The 9th International Conference Rural Research & Planning Group <p>The 9th International Conference Rural Research &amp; Planning Group (IC-RRPG) "Asian Rural Sustainable Development: Promoting Spiritual, Culture Values and Local Practices" is organized by Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Bali Indonesia on July 6-8, 2018 with ISBN: <strong>978-602-5872-10-5</strong>.&nbsp;This Proceeding consists of 44 papers within 15 Sub themes and contibute to the Development of Rural Region in all around Asia.</p> en-US (Dr. I Ketut Widnyana, M.Si.) (Ida Bagus Ari Arjaya, S.Pd., M.Pd.) Fri, 22 Feb 2019 10:05:32 +0800 OJS 60 Models of Warmed Sedimentation Method Based on Community Bali Island <p>Community-based sedimentation prevention is aimed at maintaining the balance of Lake Batur, Beratan Lake, Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. Sedimentation triggered by the pattern of management of agricultural lands less attention to aspects of soil and water conservation. The purpose of this research is; (1) to obtain a community-based sedimentation prevention model, (2) Mapping Land management on the edge of the lake, (3) erosion control strategy at the edge of the lake. This research was field experiment and surpei, sampling was done by purposive sampling at Batur Lake 20 samples, Beratan Lake 16 samples, Lake Buyan 16 samples and Danau Tamblingan 12 Sampel. The socio-economic support data of the community was determined by 180 respondents in cluster sampling. Interviews and questionnaires are closed questions on a conventional scale. The characteristics of the lake were analyzed descriptive statistics using the SPSS tool. Land mapping is done by GPS method with GIS device. Predict erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) Model, for sedimentation using the Stanford Sediment model. The analysis of the rate due to erosion, done by non linear regression analysis. The analysis shows that the settlement has an average of 115,85%, plantation 245,50% and sedimentation level 1,017,93 m3 / year. Sedimentation was tested on both sides with a 95% confidence level on the modeled sediment data. The conclusions and outcomes of this study are community-based models that collaborate with elephant grass and vetiveria.</p> I Made Nada, Ida Bagus Suryatmaja, I Gusti Ngurah Alit Wiswasta Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 VILLAGE FUNDING POLICY FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND THEIR PROBLEMS <p>The Village Act In Indonesia has placed the village as the spearhead of development and the improvement of people's welfare. Villages are given sufficient authority and resources to manage their potential to improve the economy and welfare of the people. So it is necessary to continuously improve the policies, both the comprehensive policies and regulations, the pattern of accountability, and the institution of Trustees and supervisors in the use of the village funds.</p> I Kt. Sukawati Lanang P. Perbawa Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Smart Village Development <p>Innovation, creativity and productivity in rural areas are generally limits by human resources, funding and technology. High poverty in rural areas in Indonesia reach 13.47% ( This condition caused difficulties to the community's development, especially an improvement of their economy and welfare.<br>One of the efforts that can be done to overcome these problems is through the development of Smart Village. Smart Village is an ecosystem consisted of various elements to improve the community's quality of life and the village environment involving various stakeholders such as the government, private companies, academics and the village community's elements.<br>This research aims to review the concept of Smart Village development and practices in Indonesia by using one case study from the development concept to the implementation. In details, the study seeks to:<br>i. review the theory and concept of Smart Village development,<br>ii. identify components or elements of Smart Village,<br>iii. review the Smart Village development practices, and<br>iv. formulate the strategic recommendation of Smart Village development.<br>A case study data was obtained from Lingsar Village, West Lombok Regency, Indonesia. The analysis will be done with descriptive analysis approach.<br>Finally, the paper covers a case study of small village and information to support the practice of smart village implementation. The initiative will be useful as a reference for rural development science.</p> Ernady Syaodih Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Does ICT facilitate or impede rural youth migration in Indonesia? <p>It is common for rural Indonesian youths to migrate to cities or foreign countries to obtain jobs or educational opportunities. Losing these young villagers leads to decreases in vital rural development. Indonesia contains the largest population of Internet users even though the rate of Internet penetration is below Southeast Asian averages. Recent academic studies have revealed that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) impacts youth migration intentions. However, this discussion can be divided into two categories, as follows: 1) ICT facilitates emigration by providing increased opportunities for users to obtain information about the living conditions in target locations or by facilitating communication with people in their distant home villages. 2) ICT impedes emigration by enabling more active communication and providing increased opportunities for users to obtain information about available jobs within the village. However, there is insufficient evidence from Southeast Asian countries to support either position. This study therefore conducted a questionnaire survey in the village of Tumpukrenteng in Malang Regency, Indonesia to analyze the interrelationship between ICT use and migration intentions. A total of 60 people emigrated from Tumpukrenteng in 2015. However, 61 people immigrated into the village during the same period. After obtaining data from 142 youths under 25 years of age, we found that approximately 25% of respondents had migration intentions. There was no clear difference between the migration intentions of those who were Internet users and those who were not. However, a logistic regression analysis revealed that the migration intentions of Internet users were influenced by age, experience, Internet use frequency, degree of happiness, and frequency of communication.</p> Kenichiro Onitsuka, AR Rohman Taufiq Hidayat Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PROSPECT AND SUSTAINABILITY OF SORGHUM PRODUCTION IN RAJI VILLAGE DEMAK REGENCY CENTRAL JAVA INDONESIA <p>Sorghum is an important source for food, feed and energy (bio ethanol). In the semiarid tropics, it is consume for a large segment of the human population. However, in Indonesia, sorghum has so far been regarded as a minor crop and its research and development remain insignificant. The study examined prospect and sustainability of sorghum production, through 1) identify the social-economic characteristics of farmer, 2) analyze economy feasibility and, 3) identify conditions and problems of sorghum production. Primary data were used for this study. They were obtained through interview schedule. A total of 62 households engaged in sorghum production were investigated. Data collated were analyzed using suitable statistical tools such as descriptive statistics and budgetary analysis. Result showed that social and economic condition in the development of sorghum have good future because most farmers in the productive stage, although the average education level was low but farming experience was quite good. From the economic side, sorghum was quite viable. The condition of the average farmer's land is limited (&lt;1 ha) and most of farmers were rental status and a lot of the number of dependents, there are some factors that made farmers very selective in choosing a commodity to be cultivated. Decreasing of sorghum production in Demak due to competition with other food commodities that more profitable, more over the existing government policies not support the development of sorghum.</p> Wiwin Widiastuti, Alfina Handayani, Sujarwanto Dwiatmiko Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SAK ETAP ON SMEs IN GIANYAR REGENCY <p>SAK ETAP is an accounting standard for entities without public accountability like SMEs or entities without significant public accountability, where financial statement is not made for public. SAK ETAP is expected to help SMEs to develop their bussiness. But the needs of SAK ETAP is still low, and still considered as a difficulf rule for SMEs, because there is still a lot business owner hasn’t get enough information about SAK ETAP. This research is intended to find the effect of socialization, level of education, firm size, and bussiness age to SAK ETAP implementation in SMEs. Research population are SMEs that located and listed in Gianyar Departement of Industry and Commerce with total sampel 87 SMEs. Sampling method using purposive sampling and using Slovin Formula to generate minimun sampling number. Research data was tested using logistic regression. This result shows that socialization and education level has a positive effect to SAK ETAP implementation, meanwhile firm size and bussiness age has no effect to SAK ETAP Implementation.