AGRIFARM (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) 2024-07-29T20:05:15+08:00 Luh Putu Kirana Pratiwi, S.P., M.Agb. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>AGRIFARM : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian </strong>merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Progran Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar secara reguler setiap enam bulan sekali (Juni dan Desember) yang bertujuan mewadahi hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh <strong>mahasiswa</strong> <strong>Prodi Agribisnis </strong>baik dari dalam Perguruan Tinggi sendiri maupun Perguruan Tinggi lainnya. Topik keilmuan yang melingkupi Agrifarm adalah bidang sosial ekonomi dan agribisnis berbasis Tri Hita Karana secara luas. Semua makalah yang diterbitkan <strong>secara online</strong> oleh <strong>Agrifarm</strong> terbuka untuk pembaca dan siapapun dapat mendownload atau membaca jurnal tanpa berlangganan maupun membayar</p> EFISIENSI USAHA AYAM RAS PETELUR DI DESA TAMAN KECAMATAN ABIANSEMAL KABUPATEN BADUNG 2024-07-11T11:01:31+08:00 Phaulinus Wera Vera Cening Kardi Fajar Kartika Lestari <p><em>Laying hens are chickens raised specifically for their eggs. Indonesian native chickens generally come from wild jungle fowl and ducks, which are caught and reared for their eggs. The livestock sector has a very important role in meeting the needs of animal protein. The research objectives were: to analyze the production function of laying hens in Taman Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency and to analyze the allocative efficiency of the use of production factors in laying hens business in Taman Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency. The research was conducted through a survey of 18 breeders. The results of this study indicate that: Production factors that have no significant effect: the general population, gold coin 105 c feed, letoenic strain vaccines and vitralit vaccines. While those that have a real effect: gold coin 104 c feed, egg stimulant vaccines and labor.Efficiency in the use of production factors in laying hens business in Taman village, namely: factors of production that are not yet efficient: feed 1 (gold coin 104 c), vaccine 1 (letonic strain), vaccine 2 (egg stimulant) and labour. vaccine 3 (vitralit) has been efficient. While the production factors are not efficient: the number of chickens and feed 2 (gold coin 105 c).</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 AGRIFARM (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) PERSEPSI KONSUMEN TERHADAP HARGA DAN KUALITAS PANGAN DI PASAR RAKYAT GIANYAR 2024-07-11T11:40:32+08:00 Ni Gst Ag. Gde Eka Martiningsih Ida Ayu Made Dwi Susanti Vandrianus Fernandes <p><em>Perception in a general sense is a person's view of something that will make a response to how and with what a person will act. A person's perception of food is what thoughts underlie a person to be used later in choosing and using or consuming what type of food the consumer wants. The purpose of this study was to determine consumer perceptions of food prices at the Gianyar People's Market and to determine consumer perceptions of food quality at the Gianyar People's Market. This research was conducted at the Gianyar People's Market, Gianyar Kelurahan, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency. The time for carrying out this research activity is to be carried out from April to May 2024. Determination of the sample in this study using the incidental sampling method with the number of respondents. Consumer perceptions were analyzed using a likert scale apporach with three categories. The result showend that consumer perceptions of food prices in the gianyar people’s market werein the good category. Consumer perceptions of food quality were in the good category. Categorize it very well. It is recommended that the seller mintains the quality of the food at competitive prices</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 AGRIFARM (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) KELAYAKAN BISNIS PUPUK ORGANIK PADA CV DHARMA PERTIWI, KELURAHAN LUKLUK, KABUPATEN BADUNG 2024-07-11T12:45:49+08:00 Muhammad Hanzah Firdausi Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari Ni Putu Anglila Amaral <ol> <li><em> Dharma Pertiwi is a company that operates in the field of making organic fertilizer, making fertilizer, getting capital from bank loans and getting support for raw materials from several Gapoktan in Bali. This research aims to calculate business income and analyze business efficiency. The data collection method used in this research is observation, interviews, questionnaires, literature study and documentation during research at CV. Dharma Pertiwi, Lukluk Village, Badung. The respondents in this research are the owners of the CV company. Dharma Pertiwi with the data used, namely data on production income and fertilizer production. The results of this research show that there are large profits in the production of organic fertilizer at CV. Dharma Pertiwi where higher profits are obtained from total production costs in the 2021-2022 period. Meanwhile, the resulting efficiency level is 1.1 in the 2021-2022 period, where the efficiency value is more than 1 and is said to be quite efficient in the organic fertilizer production process at CV. Dharma Pertiwi, Lukluk Village, Badung. In the production process there are also obstacles faced, such as: Insufficient marketing to increase consumers and strategies in developing the company, distribution permits that have not been made to market the product because making the letter requires large costs to meet the criteria for making a distribution permit, such as feasibility tests, fertilizer resistance tests, and other feasibility tests, promotions have not been maximized only around the production site, because the distribution permit has not yet been issued.