Pengaruh obat kumur mengandung alkohol dan Non alkohol terhadap kekerasan resin komposit nanohibrid


  • Ni Nyoman Nurdeviyanti Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • I Gusti Ketut Armiati Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Ni Nyoman Mahayuni Ismantari Under-graduate student, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasraswati Denpasar

Kata Kunci:

mouthwash containing alcohol, non-alcoholic mouthwash, nanohybrid composite resin, hardness test


Introduction: Gargling with mouthwash is one way to prevent the formation of plaque that causes cavities. However, the high frequency of using mouthwash can affect the environmental conditions of the oral cavity, one of which is dental restoration materials. Dental restorative materials that are widely used are nanohybrid composite resins because they can provide good aesthetic results and have good hardness.

Methods: The research method used was a post test only control group design. The samples used were nanohybrid composite resin cylindrical in shape with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 2 mm. 27 samples were made and divided into 3 groups soaking for 6 hours, namely group I soaking in mouthwash containing alcohol, group II immersion in non-alcoholic mouthwash, and group III as a control group immersion in distilled water. The hardness of all samples was measured using the Vickers Hardness Tester.

Result: this study indicate that there is a difference in the hardness of the nanohybrid composite resin after immersion in mouthwash containing alcohol and non-alcohol, where the lowest value belongs to group I (0,0025943 HVN).

Conclusion: that mouthwash containing alcohol lowers the hardness of nanohybrid composite resin more than non-alcoholic mouthwash.


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