</p> Ni Luh Gde Novitasari, Putu Kepramareni, I Putu Andika Pratama Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 GROWTH RATE AND SURVIVAL CULTIVATION OF TILAPIA FLOATING NET CAGES SYSTEM WITH PROBIOTIC GIVING <p>To be able to respond to the dynamics of stakeholder demand preferences, the tilapia business enlarger should always innovate. This research has special purpose, that is (1) Analyzing cost and return of experiment of intensification of tilapia enlargement of floating net cage system with and without probiotics, (2) To analyze growth rate and survival rate cultivation of tilapia floating net cage system with and without probiotics.<br>This research is a collaborative research survey and experiment. The survey was conducted on 50 indigenous tilapia business actors, as a source of data for analysis of return cost ratio. Experimental research was conducted to determine the effect of probiotic dose on feed to the growth rate and survival of tilapia. Sampling using quota random sampling method, with the number of respondents 50 people. The effect of probiotic dose on feed on the growth rate and survival of tilapia was analyzed using variance analysis. Cost and return of experiment intensification of tilapia enlargement of floating net cage system with and without probiotics was analyzed by return cost ratio (RCR) analysis.<br>The results showed that the maintenance of tilapia fish floating net cage system with the provision of probiotics has a RCR coefficient greater than without the provision of probiotics. Provision of probiotics significantly affect the rate of growth and survival of tilapia.</p> I Made Diarta, Ni Komang Merawati, I Putu Sujana Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 SUSTAINABILITY OF SORGHUM AS ALTERNATIVE FOOD IN RAJI VILLAGE DEMAK REGENCY, CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE, INDONESIA <p>Rice is an important source of carbohidrat in Indonesia, meanwhile rice demand still be a challenge. Because of that we try to explore another local source of carbohidrat, sorghum as alternative food. However, in Indonesia, sorghum has so far been regarded as a minor crop and its research and development remain insignificant. The the study aimed to explore the sustainability of sorghum as alternatif food. As alternative food sorghum has good future and sustain in economic, environment and social side. In economic side, sorghum is quite feasible, eventhough, there are no price certainty or guarantee from government, so that a lot of sorghum farmers switch to cultivate other profitable commodities. In enviroment side, sorghum is adaptable in drought condition and pest attact. In social side, cultivated sorghum is a culture. Farmer has strongly support sorghum as alternative food, base on it’s benefit and function. Meanwhile farmer has high level of obstacle in processing procedure, unavailability of processing equipment and people more easily access other sources of carbohydrate.</p> Alfina Handayani, WIwin Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Strategy for Agrimart Development of Bali’s Superior Agricultural Products <p>In anticipating and handling the free market especially with regard to imported agricultural products, it was necessary to increase the competitiveness of local agricultural products of Bali through Agrimart development of Bali’s agricultural product. Every product should be marketed in Agrimart was a superior product under the guidance of product development by various parties in Bali. The objectives of this study was as follows. To identify the priority of local superior agricultural products for Agrimart, along with the maping to center location and potential of production in Bali. To identify the factors of strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats and so to articulate the strategy for Agrimart development. The data were obtained through survey in several production centers and the market of superior products in Bali, and survey to secondary data from related documents. The strategy was as follows. Increasing the quantity and quality of Bali’s superior agricultural products through using partnership pattern, implementing biosecurity management, optimizing and dissemination of environmentally friendly cultivation technology, as well as involvement and incorporating of supporting agribusiness institutions. Prevention the altering function of agricultural land through formal and informal policy, as well as improvement of the farmer’s agribusiness behavior. Increasing market share and connectivity of producers to potential market. To improve product quality and product standardization to augment the competitiveness of local products to imported products. To develop local component to substitute the import of several production inputs for the cultivation of agricultural superior products. To enhance the role of traders in promotion of local product. To maintain price stability at the consumer level. With regards to Agrimart's product distribution through retail business, in developing outlets of Agrimart, it required observing and optimizing: consumer loyalty, loyalty program, outlet location, human resource management, distribution and information systems, and (6) unique product specifications.</p> Cening Kardi, Luh Putu Kirana Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 ACCOUNTING IN REALITY (AIR) AS A DETERRENT OF ACCOUNTING PRACTICES COMMONNESS <p>Understanding accounting is not enough just to learn in class and practice case, it is necessary for students to know the process of accounting directly. This research focuses on the implementation of Accounting in Reality method in accounting comprehension. Departing from the interpretive paradigm, researchers try to explain and understand the phenomena that occur in the application of Accounting in Reality (AIR). Through interviews and direct observation of researchers, obtained the result that using the Accounting in Reality learning model in the preparatory stage of mature students in designing the object to be observed. In the implementation stage, students find many reality in accounting practice that they can make comparison with what has been obtained in the class and when presenting the observation result, students become confident because they master what they convey, where so far if the presentation only by using the source student reading books tend to read rather than explain. Therefore, Accounting in Reality can be interpreted as 1) the strengthening of soft skill, especially enhancing confidence through theoretical understanding and practice, in addition to improving the ability to communicate verbally; 2) as a way of looking at accounting from a different point of view, ie observing the process in real terms; and 3) accounting in reality as a method to test students' skills before they are ready to be deployed and blend in the community.</p> Ida Ayu Budhananda Munidewi Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Learning Animal Behaviour through Nyatua: Revealing the Values of Satua Bali <p>One form of cultural heritage is satua bali. Animal behaviour can be learnt through satua bali. The purpose of this study is to identify the animal behaviour being describes on the animal-themed satua and to know the moral values in it. This research is a qualitative research. The subjects of the study were 30 students of biology education study programme. The data were taken by conducting observation, documentation and questionnaire, obtained by using three instrument types, namely; storytelling rubric, animal behaviour type observation guidance, moral values questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman version which included data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The validity checked by using triangulation techniques and deepening study of the material. The results showed that, satua entitled siap selem is the most widely contained animal behaviour than other six satua chosen by the students, that is about 26%. While the other satua only ranged in percentage 12,85% - 16,42%. 31,82% of the total 22 types of animal behaviour, having frequency above 50% to be appeared, ie; innate (69,44%), habituation (52,78%), innovation (88,98%), shelter-seeking (52,78% ), digestive (83,33%), social (77,78%) and resting (52,78%). The moral values of the six satua are varied, including the values of tolerance, self-discipline, work ethic and learning, responsibility, self-control, positive thinking, love and affection, mutual cooperation, solidarity, mutual respect and honesty. Every satua has the same main meaning: good will always win against evil, therefore satua is significance for the moral formation.</p> Gusti Ayu Dewi Setiawati, Ida Bagus Ari Arjaya Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 ENHANCING COLLABORATION IN RURAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES TOWARD MITIGATION OF HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICT <p>Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is recognized as one of the most critical threats facing rural communities globally. In Japan, for mitigating conflict with wildlife, mainly wild deer, boar, and monkeys, community-based collaborative activity is indispensable. The government provides various support projects for enhancing these activities. This study showed the contents and status of administrative support projects implemented in Koka city, a reason that is advanced in wildlife management. Using national census data and the data collected by a questionnaire survey in 2015, the statistical relationship between implementation and HWC status and geographical, agricultural, and social characteristics of rural communities. In study area, 71 communities (75.5%) experienced implementation by June 2015. These implemented projects can be classified into three tangible projects, financial support for set up and maintenance of fences and buffer zones, and four intangible projects, the lectures or training from acquisition of knowledge to building consensus and decision making among community members. The result of logistic regression analysis showed that forest edge distance most affects implementation of tangible and intangible projects. In addition, communities with a high rate of self-consuming farmers and large areas of cultivated land were likely to implement tangible projects. Comparing HWC status among implementation and non-implementation communities, significant differences were found in the number of hunters and severity of conflict with wild boar. In particular, communities that implement intangible projects were likely to suffer serious damage with wild monkeys. This study discussed the implications for enhancing community-based collaborative activities and creating a more favorable co-existence between humans and wildlife.</p> Akiko Higashiguchi Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Learning from Nature: Subak Legacy of Culture in Entertainment Education <p>Subak as a world cultural heritage is an invaluable treasure for Indonesia, especially the area of Bali. Althogh Subak has entered the cultural heritage, but does not make the Subak becomes famous in the younger generation. Therefore, the introduction of Subak especially on students is very necessary to do. The purpose of this study is to analyze the learning content that can be done in the subak area as well as to introduce and use subak as an innovative learning media by collaborating with modern technology. The method used is literature research method that examines the final study of students of Biology Education Program FKIP Unmas Denpasar. The sample in this research is the result of the end of student study which is cognate with the utilization of subak as learning media from 2013 until 2016. Result of research indicate that subak has been exploited by student of teacher candidate in contextual learning by approaching student to subak cultural heritage with fun way that is by collaborating subak cultural heritages with modern technology in the form of cameras that can be used to produce creative work in the form of video learning, photovoice and learning modules which can then be used to hone the ability of critical thinking, creativity, social competence, interest in learning, and interest in preserving subak. The conclusion of this research is that subak area can be used as contextual learning media, able to bring the subak closer to the younger generation through education.</p> Ni Wayan Ekayanti, Dewa Ayu Puspawati, Putu Eka Pasmidi Ariati Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 LAND USE AND SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE BOUNDARY’S DISTRICT/CITY <p>RTRW is one of the policies that must be developed and implemented by the local government. Un-conformity often occurs between the spatial planning (RTRW) of a territory and the adjacent territory on the same land use. It shows the direction of regional planning. Bogor Depok Tangerang and Bekasi (Bodetabek) area is a hinterland of Jakarta that has a varying dynamics of regional development. This research will identify the phenomenon of land use and spatial plan on the boundary of Bodetabek region. The data used are spatial planning maps and land use maps from the National Land Agency (BPN). This BPN map is use to see land use in more detail. The analysis used in this study are GIS analysis and tabulation. Based on the analysis result, the boundary area in Bodetabek has some land use, including mixed garden, settlement, moor, rice field, industry, and so on. As many as 20 similar land use are identified in two adjacent districts. Most of the same land use on the border between Bogor and Bekasi districs. As much as 31% of planned RTRW on the same land use is conform between the two adjacent districts and 5% is un-conform area. Furthermore, the pattern of relationship between land use and RTRW can be known (exploitative or conservative planning). In addition, standardization of nomenclature used in the RTRW document should be done.</p> Setyardi Pratika Mulya, Ernan Rustiadi, Andrea Emma Pravitasari Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Non-Formal Education Model Agribusiness Skills-Based in The Community Learning Activities Center to Improve The Quality of Non-Formal Education <p>Pasirwangi subdistrict is an agricultural area with the majority of the population generally as low-educated farmer. Moreover, most of them live below the poverty line. The dimension of dominant problems in Pasirwangi is poverty regarding economic issues, education and health. One of the attempts to deal with the poverty circle is by a means of giving Non-Formal Education (NFE) which is suitable for the condition of the community. The management of NFE itself is implemented by The Community Learning Activities Center (TCLAC). It is established and run by community leaders who are concerned about the condition of the surroundings. TCLAC management and lessons learned generally do not refer to predetermined quality standards. The lesson learned is to prepare an equivalency test only. During this time, no skills are given to learners. This makes NFE worse. Thus, based on these conditions, NFE agribusiness skill-based model is one of the alternatives to improve the quality of education and productivity of the farmers' families. The purpose of this research is to solve the problem of quality improvement on NFE as well as to improve people's welfare. The research results can be utilized for the benefit of the community and NFE institutions, such as TCLAC. This type of research is applied research using qualitative approach method with descriptive analysis. This model is in the field of social engineering through multi-stakeholder partnerships. This is done to continually improve the quality of NFE based on partnership principles, TCLAC empowerment, and active participation of stakeholders.</p> Okke Rosmaladewi, Rubi Robana Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Adoption of Integrated Agricultural Systems Technology in an Effort to Maximize Profits and Utilities <p>Technological changes in agriculture and information flow of increasingly advanced and growing farming system requires agricultural actors to be better understood with the current technological sophistication. Technological advances are expected to assist farmers in staggering the results of their farming. Integrated agricultural systems are developed to increase production per hectare of land. Based on the background, it is necessary to conduct research on the adoption of integrated agricultural system technology in Tabanan. The purpose of this research is to know the response of farmers to adoption of integrated agricultural system technology in Tabanan, and factors influencing the process related to transfer adoption technology integrated agriculture system in Tabanan.The research was conducted in Selemadeg Timur of Tabanan Regency, with the consideration that there are three groups of farmers implementing integrated Agriculture System built by the Provincial Office of Agriculture of Bali-based and producing their own bio pesticide from livestock waste.