</em></li> </ol> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 AGRIFARM (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) KEUNGGULAN KOMPETITIF KOPI ARABIKA TERINDIKASI GEOGRAFIS CV BALI BEANS, DESA BELOK SIDAN, KABUPATEN BADUNG 2024-07-11T14:47:26+08:00 I Komang Putra Handika I Made Tamba Luh Putu Kirana Pratiwi <p>Arabica coffee (coffea arabica) is one of these commodities, among others, as a source for plantations which has an important role in earning foreign exchange, providing employment opportunities, in the Indonesian economy. Role and as a source of income for coffee planters and other economic actors involved in cultivation, processing, marketing, as well as in the upstream and downstream chains. The development of smallholder coffee plantation areas in Indonesia is currently quite rapid, so it needs to be supported by the readiness of processing facilities and methods that are suitable for farmers' conditions so that they are able to produce coffee beans of the quality required by the Indonesian National Standards. The existence of a definite quality guarantee, followed by availability in sufficient quantities and timely and sustainable supply are some of the prerequisites needed so that people's coffee beans can be marketed at a reasonable price level. To fulfill the prerequisites above, people's coffee processing must be carried out at the right time, in the right way and in the right quantity. Harvested coffee fruit, like other agricultural products, needs to be immediately processed into a stable final product so that it is safe to store for a certain period of time. The quality criteria for clean beans as well as aspects of uniformity and consistency are determined by the treatment at each stage of the production process.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 AGRIFARM (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) ANALISIS KOMPARASI USAHA TANI PADI ORGANIK DAN PADI KONVENSIONAL DI DESA SIDAN KABUPATEN GIANYAR 2024-07-11T15:41:34+08:00 Stefanus Jemeon Ketut Arnawa Cening Kardi <p><em>Organic production systems generally have lower yields than conventional systems, but the profitability of organic farming systems is higher than that of conventional farming systems due to the high selling price of organic products. This study aims to analyze the profitability of organic rice farming in Sidan Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency, to analyze the profitability of conventional rice farming in Sidan Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency and the advantages of organic rice and conventional rice in Sidan Village, Gianyar District, District Gianyar. This research was conducted in Sidan Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency and was conducted for 3 months starting from March - May 2024. The sample used was 60 people. Data analysis used in this research is quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis is used to analyze revenue, costs, and profits of farming, analysis of farm income, and analysis of efficiency of farming costs. The results showed that the profit of organic rice farming in Sidan Village, Gianyar District was IDR 6,108,191.19/ 24.24 acres. The profit of conventional rice farming in Sidan Village, Gianyar District is IDR 4,881,264.71/ 22.41 are. Comparison (Comparative) of the Profits of Organic Rice and Conventional Rice obtained a significant profit value with Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 &lt;0.05, it can be interpreted that there is a significant difference in the profits of organic rice farming and conventional rice farming.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 AGRIFARM (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) ANALISIS EFISIENSI BISNIS PRODUK BUAH NANAS BEKU PADA BALI FOOD INDUSTRI 2024-07-11T16:02:29+08:00 Antonius E. O Domaking I Made Budiasa Nyoman Yudiarini <p><em>Bali Food Industry is a company engaged in agriculture where this company is integrated with farmers to meet fruit supply throughout the season. This company sells several processed fruit products such as frozen pineapple, frozen melon, frozen dragon, frozen red guava, frozen soursop, frozen corn, frozen strawberry and others. Pineapple is a fruit with high market demand, both for direct consumption and for processing into food products. This study aims to analyze the profitability of the frozen pineapple business in the Bali Food Industry and to analyze the efficiency of the frozen pineapple business in the Bali Food Industry. The location in this study is the Bali Food Industry which is located on Jalan Siulan Gang Sekar Sari III, Block C6, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali. This research was conducted from April 2023 to June 2023. The sample in this study was determined using the Purposive method with a total of 5 respondents, consisting of: Directors, Treasurers, Secretaries, employees in the production division, and employees in the marketing section. The results showed that the profit from the frozen pineapple fruit business in the Bali Food Industry was IDR 7,707,333.33. Analysis of the efficiency of the frozen pineapple business in the Bali Food Industry shows an R/C Ratio value of 1.57, meaning that each expenditure costs Rp. 1.00, then the frozen pineapple entrepreneur will receive Rp. 1.57. From this research, frozen pineapple business is profitable and efficient.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 AGRIFARM (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian)