Bakti Saraswati (JBS): Media Publikasi Penelitian dan Penerapan Ipteks2024-10-31T17:17:37+08:00Dr. Ni Putu Cempaka Dharmadewi Atmaja, SE., Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Bakti Saraswati with registration number <strong>ISSN : 2088-2149, e-ISSN: 2685-3302</strong> is a scientific journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Empowerment of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar and is a media for publishing research results, both pure and applied research and reviews of the application of science and technology for society, as well as critical science and technology ideas.</p> <p> </p> DALAM PENGEFISIENSI ENERGI MELALUI PERANCANGAN SMART BUFFER CONVEYOR (SBC) LINE SPS2024-10-31T11:50:19+08:00I Ketut Yogi Swarananda iketut.swarananda@danone.comI Gusti Putu<p><em>The rapid advancement of technology and information has driven various industries to implement automation systems to improve efficiency and monitor production output. One of the tools used in the production process is the conveyor, a machine in the form of a transport belt that moves products from one stage to another. However, during product overflow or downtime, the conveyor continues to operate, leading to energy waste. This study aims to develop an innovative system that can regulate conveyor movement based on demand, thereby optimizing energy consumption. The research results show that by adding sensors and controlling the system through a PLC, the conveyor's movement can be adjusted: when the product flow is full, the conveyor operates normally; when product flow decreases, the conveyor speed is reduced; and when production stops, the conveyor switches to standby mode. Using 10 conveyor motors can save 1.8 kW of energy, while using 5 conveyor motors can save up to 2.2 kW. </em><em>This system has been proven to enhance energy efficiency with an accuracy level of 81.80%.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 TEKNOLOGI FUSION FILLING BOTTLE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EFISIENSI SISTEM AIR CONVEYOR2024-10-31T11:59:56+08:00I Ketut Rai Wijaya iketut.wijaya@danone.comI Ketut<p><em>Technology continues to advance with various innovations aimed at simplifying human activities, especially in the industrial sector. To meet industrial demands, tools are needed that can control and operate machine processes automatically, thereby improving labor efficiency. This research focuses on the application of automatic bottle filling technology to enhance the efficiency of the air conveyor system. The research findings reveal that the filling machine for SPS products consists of two rooms and two machines, requiring a long and branching air conveyor to transport empty bottles from the blowing machine to the two filling rooms. This system requires 13 blowers with a capacity of 2.2 kW to ensure the supply of empty bottles. This innovation enables automatic liquid filling into bottles using a microcontroller as the main control system. The automatic filling process showed an average difference in liquid volume between two bottles of 1.3 ml, with a filling speed of two 100 ml bottles in 6.9 seconds. The success rate reached 100%, with an average production rate of 10 bottles per minute and a filling system time of 13 seconds across 100 trials. This indicates that the system can operate in real-time, with data transmission being faster than the production process.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 PENGISIAN BOTOL DENGAN PROPORTIONAL WATER VALVE SYSTEM BERBASIS KENDALI OTOMATIS2024-10-31T16:24:36+08:00 I Putu Oka Sutrisna sutrisna@danone.comI Gusti Ngurah Adia<p><em>In both small and large-scale industries, automation plays a critical role in improving system efficiency and optimization. This is especially true in the bottled water industry, where the adoption of automation systems has become increasingly essential. Traditional systems that rely on manual controls, such as valve openings, machine timing, and gravity, are often inaccurate when filling bottles. This research focuses on optimizing the bottle-filling process using a proportional water valve system based on automatic control. The automation system consists of three main components: input, process, and output. The study's results indicate that this innovative system can accurately calculate the amount of water needed for bottle filling, significantly reducing wastage. Tests showed that the difference between theoretical values and actual measurements had a minimal error, with an average time of 6,5 seconds to fully fill a bottle. The system operates by adjusting the valve opening through a krone valve, controlled by flow rate sensors, ensuring a more accurate and efficient water filling process, particularly for PET bottle products.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 PENERAPAN WRAP AROUND SYSTEM TERHADAP PENGURANGAN BERAT KARTON BOX 2024-10-31T16:39:17+08:00I Putu Wiradi Pradipta putu.pradipta@danone.comI Nyoman<p><em>Packaging plays an important role as it serves as a container that protects products from damage, from the factory to the hands of consumers. Besides functioning as protection, packaging also acts as a communication medium between the product and the consumer by providing information about the product's features, types, and characteristics. In the industry, paper and cardboard packaging are commonly used due to their ability to protect products and their environmentally friendly properties, being biodegradable and recyclable. This research aims to analyze the impact of applying the wrap-around system in reducing the weight of cardboard boxes. The study shows that manual packaging of PET products using conventional cardboard requires a standard cardboard weight of 373.32 grams to maintain the strength of the folds. To reduce product defects, the implementation of the wrap-around system is considered more efficient than conventional methods. In this method, the design of the cardboard box is changed from conventional folds to wrap-around folds, allowing the weight of the cardboard to be reduced without compromising the quality of the folds. The average weight of cardboard in the wrap-around system is 356.95 grams, contributing to the reduction of Non-B3 waste by reducing the weight of the cardboard boxes.