<br>Research shows that the farmer's response to adoption of integrated agricultural system technology in Tabanan is very fast, this is indicated by the time required by farmers to adopt the technology within 5 years. Factors affecting the process associated with the adoption of agricultural technology transfer system integrated in Tabanan is education, frequency follow the broadcast</p> Ni Putu Sukanteri, Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 DEVELOP BUILDING SYSTEM ARRANGE THE MANAGEMENT OF TOURIST DESTINATION BASE ON THE CUSTOM COUNTRYSIDE (COASTAL TOURIST DESTINATION CASE OF PANDAWA COUNTRYSIDE KUTUH, SUBDISTRICT OF KUTA SOUTH) <p>Development ot Tourist Destination newly become the alternative which important progressively and insit on to give the new atmosphere with the fress and warm image and also avoid impression monoton. To realize the mentioned, hence research of system of management of tourist destination very urgen done owning special target of research, that is : (1) System analysis of environmental utilitas facility of Coastal Tourist Destination Pandawa Beach, (2) System analysis and pranata of management of Coastal tourist Destination management of Pandawa Beach, (3) Analysing storey level of tourist satisfaction to coastal touris destination of Pandawa Beach, (4) Analysing tourist expectation to Coastal tourist destination Pandawa Beach. This research is designed to develop build with the descriptive qualitatif approach. Population in this research is management of Pandawa Beach, domestic tourist and tourist of foreign countries paying a visit to Coastal touris destination of Pandawa Beach which its amount is boundless. Sample in this research is Coastal tourist destination management of Pandawa Beach, domestic tourist and foreign countries paying a visit to tourist destination Pandawa Beach of May until June 2018. Data colected in this research cover the data qualitatif and quantitatif. Data collecting done with the questionnaire allotedto Coastal tourist destination organizar of Pandawa Beach and tourist which is paying a visit to pay a visit to Coastal tourist destination of Pandawa Beach. Analyse the data use the descriptive analysis. Coastal tourist destination área of Pandawa Beach managed by BUMDA Kutuh, Badung dimiciling as Holding Company for all unit of effort custom society owned and managed by countryside Kutuh, Badung. Coastal destination management of of Pandawa Beach executed by Unit of effort Coastal Fascination of Pandawa Beach. All unit manager of effort this come from local sociaty of Countryside of Custom Kutuh, Badung.</p> Anak Agung Putu Agung, Made Tamba, Ida Bagus Brata Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 VILLAGE AUTHORITY AND LOCAL INNOVATION TO ACCELERATE RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA: REVIEW OF INDONESIAN ACT NUMBER 6/2014 AND LAW OF GOVERNMENT NUMBER 38/2017 <p>Village is relatively small entity occupied by homogeneous people and tied by local norms and custom as well. In Indonesia, village has autonomus authority to manage and to govern daily activities since Government of Indonesia issued Indonesian Act Number 6/2014 about Village. The law mentions that village can get, search, and spend its village budget to accelerate village development. In practice, use of village budget is questionable due to complex issues in field. One of important things in allocating village budget is aimed to accelerate village development. Therefore, innovation is substantial to develop village sustainably, it comprises a newness of product or process or organization or marketing. Therein, village budget is important to develop fresh ideas to innovation in one or more of innovation types mentioned above. Whereas, innovation is an invention and its commersialisation to market, by which it is promoted by social-economic interest. In Indonesia, local innovation is promoted by Law of Government Number 38/2017 about Local Innovation where village is part of local government. This study is a descriptive-qualitative research method using secondary data. The analysis is content analysis technique with focusing on substance of local innovation and village budget of both laws. Due to this study is literature and act review only, analysis is developed through innovation policy framework. And the significant result is that both laws are appropriate to accelerate village development in Indonesia based on innovation, eventhough capacity of human resource and administrative management at village government level are necessarily considered.</p> Retno Kusumastuti, Anugerah Yuka Asmara Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 E-MARKETING STRATEGY ON THE DECISION TO PURCHASE PRODUCTS RIP CURL SURF SCHOOL OF BALI <p>The Internet is very helpful in interacting, communicating, and even conveying information that wants to convey to people from all over the world cheaply, quickly and easily. E-Marketing is the use of communication networks and computers to conduct business processes. The popular view of E-Commerce is the use of the internet and a computer with a web browser to buy and sell products. This is what causes the importance of using E-Marketing to increase sales through consumer purchases. This study aims to analyze the influence of E-Marketing strategy on the decision to purchase Rip Curl School of Surf products in Bali in 2017, viewed from the aspect of confidence (trust), Ease (ease of use), quality of information (information quality), and price (price). The research data was obtained from the method of presenting the data from the respondents to the questionnaire amounted to 84 people. Statistical analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis using SPSS 16.00 for windows.The findings of this study show that trust, ease of use, information quality, and price variables simultaneously have significant effect on purchasing decision of Rip Curl School of Surf Bali product in 2017.</p> Cikha Ayu Lestari, Ni Wayan Eka Mitariani, I Gusti Ayu Imbayani, Dewa Made Adnyana Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Identifying Local Spatially Dependent Driving Factors of Village Development in Jambi Province <p>Village is the smallest unit of administrative boundaries in Indonesia. There are more than 74,000 villages in our country with various characteristics. One way that can be used to determine the hierarchy of village development is by analyzing the village development index (VDI). The objectives of this study are to calculate VDI and to identify spatial variations in the relationship between VDI and its driving factors in every location. In this study, Jambi Province was selected as the research location. There are 1543 villages in Jambi. The VDI in this study were determined by considering the number of facilities/infrastructure and the accessibility to access those facilities. Villages with higher VDI are more developed rather than other villages. To identify the driving factors of village development, 62 variables from PODES and spatial data were included in the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model. Based on OLS results, we found 17 variables which statistically significant affecting village development in Jambi. Then, Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model was employed to identify the spatial relationship of driving factors to village development. The seventeen variables included number of education, health, and economic facilities; accessibility; percentage of built-up area, household working in agricultural sector, household using electricity, household living in slum area, poor people; number of criminality and people suffering from malnutrition. Studies of the interdependencies between these driving forces which affecting village development in the region remain limited. The presented findings show that the local driving forces affecting village development in Jambi Province vary spatially.</p> Andrea Emma Pravitasari, Ernan Rustiadi, Jane Singer, Juniadi Juniadi, Setyardi P. Mulya, Lutfia N. Fuadina Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Participatory Mapping Solution for Village Potential and Boundary <p>A common problem in every village in Indonesia is that identification of borders between villages cannot be spatially depicted, one of the methods used to accelerate village boundary settlement is to use participatory mapping methods. Participatory mapping is a map-making process that attempts to make visible the association between land and local communities by using the commonly understood and recognized language of cartography. Participatory mapping is the bottom-up approach that’s allows the all the villagers can draw the maps of their village In this study, application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) allow to identify the boundaries of Campakamulya village, a comprehensive mapping of 329 Ha of village was conducted. In this case, community local knowledge of the village boundaries is very less, only a few elders of the villagers knew the boundaries of the village. With the maps of village boundaries that gather by participatory mapping method, knowledge of the boundaries of these village can be well documented. Participatory mapping method in determining the boundary of this village can correct the existing village boundary data in the&nbsp;government. This Participatory mapping activity can shorten the time for border survey activities and village potential.