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Robusta Coffee Beans, Plate Color Change, Acrylic Resin PlateAbstrak
The color of the acrylic resin plate is of particular concern because it is related to the aesthetics of the oral cavity. A removable denture plate can absorb colored fluids and cause stains which affect the color change and aesthetic value. This research aims to determine whether soaking in a robusta coffee solution can cause color changes on hot polymerized acrylic resin plates. This study used 36 samples of hot polymerized acrylic resin plates which were divided into treatment groups and control groups. The type of research used is an experimental posttest control group design. Measurements were carried out after immersion using a spectrophotometer. Data analysis used One Way Anova followed by LSD (Least Significant Difference). The results of the One Way Anova test showed that the color change of the hot polymerized acrylic resin plate when soaked in a 75% concentration robusta coffee solution for 3.5 hours, 7 hours and 10.5 hours was significantly different from distilled water with p < 0.05. The results of the LSD test showed that the average color change of hot polymerized acrylic resin plates when immersing in distilled water was significantly different from the 3.5 hour, 7 hour, and
10.5 hour robusta coffee solution groups with 0.000<0.05. The conclusion of this research is that soaking in a robusta coffee solution for 10.5 hours gives the highest average color change on hot polymerized acrylic resin plates.
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