Kata Kunci:
median line, teeth, symmetry, thumb suckingAbstrak
Introduction: Thumb or finger sucking activities that occur in children are caused by the weaning process in babies, children feel anxious, bored, sleepy, hungry, and several other psychological problems. The prevalence of this incident has a fairly high percentage value, reaching a percentage value of 80.5%. Apart from that, there are other incidents such as posterior crossbite, overjet, and anterior openbite. The aim of the research is to provide analysis results regarding the symmetry of the median line of the face and teeth which is influenced by the thumb sucking habit.
Method: The type of research used is descriptive observational using a cross sectional approach.
Results: The research results showed that students at SD Saraswati 1 Denpasar had an "Asymmetrical Median Line" with a frequency of 49 students, so the percentage obtained was 58%. The details obtained through the shift in the medial line are that 3 students experienced a shift of 4 mm in length, 7 students experienced a shift of 3 mm in length, and 39 students experienced a shift of 2 mm in length. Meanwhile, students at SD Saraswati 1 Denpasar have a "Symmetric Median Line" with a frequency of 36 students, so the percentage obtained is 42%.
Conclusion: Students at SD Saraswati 1 Denpasar have more asymmetrical faces than symmetrical median lines caused by the habit of sucking their thumbs
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