</p> Irland Fardani Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 INNOVATIVE LEARNING PRACTICES TO EMPOWER RURAL COMMUNITIES: A CASE STUDY OF A BALINESE NON-FORMAL EDUCATION <p>Education is considered as an important tool for innovative development of rural areas. This paper aims to explore the practical usability of innovative learning models and their potentials to successfully channel the community development. A case study was employed to investigate the learning programs initiated to educate the rural community in Bali. The data for this case study was sourced from the results of in depth interviews and direct observations to various community education programs. The data was analyzed descriptively through content analysis to establish the basis for conceptualization of the innovative learning practices adopted by the Balinese community. This study found that a number of learning models deployed by the Balinese community to enhance their ability towards a new concept of sustainability. This study suggests that innovative learning helped to leverage the existing community knowledge to empower their ability to improve their life. This study is expected to delineate the basis of a framework for innovation in rural education and provide useful guidance for relevant researchers and practitioners, and could guide local community educators in Bali and other rural areas in Indonesia.</p> Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, I Nengah Astawa, Wayan Maba, Nengah Dwi Handayani Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Communicative English Language Test: A Prospective Measuring Device For Tourism Practitioners’ Employability <p>Communication skill is an important element of tourism industry. Understanding of performance expectations are keys to the achievement of tourist satisfaction. Good oral and written communication skills are top skills important to tourism practitioners. The role and outcomes of English language provision in tourism vocational schools remains central to any discussion on graduate profile and the employability of graduates in the global marketplace. This paper describes the findings of research into the usability of communicative English test to measure the tourism vocational school students in Bali. By employing a qualitative research approach, the data was gathered through in depth interviews and direct observation. Findings show that communicative English test is highly valued by the English teachers to assess the students’ English performance to ensure their employability in the tourism industry. Consequently, it is recommended that communicative English language test should be more intensively deployed in classroom to promote broader generic employability skills and competencies. The present paper also considers the implications for the English language tests for measuring tourism vocational school students’ real communicative competence for their readiness to face the challenge of their tourism duties.</p> I Nengah Astawa, Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 MICROFINANCE AS A TOOL FOR GENDER EQUITY IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF HARYANA <p>Women have been the most under-privileged and discriminated strata of Indian society including Haryana, one of the most developed States of India. To reduce if not remove discrimination, discontent and deprivation concerning women, microfinance programs have been promoted as an important strategy for their empowerment ever since Professor Mohammad Yunus of Bangladesh began experimenting with microcredit and women Self Help Groups. In the present study which has been conducted in four districts of Haryana State, 272 women members of the Self Help Groups have been interviewed with the help of a comprehensive schedule. The empowerment of women which has resulted in gender equity in rural development has been judged by analyzing the responses of the women beneficiaries in the study. We have observed that microfinance has resulted in empowerment, gender equity and social justice. It has helped in reducing domestic violence and also helped in anti-alcoholism among the villagers but has not helped in remarriage of widows, preventing bigamy and early marriage of girls because of the patriarchal setup of society. To ensure inclusive growth, gender equity and women empowerment, we need to take remedial steps which will increase the efficiency and sufficiency of micro financing for self-employment. There is a strong case for monitoring and evaluation with good governance (SMART and SIMPLE administration) for achieving better results in making microfinance under SHGs a success story for rural development in India.</p> M.M. Goel, Virander Pal Goyal, Suraj Walia Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES PERFORMANCE BEFORE AND AFTER RECEIVING CREDITS <p>Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is an private business that has an important role in the economic growth of rural people. As an economic stimulus, SMEs gives a high support to Indonesia's economic. All aspects of economic development that need special attention especially in the sector of SMEs, because SMEs can improve the economy and welfare, especially small communities whose economies are still weak. The problems and barriers of the SMEs development is the limitation of capital which used to manage its business. One effort that can be done by SMEs to overcome these problems is to obtain working capital credit loans from Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD). This aim of this study is to determine whether there are differences performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) before and after receiving working capital credit from Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) Pekraman Desa Batuyang. Sampling method in this research is using simple random sampling technique by using slovin formula which result 76 SMEs as the research sampling. Research data analyzed by wilcoxon signed rank test method. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the performance of SMEs before and after receiving working capital credit measured from the level of sales turnover, profitability, liquidity and leverage. This results indicate that SMEs can utilize the capital which came from debt efficienly, so the SMEs performance will increased which shown by the increased of sales omzet and profitability.</p> Ni Nyoman Suryandari Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 The Roles of Al Muktafi Billah Township in the transformation of Rural Community Living in the KETENGAH Central <p>Over the last few decades, rural development in Malaysia has undergone several stages of transformation which were parallel with the aims of national and regional development policies and strategies. Currently, the rural transformation agenda is up to the next crucial step which is enhancing the prosperity and well-being of rural communities. This paper attempts to examine the roles of Al Muktafi Billah Shah in terms of providing services for local people to fulfil their inspirations and needs. The analysis is supported by household survey data to provide current demographic and socioeconomic characteristics as well as the standard of living of rural communities in the region. Finally, this paper concludes with the future pathways for rural development planning to catapult the national inspiration towards a resilient rural community. A high strategic content plan has been adopted to enable it to grow progressively. It also has to serve the people as what they need and demand without compromising the quality of living conditions environment and resources.</p> Izzamir Ismail, Mohd Fadzil Abdul Rashid, Ibrahim Ngah, Nor Eeda Ali, Halmi Zainol, Mohamad Ali Yusuf Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE LEVEL OF CREDIT RETURNS BY MICRO SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (CASE STUDY in LPD VILLAGE DESA ADAT CANGGU) <p>The Indonesian economy is supported by small, medium and small scale business units often called SMEs. The number of SMEs helps the growth of national income and able to reduce unemployment in Indonesia. One of the weaknesses of MSMEs is the limited capital to expand its business. This can be solved with the help of financial credit to help the capital of MSMEs. The problem is the number of cases of credit arrears is done by various factors namely the level of education, the number of family dependents, income, length of business, type of business and loan amount. The purpose of this study is to test and provide information about what is needed for credit repayment by MSMEs.