Kata Kunci:
Arabic bidara leaves, Inhibitory power, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitansAbstrak
Introduction: The prevalence of periodontal disease in all age groups in Indonesia based on Riskesdas data (2018), which is 96.58% and the percentage of periodontitis cases in Indonesia is 74.1%. Periodontitis is one of the diseases of the periodontal tissue caused by bacteria, one of which is the bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. This bacteria is included in the normal flora of the oral cavity, but under certain conditions it can turn into a pathogen. If this bacteria has turned into a pathogen, it must be treated immediately. Treatment that can be done by a dentist is to treat damaged periodontal tissue and provide antibiotics. Long-term use of antibiotics or improper use by patients will actually cause bacterial resistance so that the antibiotics are no longer able to work optimally in inhibiting bacterial growth. One way that can be done is by giving traditional medicine that can inhibit this bacteria, namely Arabic bidara leaves (Zizipus spina-christi L.). Arabian bidara leaves (Zizipus spina-christi L.) contain several compounds that can inhibit bacteria, such as saponins, tannins, flavonoids, and steroids. This study is expected to be able to determine the effectiveness of ethanol extract of Arabian bidara leaves (Zizipus spina-christi L.) with concentrations of 40% and 60%.
Method: This study was conducted using an experimental method with four test groups, namely positive control, negative control, ethanol extract of Arabian bidara leaves (Zizipus spina-christi L.) 40%, and 60%.
Results: The results of the anova test obtained a p value = 0.000. Continued with the Tukey Post Hoc Test with the results of KP and KN (p=0.000), KP and P1 (p=0.000), KP and P2 (p=0.000), KN and P1 (p=0.000), KN and P2 (p=0.000), P1 and P2 (p=0.000) which means that each group has a significant difference.
Conclusion: From the study it can be concluded that, ethanol extract of Arabic bidara leaves (Zizipus spina-christi L.) with a concentration of 40% and 60% can inhibit the growth of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans with ethanol extract of Arabic talk leaves (Zizipus spina-christi L.) 60% more effective than ethanol extract (Zizipus spina-christi L.) 40%.
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