
  • Kadek Sugianitri Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Ria Koesoemawati Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Ida Ayu Km. Trisna Mega Putri Under-graduate student, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasraswati Denpasar

Kata Kunci:

Disinfection of alginate molds, Red betel leaves, Dimensional stability of mold


Dental impression materials are an agent of infection transmission in the dentist's work environment. Cross infection can occur through the interaction of microorganisms and the impression material. To prevent cross-infection, it is necessary to disinfect the alginate impressions. One of the effective natural ingredients that can be used as a disinfectant is red betel leaf. The effect of using disinfectants can affect the dimensional stability of alginate impressions. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the disinfection action by spraying red betel leaf extract (Piper Ornatum) with concentrations of 50%, 35%, 20% could affect the dimensional stability of the alginate mold study model. The research method used was laboratory experimental with a research design with a post- test only control group design using 24 samples consisting of three treatments (control group and treatment group) as measured using calipers. The technique used in this study is by spraying the sample with a storage time of 10 minutes. The results of the study based on statistical tests using the Man-Whitney test showed that significant group differences obtained a sig value p <0.05. The results showed that there was a difference in the control group with the 20%, 35% extract and there was no difference in the 50% extract. Meanwhile, there was no difference in the 20% treatment group with 35%, 50% extract and there was a difference between the 35% control group and 50% extract. So it can be concluded that there is no effect with the use of natural disinfectants, namely 20% red betel leaf extract. Meanwhile, there is an effect of the use of natural disinfectants, namely red betel leaf extract 35%, 50% on the dimensional stability of alginate impressions.



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