<br>This research using simple random sampling technique as much as 86 debtors. Data collection methods in this study using questionnaires. Data analysis technique used is logistic regression.It is found that the increase of education level and the number of family dependent have positive effect on the return of bad credit. . While business income, length of business, type of business and loan amount does not affect the credit repayment of SMEs in LPD Desa Adat Canggu.</p> Putu Kepramareni, Ni Luh Gde Novitasari, Lisya Anggarini Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 ENHANCING LPD PERFORMANCE TO STRENGTHENING THE RURAL ECONOMY <p>LPD (village credit institution) is a non bank financial institution possessed by desa pekraman (customary village) in Bali. LPD performance becomes very essential because LPD support the role of desa pekraman as an economic institution and also a cultural institution. LPD provides social, economic and cultural benefits to its members therefore needs to be fostered and enhanced its performance. This means that improving the performance of LPD is crucial to strengthening the rural economy. In accordance with that increasing rural development is needed to further improve the economy, especially for people in Bali<br>This research conducted in Badung regency and aimed to determine the effect of Accounting Information System, Organizational Culture and Supervisory Agency Function in improving LPD Performance. Data was collected using purposive sampling technique where 105 LPD accountants were given a questionnaire as sample of respondents. Instrument test conducted to analyze validity and reliability, and then data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis technique. This study reveals that the effectiveness of the application of accounting information systems, organizational culture and supervisory agency function have a significant positive effect on the LPDs performance in Badung regency. This indicates that three factors are able to improve LPD performance and should be considered by stakeholders in order to improving LPD performance.</p> Luh Komang Merawati, I Gede Cahyadi Putra Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 COMPETITIVE STRATEGY BASED ON INNOVATION OF PRODUCTS AND IMPLICATIONS TO MARKETING PERFORMANCE TO IMPROV SALES IN CORPORATE PRODUCT COMPANY IN BALI <p>To increase the sales value of sculpture products, then in need of competitive strategy based on product innovation on marketing performance. With the research entitled "Competitive Strategies Based on Product Innovation And Its Implication On Marketing Performance To Increase Sales On Sculpture Products In Bali" The purpose of this study is to determine the variables that become the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced in marketing sculpture products . Knowing the effect of sculpture product innovation on competitive strategy at sculpture company and analyzing sculpture product innovation strategy which developed to increase sales value and its implication to marketing performance. Data collection technique is done by using interview method, observation, and documentation. While the analysis technique using SWOT analysis. The strengths in increasing the value of sales lie in a variety of models and creativity, technical innovation, design changes, distribution changes and payment administration system and trust. The disadvantage lies in the lack of promotion in various media, the opportunity exists in the external environment which is demonstrated by the stability of Balinese security that is conducive, flexible local government policy, and the threat there is on the many sculptures produced in mass production. From the results of research in the know product innovation plays an important role in increasing the value of sales on sculpture products in Bali.</p> Pande Ketut Ribek Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 EFFECT OF PRODUCTIVE ASSETS EARNINGS AND THIRD PARTY FUNDS ON OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE LEMBAGA PERKREDITAN DESA (LPD) IN BADUNG DISTRICT <p>LPD's ability to generate maximum profit can not be separated from the assets, wealth, capital and investment owned by LPD is to conduct operational activities so that later can generate added value for LPD that is profit with its own fund called rentability, one of its component is the ratio of BOPO is the ratio of the ratio between operational costs and operating income. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of growth of productive assets (credit given) and third party funds (growth of savings and deposits) on operational performance (ratio BOPO) in LPD in Badung regency. Population in this research is all of LPD which exist in Badung regency in period 2014 - 2016. The results showed that productive assets (credit given) have a positive and significant effect on operational performance (BOPO ratio), third party funds in the form of saving growth has negative and insignificant effect on operational performance (BOPO ratio), while third party deposits have negative influence and insignificant to operational performance (BOPO ratio). All independent variables consisting of loans (savings and deposits), savings and deposits (third party funds) have significant and significant effect on operational performance (BOPO ratio).</p> Ni Luh Kade Suartini, Agus Wahyudi Salasa Gama, Ni Putu Yeni Astiti Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 THE EFFECT OF PERCEIVED EASE OF USE AND VIRAL MARKETING ON DECISION OF USE AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GO-JEK IN DENPASAR CITY <p>The purposes of this study is to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use and viral marketing on decision of use and customer satisfaction Go-Jek in Denpasar. The sample size is 100 Go-Jek customers in Denpasar. Sampling method is accidental sampling. The data were submitted to PLS for structural equation modeling. The results showed that the ease of use perception variable did not affect the size used with the t-statistic value of 1.619. Viral marketi ng variables significantly influence the results of use with a t-statistical value of 5,180. Variables and forms of use on customer satisfaction with a t-statistical value of 14.335.</p> Kadek Mila Sutri Devi, Ni Putu Nita Anggraini, I Wayan Suarjana, I Wayan Mendra, I Gede Gama Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Survey Methode and Subsidies Investigation For Freight Transport at 3T Region <p>The price deferences of staple and essential goods at underdeveloped, outer and frontier regions, or we call as 3T area, commonly high enough. In order to price stabilizing, and reducing the differenciation among that area, the government has reponsibility to provide transportation cost from and to that area.<br>Through supply chain approach, trajectori analysis, LQ economic base analysis, and VOC analysis can be developed a survey and investigation method for staple and essential goods transportation from and to 3T area. In the case of rice transportation from Jayapura to Sarmi, the subsidies can be gave in the form: reducing save time in warehouse, reducing VOC, reducing travel time, or another type of subsidies, which can be conversion base on travel time preference (Rp/Hour) or travel distance preference (Rp/Km) to reduce the highly of price disparity, between 3T area with it’s capital city.</p> Tonny Judiantono, Dadan Mukhsin Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 CSR AND TRI HITA KARANA: HOW THEIR IMPLEMENTATION AFFECT COMMUNITY WELFARE <p>This study was intended to show an empirical result of the influence of CSR implementation based on Tri Hita Karana by Swiss-Belresort Watujimbar in community welfare on Sanur. CSR concept emphasizes that business’s purpose should not only focused on profit, but also should be focused in giving a positive impact to the community, as one of firm’s stakeholder. Tri Hita Karana is a local concept which is well-known in Bali. Tri Hita Karana is a concept that emphasizing a balance or harmonious relationship of human with God (Parahyangan), human with another human (Pawongan), and human with its environment (Palemahan). The compliance of these elements is believed by local community will provide welfare. Therefore, the implementations of CSR by the company are expected to be based on these concepts in order to achieve the community welfare. The questionnaire method used to determine the extent of the impact that community perceived by the implementation of CSR. This research population is the whole community of Sanur. Sample was selected based on two criteria, (1) Sanur village local community (has an local identity), (2) and in the range of productive ages, has generated 11.600 people as research sample. By using Slovin formula, the questionnaire which distributed in this study is 387 questionnaires. The regression analysis shows that CSR implementation based on Tri Hita Karana by Swiss-Belresort Watujimbar has positively affect the welfare of Sanur community. This indicates that, the implementation of CSR has in accordance with the concept, or with the community necessity.