Kata Kunci:
face type, buccal corridor, smile aesthetics, Balinese tribeAbstrak
Orthodontic treatment is one of the treatments of dentistry which is an important role in improving the arrangement of the teeth so that they can improve one's mastication, phonetic and aesthetic abilities. In order to achieve this goal in determining a diagnosis and planning orthodontic treatment, there are standard procedures that need to be performed, one of which is an extra-oral examination. This examination includes measuring the head index and facial index. the type of face that is classified into hypereuryprosopic, euryprosopic, mesoprosopic, leptoprosopic and hyperleptoprosopic. One of the attractive facial appearances can be seen from the smile. Smile is a component of facial aesthetics which also acts as an indicator of assessing one's attractiveness. Smile analysis must include evaluation of certain elements in a specific order. One of them is dento-labial analysis which includes analysis of maxillary incisor display at rest, maxillary incisor display when smiling, smile arc, smile symmetry, and buccal corridor. The buccal corridor is the dark area or black space (negative lateral space) between the corner of the mouth and the lateral edges of the maxillary posterior teeth that appears when a person smiles. The buccal corridor occurs as a dark area in the mouth that depends on the shape and width of the curve of the upper teeth and the facial muscles involved when a person smiles. This study aims to determine the relationship between face type and buccal corridor width on the smiling aesthetics of Balinese students at Faculty of Dentistry Mahasaraswati Denpasar.This research is a descriptive correlational study with a cross-sectional research design, examines the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable and will carry out observations. The data obtained was then tabulated and processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) through the cross tab test and pearson chi square correlation. The results of the pearson chi square test with p=0.091, showed no significant meaning. This means that there is no significant relationship between facial type and the smile aesthetics of Balinese students at Faculty of Dentistry Mahasaraswati Denpasar Different results can be seen in the relationship between the width of the buccal corridor and the aesthetics of a smile, where the results show p=0.000, indicating a significant meaning, that there is a significant relationship between the width of the buccal corridor and the aesthetics of the smiles of Balinese students at Faculty of Dentistry Mahasaraswati Denpasar.
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