SEM analysis of Surface morphology thermoplastic nylon plate polished with Anadara antiquata shell powder
Kata Kunci:
kerang bulu (Anadara antiquata), kekasaran permukaan, nilon termoplastikAbstrak
Background: Polishing in the fabrication of denture bases is a crucial process related to the clinical success of denture production. Abrasive materials are commonly used for polishing denture bases. One example of an abrasive material frequently used in dentistry is pumice. A natural material that can be an alternative as a polishing agent is feather clam shell (Anadara antiquata) due to its 98% calcium carbonate content.
Objective: To determine the surface roughness of thermoplastic nylon denture plates after polishing with feather cockle shell powder as a new natural abrasive material.
Method: This study uses a Post Test Only Control Group Design with 24 thermoplastic nylon plates. The research groups consisted of a non-polished group (KN), a pumice polishing group (KP), a polishing group with feather cockle shell powder of 28 µm particle size (P1), and a 38 µm particle size group (P2). Surface roughness was measured using a profilometer and SEM.
Results: Statistical analysis with One Way ANOVA showed significant differences in surface roughness with a p-value of 0.001. LSD test revealed significant differences among groups, while KP and P1 groups did not show significant differences with a p- value of 0.754.
Conclusion: Feather clam shell powder with a particle size of 28 µm is effective in reducing the surface roughness of thermoplastic nylon plates, as indicated by the lack of morphological differences in SEM analysis between the 28 µm group (P1) and the pumice group (KP).
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