</p> Putu Wenny Saitri Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Nutrition Bali Holy Medicinal Plants For General and Orodental Health <p>Bali holy plants as functional food, always there as a means of ceremonial prayer, but not unusual for consumption. Dental and oral health is very important and is related to overall health. There are 38 traditional Bali medicinal plants being studied. Though this plant is grown in almost every home and grows fertile, but not yet used as a fuctional food or health therapy. Apparently still a little bit is researching nutrition Bali holy medicinal plants for general and orodental health. This study learns the nutritional assorted of holy medicinal plants efficacious traditional Balinese medicine that efficacious for general and orodental health. This study was conducted for two months, and aims to determine the type of plant or plant species, part of the plant used, and the type of nutrients it contains. This research is an observation research, by reviewing the holy plants that have been used for health and therapy at least, data is taken through interview, the result is described (reviewed) with articles in e-library such as PubMed, EBSCO and others. The results of this study found a number of four holy plants which has been used for medicinal properties, including base (sirih) (Piper betle L.), buah (pinang) (Areca catechu L.), selasih miik (tulasi)(Ocimum sanctum L.), jepun (kamboja) (Plumeria sp.). The essential nutrients contained are proteins, vitamins beta carotene (provitamin A), B, C, D, E, K, minerals of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, fluoride, sulfur, manganese and chlorophyll. The most nutrient content found in the leaves, after that in the flowers and lastly in fruit or seeds.</p> I Gusti Ayu Ari Agung, I Gusti Ngurah Alit Wiswasta, D. M. Wedagama Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Biological Character of Cucumber Mozaic Virus (CMV) Isolates from Bali <p>This research aims at biologically characterizing the CMV isolates from Bali so that they can add the collection and knowledge about the biological character of CMV isolates from Bali. Characterization of the biological properties of CMV isolates performed through the following steps: 1) Propagation of CMV isolates from different host plants (cucumber, melon, watermelon, tomato, pumpkin, chilli, green eggplant and long bean) on N. glutinosa plant, 2) Purification of CMV isolates through inoculation mechanics of C. sativus and C. amaranticolor plants, 3) CMV isolates and 4) serological detection with I-ELISA. The results showed that total isolates obtained from the field are 36 isolates, only 18 isolates showed symptoms on N. glutinousa plants, while 18 other isolates did not show symptoms. Isolates showed symptoms of N. glutinosa plants were 4 isolates from cucumber plant, 3 isolates from eggplant, 1 isolate from pumkin, 3 from isolates chili, 2 isolates from tomatoes, 2 isolates from long beans and 3 isolates from watermelon. The types of symptoms appeared were varied, e.g,10 mosaic symptomatic isolates, 4 malformation symptomatic isolates, and 4 necrotic symptomatic isolates. I-ELISA detection using CMV antiserum was able to obtain 6 positive CMV isolates from cucumber (CMV-MB isolate), watermelon (CMV-TRB isolate) watermelon (CMV-SB isolate), chili (CMV-CB isolate), pumpkin (CMV-LB isolate) and tomato (CMV-TB isolate). The result of biological isolate test of CMV from Bali, mosaic symptoms occurred on Nicotiana glutinosa plant, Capsicum annuum (big chili), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Lycopersum esculentum (tomato) and Cucurbita moschata (pumkin). Severe mosaic symptoms occured only in the Cucumis sativus (cucumber) plant. Vigna sinensis (long bean) infections of CMV isolate -Bali only caused symptoms of malformations and even no symptoms.</p> Ni Putu Pandawani, Cokorda Javandira, Farida Hanum Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Geo-Mapping Of Educational Tourism Sites: A Case Study Of The Balinese Subak Cultural Lanscape Heritage <p>There is growing concern about the future of the Balinese subak cultural landscape (BSC), after UNESCO declaring as world cultural heritage. The importance of the BSC underlying educational tourism destinations are increasingly recognized, however the sites for educational tourism are still poorly identified. This study represents a preliminary attempt to empirically geological mapping (geo-mapping) the sites of the subak cultural heritage. Data will be collected through field observation and mapping to cover all areas of the BSC, from March to June 2018. The mixed method is used to analyze data, before converted to geo-spatial information by using Google Earth. The findings are expected to support educational tourism concepts, designs and practices of the BSC.</p> Dewa Putu Aris Sadana, Desak Nyoman Budiningsih, Nyoman Utari Vipriyanti, Sang Putu Kaler Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 PULA PALI METANDUR PADI BALI RING CARIK: TOURISM ICONS AND REVITALIZING TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM IN JATILUWIH TOURISM VILLAGE, TABANAN REGENCY <p>Traditional farming systems based on local wisdom was applied on a rice field in Jatiluwih Tourism Village was a very attractive tourism icon for tourists. Icons of tourism be more interesting after Subak Jatiluwih was decreed as part of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO on July 2012. This research applies qualitative method, aims to know the traditional farming system that was applied in Jatiluwih Tourism Village as tourism icon and revitalization in the traditional of most farmers, to know the attractions of traditional agricultural systems as icons of tourism in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, and to know the influence of traditional agricultural systems on the development of Jatiluwih Tourism Village. The problems in this research are solved by using some relevant theories such as tourism attraction theory, tourism icon theory, and revitalization theory. The results showed that a fixed traditional farming systems applied by the member of Subak Jatiluwih, namely as pula pali metandur padi Bali ring carik most of the farmers in Jatiluwih Village. Tourist attraction related traditional farming system that was applied in Jatiluwih Tourism Village is the aspect of the activity of each stage in the system of traditional agriculture and its accompanying ceremonies. The influence of traditional agricultural systems against tourism in the Jatiluwih Tourism can be seen from the increasingly community involvement in tourism (direct, indirect, and induced), revenue of the operation management of Jatiluwih Tourism Village was increased, as well as the number of tourists visit (foreign and domestic) to Jatiluwih Tourism Village was increased.</p> Dewa Putu Oka Prasiasa, Tjok Istri Sri Harwathy, Ida Bagus Swaputra, Putu Mela Ratini Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Building Resilience Rural Community towards Flood in Malaysia: Prioritizing Resilience Key Components and Drivers for Implementation <p>Building a strong community resilience towards disaster is often an endogenous process that is linked closely to local customs that, at times, may be operated and/or translated into decision-making processes outside the policy realm. Given the huge influence of local context in shaping the resilience process, community-level actors on the other hands shall not be left alone to chart their pathway. Therefore, it is important for a certain degree of intervention to be introduced mainly to guide and assist the community for a holistic and proper policy and framework development. This process, in turn, might improve the community capabilities to carry out implementation of necessary programs for building community resilience in the short term or longer term. According to scholars in disaster and resilient related studies, the main focus in building resilient community towards disaster is the need for understanding of three key components particularly economic, social and environmental. In this light, a total of 43 resilience factors were identified from the three key components. A field research has been carried out with the primary intention for identification of the internal and external factors that contributed to resilience of rural communities towards flood in Malaysia. Three case study areas, located in the East Coast of Malaysia, have been selected for field observation and household survey using a questionnaire namely (1) Lubok Setol village in Kelantan state; (2) Teladas village in Terengganu state and; (3) Gajah Mati village in Pahang state. A total of 90 respondents participated in the survey that was carried out from January 2018 (i.e. right after the major flood occurred in December 2017) until mid-February 2018. Data analysis has been utilizing the Relative Importance Index (RII) method mainly for prioritizing and categorizing answers key components for community resilience. Answers given with higher RII score will be ranked higher or having higher priority as compared to factors with lower RII score. Overall, adoption of the RII method has enable researchers to identify, rank and formulate a list of relevant factors for community resilience towards disaster. The results might have value in terms of improving current understanding of the concept of community resilience particularly in the context of Malaysia as a developing country.