Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Pasca Perawatan Mahasiswa Profesi Di Rumah Sakit Gigi Dan Mulut Saraswati Denpasar
Kata Kunci:
The Dental and Oral Hospital, patient satisfaction, dental health services, treatmentAbstrak
Background: Patient satisfaction with dental health services involves comparing the patient's perception of the received service with their expectations before receiving it. Patients who are satisfied with the care they receive are more likely to return for future health services and provide positive referrals to others. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the level of patient satisfaction with post-treatment of professional students in each section of the Dental and Oral Hospital Saraswati Denpasar. Method: The research design employed in this study was evaluation research, with a population of 515 patients who had undergone examinations at the Dental and Oral Hospital Saraswati Denpasar over the past 3 years. The sampling technique used was incidental sampling. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Results: The study's results reveal differences in satisfaction levels across the five dimensions in each section at RSGM Saraswati Denpasar. These dimensions include reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and physical evidence. The satisfaction level at RSGM Saraswati Denpasar meets the criteria for being very satisfying. However, there are significant differences observed in several sections. The radiology department received the highest satisfaction score, while the conservation department received the lowest. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the level of patient satisfaction across all sections at RSGM Saraswati Denpasar meets the criteria for being very satisfactory.
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