Pengaruh Penyemprotan Desinfeksi Ekstrak Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) Terhadap Stabilitas Dimensi Hasil Cetakan Alginat
Kata Kunci:
Noni Extract, Dimensional Stability, AlginateAbstrak
Background: At the time of printing the patient's jaw, the printing material will come into direct contact with blood and saliva, so that microorganisms will spread through the printing material and become a medium for cross-infection transmission. To prevent cross-infection, it is necessary to disinfect the alginate mold. The ideal disinfection technique used is the spraying technique. One natural ingredient that can be used as a disinfectant is noni extract. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dimensional stability changes on alginate molds by using natural disinfectant ingredients of noni extract with concentrations of 50% and 75% with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite. Method: The research method used was laboratory experimental with a research design with a post-test only control group design. The study used 24 samples consisting of 4 treatment groups (negative control group, positive control group, treatment group I and treatment group II) and in each group consisting of 6 samples, dimensional stability measurement using calipers. Results: The results of dimensional stability measurements showed that there were dimensional changes in each group but within the tolerance limit (<0.5%) in accordance with ADA rule no.18. The conclusion in this study is that the spraying technique using natural disinfectants, namely 50% and 75% noni extract, has no effect on alginate molds.
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