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 SISTEM INTERLOCK ONLINE MONITORING PADA OZONATOR DALAM UPAYA PENGENDALIAN EMISI2024-10-31T16:43:24+08:00Made Dwi Elistina kadek.elistina@danone.comWayan<p><em>The use of ozone has been widely applied across various sectors, proving its benefits, including as a disinfectant in drinking water treatment. Unlike chlorine, ozone does not produce harmful by-products like carcinogenic trihalomethanes. Ozone technology is also environmentally friendly and regarded as a future green chemical. This study aims to implement an interlock system in the online monitoring of an ozonator to control emissions. Results show that installing an online monitoring tool in the final product tank allows continuous ozone concentration tracking in water. The system includes an interlock feature that automatically halts water treatment and production if ozone levels exceed the standard limits. The monitoring device comprises ozone sensors, a prominent instrument panel, and connects to a PLC to control the interlock system. With this system, manual checks using a colorimeter are reduced to once per shift, cutting LB3 waste by 0.017 tons per semester.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 KUALITAS PRODUK, KUALITAS PELAYANAN DAN PERSONAL SELLING TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA CV PELANGI REX’S BAKERY2024-10-31T17:01:04+08:00Putu Ardelia Febrianaardeliafebrianaputu@gmail.comNi Putu Cempaka Dharmadewi<p><em>The increasingly high development of business growth in the business world makes competition between business actors increasingly tight and unavoidable. This makes producers think more critically, creatively and innovatively about the changes that occur. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of product quality, service quality and personal sales on purchasing decisions at CV Pelangi Rex's Bakery. This research uses multiple linear analysis methods using SPSS 26. The sampling method used is the probability sampling method with a simple random sampling approach. The population in this research was 100 respondents who were consumers of CV Pelangi Rex's Bakery. The results of the analysis show that product quality and personal selling variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that the better the product quality and personal selling provided, the greater the consumer's desire to make a purchase. Meanwhile, the service quality variable has no effect on purchasing decisions. This means that the quality of service provided has not been able to meet or even exceed consumer expectations when making purchasing decisions.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROMOSI, LOKASI DAN CITRA MEREK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN MENGINAP PADA KAMPUNG GAJAH MAS VILA BATURITI2024-10-31T17:05:35+08:00Ni Made Apta Nariswariaptanarisa28@gmail.comDaniel<p><em>The purchase decision or stay decision is a series of performance in the form of a process of selecting alternatives that involves efforts to determine the choice of product or service to be purchased. Factors that can influence the decision to stay are promotions, location and brand image. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of promotion, location and brand image on the decision to stay at Kampung Gajah Mas Vila. The population in this study were all customers who came and stayed at Kampung Gajah Mas Baturiti Tabanan, Bali. The number of samples used in this research was 90 consumers as respondents. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale with a score of 1 to 5. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that promotion has a positive and significant effect on the decision to stay at Kampung Gajah Mas Vila Baturiti. Location has a positive and significant influence on the decision to stay at Kampung Gajah Mas Vila Baturiti. Brand image has a positive and significant influence on the decision to stay at Kampung Gajah Mas Vila Baturiti.</em></p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 KOMPENSASI TERHADAP TURNOVER INTENTION KARYAWAN DENGAN KEPUASAN KERJA SEBAGAI VARIABEL MEDIASI PADA PT. VEGAS VIVA VENTURY DENPASAR2024-10-31T17:09:48+08:00Ni Putu Devi Ariananda Putri Made Dwi Puspitawati Luh Gede Putu Purnawati<p><em>Human resources in this case are employees who are social creatures who are the main assets in a company that must be paid attention to, because human resources are the main players in a company. The aim of this research is to determine the effect that job satisfaction can mediate on compensation's influence on turnover at PT. Vegas Viva Ventury. This research was conducted at PT. Vegas Viva Ventury. PT. Vegas Viva Ventury Bali which is located at Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 211 Sumerta Klod, East Denpasar District. The objects of this research are Compensation, Employee Turnover Intention and Job Satisfaction. Population of PT employees. Vegas Viva Venture as many as 67 people. In this research sample, the population and saturation taken were all employees of PT. Vegas Viva Ventury as many as 67 people. In this research, the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach was used. The research results show that compensation has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a negative effect on turnover intention. Compensation has a negative effect on turnover intention. Compensation has an effect on turnover intention after being mediated by job satisfaction.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024