Kata Kunci:
fanning, teeth, hunt, moorreesAbstrak
Introduction: The application of radiographic techniques can be determined in individuals who are alive or not by using several techniques, such as panoramic, cephalometric, lateral oblique, and intraoral periapical radiography. The use of the Hunt, Fanning, and Moorrees methods is intended for the examination process in individuals aged 0.6-19.5 years. The purpose of the study was to provide analytical results related to estimating age through M1 teeth using the Moores, Fanning, and Hunt methods at RSGM Saraswati Denpasar.
Method: The type of research used was observational analytic with a cross-sectional
Results: The level of accuracy of using the Moorres, Faning, and Hunt Methods in determining age was 70% correct. The results of the T-Test showed that the test carried out obtained a Sig value of 0.038<0.05, so the Moorres, Faning, and Hunt Methods were accurate in determining a person's age through normally growing M1 teeth.
Conclusion: The conclusion drawn is that age identification through the first molar teeth using the Moorrees Fanning and Hunt Method with the help of panoramic radiographic X-rays is quite accurate in determining age in Balinese patients aged 4 to 10 years because there is no significant difference in the statistical test
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