Kata Kunci:
soft tissue, holdaway method, inclination angle, faceAbstrak
Introduction: The patient's facial aesthetics are also influenced by the soft tissue of the face. Because, based on the results observations made on individuals, the first step used in the assessment is to pay attention to soft tissue on the face. Holdaway's analysis was initiated through quantitative results in knowing facial image which of course has a connection with soft tissue which can be viewed in terms of harmony or not. However, in the measurement process only the H angle and the facial angle are needed. This is due to determining soft tissue convexity which is categorized as straight, concave or convex. The aim of the research is to provide analysis results regarding the use holdaway method in determining the relationship between facial soft tissue profiles and the incisor inclination angle. Method: The type of research used is descriptive observational using a cross sectional approach. Results: The results of the study show that the p-value of the incisor inclination angles RA, RB, and the interincisal angle shows the same value, namely 0.000. Meanwhile, the correlation coefficient values are respectively 0.720, 0.762, and 0.718, which means that there is a relationship between the incisor inclination angles RA, RB and the interincisal angles in facial soft tissue.
Conclusion: The conclusion drawn is that the Holdaway method can be used to determine the relationship between the facial soft tissue profile and the interincisal angle, lower or upper incisor inclination angle.
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