Kata Kunci:
periodontal disease, prevalence of gingivitis, systemic factorsAbstrak
Backgrund : dental and oral health significantly impact overall individual health. Gingivitis, as the initial stage of periodontal disease, has a high prevalence worldwide. Purpose : This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of gingivitis cases at the Dental Polyclinic of Selemadeg Timur I Tabanan Primary Health Center during the period of January-March 2024. Methods : The research method used is descriptive, with data collection from the patient register book of the dental polyclinic. The study population includes 296 patient visits during this period, with 13 cases of gingivitis. Results : the results show that the prevalence of gingivitis cases is 4.4%, with 92.3% new cases and 1.7% old cases. Based on gender, 61.5% of patients are female and 38.5% are male. Conclusion : In conclusion, the prevalence of gingivitis cases at the Dental Polyclinic of Selemadeg Timur I Tabanan Primary Health Center during the period of JanuaryMarch 2024 is 4.4%, with more new cases than old cases, and female patients outnumber male patients. Hormonal factors and a higher female population are influencing factors.
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