intended for all ages because it is a family film and it can be seen by children. The theory used is anchovy from Halliday (1978). The study found the context of the function of the message conveyed and the pronunciation of the main character in the movie "Spiderman: No Way Home". It can then be revealed how language works and how to pronounce it.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies of Verbal and Visual Signs in the Converse Shoes Printed Advertisement2024-11-08T19:14:17+08:00Putu Eka Yoga Aditya Pratamayogadityap04@gmail.comPutu Gede<p class="s16"> </p> <p class="s22"><span class="s21"><span class="bumpedFont15">Abstract</span></span></p> <p class="s24"><span class="s23"><span class="bumpedFont15">This study, entitled </span></span><span class="s23"><span class="bumpedFont15">"Analysis of Verbal and Visual Signs in Converse Shoe Advertisements,"</span></span><span class="s23"><span class="bumpedFont15"> aims to identify and analyze the verbal and visual signs in Converse advertisements. The data was sourced from three printed Converse shoes advertisement found on </span></span><span class="s23"><span class="bumpedFont15">Pinterest</span></span><span class="s23"><span class="bumpedFont15">. The analysis is based on Saussure's (1983) and Barthes's (1976) semiotic theories, alongside </span></span><span class="s23"><span class="bumpedFont15">Cerrato's</span></span><span class="s23"><span class="bumpedFont15"> (2012) theory on color analysis. The study employs a qualitative method, focusing on both image and text analysis. The analysis reveals three main findings: first, each advertisement contains verbal signs that can be analyzed for both denotative and connotative meanings; second, advertisements without verbal signs still convey important messages through visual signs, with images carrying different meanings in line with the context; third, color plays a significant role in reinforcing the messages conveyed through the visuals. The findings highlight that both verbal and visual elements work together to communicate the advertisement’s message effectively.</span></span></p> <p class="s25"> </p> <p class="s25"><span class="s26"><span class="bumpedFont15">Keywords: </span></span><span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">verbal, visual,</span></span> <span class="s27"><span class="bumpedFont15">sign, advertisement, Converse</span></span></p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Suffixes Function Analysis in BBC News: War in Gaza 2024-08-25T08:02:57+08:00Ni Luh Putu Laras Jayantilarasjayanti26@gmail.comI.G.B. Wahyu Nugraha<p>The aims of this research is focusing to identify of the function of the derivational suffixes <br />found in the BBC News: “War in Gaza”. Descriptive qualitative methods were used to identify <br />the explanation about the function of derivational suffixes that found. The theories from <br />Katamba (1994) and McCarthy (2002) were used to analyze the data. The news from BBC <br />News: “War in Gaza” were used. Based on the analysis, this study found 202 data of suffixes <br />that categorized as class changing and class maintaining. The suffixes that changing the word <br />class found in this study were found 120 (62%) data of noun derived from verb, 11 (6%) data <br />of adjective derived from verb, 20 (10%) data of adjective derived from noun, 9 (5%) data of <br />noun derived from adjective and 33 (17%) data of adverb derived from adjective. It was found <br />many nouns derived from verb suffix in the class changing because based on McCarthy, suffix -er is the most common way to form the noun. Meanwhile the suffix that maintaining the word <br />class, it was found 9 (4%) data. It was only from noun derived from noun because the suffixes <br />are commonly used in the news.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Maxims Found in "Good Doctor Season 1"2024-11-08T19:02:41+08:00Ni Putu Eka Kumala Niti Utamiamiiikkumala03@gmail.comNi Wayan<p>The study entitled: Flouting Maxims Found in “Good Doctor Season 1” which intends to identify and analyse the different kinds of flouting maxims and the reason in “Good Doctor Season 1” characters use. The data was found in the series entitled Good Doctor Season 1. In this data, the method that is used is observation and analysed in descriptive in qualitative method. This study analysed the flouting maxim in Good Doctor Season 1. This analysis supported by Grice (1975), categorizes the type of flouting maxims. Additionally, Leech (1983) provided theory to justify the rationale behind the characters' employment of the flouting maxims in “Good Doctor Season 1” movie. This study collects 42 pieces of data which flouting maxims; 5 of these were classify as flouting maxims in terms of quality, 8 as flouting maxims in terms of quantity, 22 as flouting maxims in terms of relevance, and 7 as flouting maxims in terms of manner. And this study collects 42 pieces of data on the reason of flouting maxims; 13 pieces of data as competitive, 10 pieces of data as convivial, 9 pieces of data as collaborative, and 10 pieces of data as conflictive. The conclusion of the study states that this movie uses the most relevant maxims and competitive reasoning from 42 data.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies Mixing Found in the Leonardo’s Podcast with Satria Mahatir 2024-12-27T18:34:48+08:00Made Goutamayasa Permatagoutamayasa7@gmail.comI Komang<p>Nowadays, the use of two or more languages social media is a common phenomenon. This study aims to find out the types of Code Mixing in The Leonardo’s Podcast with Satria Mahatir and to analyze the reason of the usage of code mixing on The Leonardo's Podcast with Satria Mahatir. The data source of this study is The Leonardo's podcast with Satria Mahatir. This research method includes descriptive qualitative by means of observation, watching, and writing the utterances with code mixing data. The theory used in analyzing the data is according to Muysken (2000). The results of the findings, found that the type of code mixing are insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. In the research carried out by the researcher, the number of code mixing found were 44 data which include insertion code mixing 40 data, alternation code mixing 3 data, and congruent lexicalization only 1 data. Insertion is used dominantly in the data source due to the lack of word equivalents and the influence of local prestige culture that can cause this to happen.</p> <p> </p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2025 ELYSIAN JOURNAL : English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies