Kata Kunci:
surface shape, toothbrush, dental plaqueAbstrak
Introduction: The role of a toothbrush is not only to brush your teeth, but to clean dirt and remove plaque. Toothbrush marketing has a variety of models, such as toothbrush models and sizes, degrees of hardness of bristles, brands, and toothbrush bristles that have cross, serrated, and flat surfaces. The surface of the toothbrush is not only flat, but there are also crisscross and serrated shapes. The purpose of the study was to analyze plaque accumulation as influenced by the surface of toothbrush bristles.
Method: The type of research used was quasi-experimental.
Results: The results of the anova test reveal the p-value obtained, which is 0.001<0.05. This means that there is a significant difference in data before and after treatment for each group.
Conclusion: Research that conducted at Karang Taruna Yowana Bhuana Anyar there is a difference before and after brushing teeth related to the decrease in the dental plaque index. The greatest decrease in dental plaque is on the surface that is crisscross, serrated, and flat.
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