Kata Kunci:
prevalence of root gangrene, dental caries, causal factorsAbstrak
Background: Radix gangrene or residual root is the remaining part of a tooth root where the tooth previously experienced caries or cavities, trauma or incomplete extraction. Symptoms obtained from root gangrene usually occur without complaints of pain, in this situation there is a discoloration of the tooth roots, where the teeth appear brownish or grayish. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of radix gangrene in the UPTD of the East Selemadeg I Health Center from January to March 2024. Method: The method used is quantitative with the research design carried out being descriptive research. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling on patients of any gender who experienced root gangrene who visited the dental clinic at the East Selemadeg I Health Center from January to March 2024. Results: There were patient visits with cases of root gangrene based on gender from January to March. 2024, with 5 men in January, 4 women in January, 3 men in February while 7 women, and 3 men in March and 11 women in March. With a total of 11 men (33.3%) and 22 women (66.7%). Conclusion: The influence of the female gender is that women experience root gangrene more often due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle with the acidity level of the oral cavity changing to acidic so that caries can occur, and there are still many people who do not treat carious teeth so that over time the teeth become porous. and becomes root gangrene or remaining roots.
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