</p> Noraini Omar Chong, Khairul Hisyam Kamarudin Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM INTEGRATION PLANTATION PALM OIL, CATTLE AND ENERGY IN RURAL AREAS LAMPUNG PROVINCE <p>The study aims to analyze the financial feasibility of developing a system of integration of oil palm plantations, cattle and energy, and to analyze the prospects of developing a system of integration of oil palm plantations, cattle and energy.The research was conducted in Kecamatan Candipuro, Lampung Selatan District, Lampung Province, Selection of research location because it is a pilot village/subdistrict that performs system of integration of oil palm plantation, cattle and energy in Lampung Province. The data used include primary data and secondary data. Sampling was done by census method as much as 32 respondents. Analytical methods are analyzed: (1) financial feasibility analysis, using NPV, IRR, Net B/C, Gross B/C, Payback Period, (2) sensitivity analysis, and (3) system development prospect using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the system of integration of oil palm plantations, and energy financially feasible to run with the ratio Net B/C 8.99, Gross B/C 4.46, NPV Rp 650.665.938, Payback Period (PP) 8.68 , and IRR 36%. Development of a system of integration of oil palm plantations, cows have good prospects in technical, market, management and organization.</p> Muhammad Irfan Affandi, Sussi Astuti Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 INNOVATION OF TECHNOLOGY AND INSTITUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF TILAPIA NURSERY FARMING IN SANDING VILLAGE, TAMPAKSIRING DISTRICT, GIANYAR REGENCY <p>The research of innovation of technology and institutional for sustainability of tilapia nursery farming, backed by the fact of tilapia nursery farming facing problems concerning the production capacity and institutional group. Solutions to the problems are formulated in the following research objectives: (1) to analyze the optimization of fish stocking stock density and commercial feed dose on tilapia nursery farming; and (2) to analyze innovative institutions for strengthening the existence of tilapia fishers.<br>Optimal doses of commercial and optimum density feeds were approached by experimental studies with factorial randomized block design, which tested the combination of feed dosage at three levels and stocking solids at three levels with three replications. The objective of the 2nd research (to analyze the innovative institute for strengthening the existence of tilapia fishers was approached by survey research Surveys were carried out on 30 indigenous tilapia farmers who have been producing tilapia seeds. Effect of commercial feed dose and fish stocking density on the growth rate and the survival of tilapia seeds were analyzed using variance analysis. The innovative institutional for tilapia fishers in order to strengthen their existence was analyzed using descriptive analysis.<br>The results showed that (1) the growth rate and survival of tilapia seed were influenced by stocking density, while the feed dose did not influence and there was no effect of interaction between stocking density with feed dose to growth rate and survival rate of tilapia seed. (2) innovative institutional for tilapia seed breeder in strengthening its existence is in the form of upstream and downstream partnership.</p> Dian Tariningsih, Putu Kepramareni Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Revitalization of Sekaa Teruna Institution at Pakraman Intaran Village in Drugs Mitigation Among Adolescents <p>Bali as an international tourist destination with the concept of cultural tourism has led the tourism industry as a major sector in the economy of the people of Bali. Formerly a tourist location created for the means of tourist approach but nowadays has now been widely abused for the circulation of narcotics. The existence of local organization as one of the nodes of Bali culture become its own attraction, One of the local cultural nodes in pakraman village unit interesting to study is Sekaa Teruna. Responding to the phenomenon of youth and Indonesian youth currently faced with a condition that can threaten the survival, the present and the future of youth is the circulation of narcotics that destroy the generation of the nation, it is deemed necessary to revitalize the institutional organization of Youth Tereka Sekaa. This research was conducted in Desa Pakraman Intaran Sanur which is one of pakraman village which active in cultural and artistic activity in the middle of globalization era today. This research is designed to build with a critical qualitative approach that is a research whose objective is not only to explore the meaning of ethics but also to create the meaning of ethics. This study highlights various issues related to the behavior, interaction and role of Sekaa Teruna in Pakraman Intaran village in the prevention and control of drugs.</p> Lis Julianti, Anak Agung Wiwik Sugiantari Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 Gambling in the temple area: between social phenomena and legal issues <p>Gambling done in the temple area is often found when there are religious ceremonies in Bali. Gambling is done by running a cockfighting game or in Bali known as tajen. Local people hold a gambling arena and organize a game that was followed by villagers. Game of gambling in the temple area, is considered as a means to socialize with fellow citizens. This research is an empirical legal research. Data are in the forms of primary data and secondary data, collected through observation and literature study. The data collected qualitatively and presented analytically in descriptive way.<br>Tajen gambling violates Article 303 of the Criminal Code and 303 bis of the Criminal Code and violates the religious norm, namely Rg Veda (10.34.13). Despite breaking the law and the teachings of Hinduism, tajen gambling still exists, even done in the temple area. This condition happens because tajen is still supported by the local community. In addition, this activity also provides financial income for indigenous villages, temple development and local communities by renting parking lots and sell foods and beverages. Tackling gambling in the temple area can be done by religious approach, approach to customary village and through law to create a good social environment.</p> I Wayan Gde Wiryawan Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800 INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY BASED ON COMMUNITY <p>Garbage is a problem faced by coastal resort manager Pandawa Kutuh Bali. Waste management method with the old system without any processing before it is time to be replaced with integrated waste management system based on community. Integrated waste management is systematic, comprehensive, and sustainable that includes waste reduction and handling by involving various systems from regulatory, organizational, operational, financing and community participation aspects. This research emphasizes on technical planning and waste management covering service system from collection, transportation and processing. The Average waste generation in Pandawa Beach Resort Area was 3, 42 liters / person / day, with a predominance of organic waste coconut shells. Integrated waste management system had not been optimally implemented. The amount of waste produced must be well managed and correct so that the Pandawa beach area is free of waste and worth to be visited by tourists and expected to reduce the pile of garbage in the Final Processing Place.</p> I Ketut Sumantra Copyright (c) 2018 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Fri, 22 Feb 2019 00:00:00 +0800