Kata Kunci:
alginate mold, dimensions, corn starch, stabilityAbstrak
Introduction: Alginate impression materials contain algin and several other compositions. According to a literature study conducted, the content of alginate acid is L-guluronic acid and D-mannuronic acid. Its function is to act as a thickening agent or gel formation. The use of alginate impressions has been popular in Indonesia, but the price offered for these impressions is expensive because they are imported directly from abroad. The purpose of this study is to provide analytical results related to increasing the
dimensional stability of alginate impressions with the addition of corn starch.
Method: The type of research used is laboratory experiments.
Results: In the ANOVA test, the p-value obtained was 0.259> 0.05, based on this, it can be concluded that there was no significant difference in each treatment group. The role of alginate gel is to be able to affect dimensional stability where syneresis or shrinkage can occur if the gel is placed in the open air. Syneresis can cause shrinkage because water comes out of the gel. In the study, the mixture used in making the gel was corn starch powder.
Conclusion: The conclusion drawn is that the addition of corn starch does not increase the dimensional stability of the alginate mold results after being left for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes.
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