Kata Kunci:
panoramic radiography, radicular cyst, prevalenceAbstrak
Background: Panoramic radiography is often used for screening patients prior to dental prosthesis treatment to ensure the presence or absence of roots, cysts, foreign bodies and neoplasms. A radicular cyst is one of the jaw cysts originating from the residual epithelium of malassez, which is found in dental structures that develop in the periodontal ligament as a result of chronic inflammation of the root canal infection that begins with the formation of periapical granulomas. The radiographic picture of a radicular cyst is radiolucent of round or oval shape, the surface of which has a firm cortical border. Purpose: The study is aimed to determine radicular cysts prevalence in terms of panoramic radiography patients at RSGM Saraswati Denpasar in 2021-2023. Method: The method used was a descriptive observational with a cross-sectional approach based on time sampling, that was 2021-2023. Results: The results showed that the prevalence of radicular cysts in terms of panoramic radiography of patients at RSGM Saraswati Denpasar in 2021-2023 was 36 cases (9,89%). Most cases were found in male sex as many as 21 cases (58,33%), often found in the elderly (46-65) as many as 18 cases (50%), radicular cysts mostly located in maxilla as many as 22 cases (61,11%) that is in the anterior region as many as 14 cases (63,64%).
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