
  • Hervina Hervina Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Dwis Syahriel Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • I Gede Pradnya Pramudya Under-graduate student, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasraswati Denpasar

Kata Kunci:

Vitamin D, Fibroblast, Periodontitis


Periodontitis is a destructive inflammation disease on periodontal tissue which caused by specific microorganism such as Porphiromonas gingivalis. Vitamin D has tumor suppressor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial traits. Vitamin D affects the pathogenesis of periodontal disease via immunomodulation, increases bone mineral density, decreases bone resorption, and important in fighting against agents that cause periodontal diseases. The previous research used vitamin D with dosage of 500-2000 IU was found safe and effective in treating gingival inflammation. This research aims to find out the effectiveness of vitamin D towards fibroblast on periodontitis. This research is an in vivo experimental research by using wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) which was divided into three groups, consist of control group 1 (K0) healthy rat was given vitamin D 2000 IU was observed on 7th day (K07), 14th day (K014), and 28th day (K028), control group II (K1) wistar rats was induced periodontitis without additional supplement which was observed on 7th day (K17), 14th day (K114), and 28th day (K128), treatment group (P1) wistar rats was induced periodontitis and given vitamin D 2000 IU was observed on 7th day (P17), 14th day (P114), and 28th day (K128). The rat was put down on 28th day after the treatment. An object glass was made for the specimen and hematoxylin eosin staining was conducted to calculate the fibroblast. The result from one way annova test showed p value= 0,000 which means that there is a difference on the average number of fibroblast in the nine groups. The result from LSD test showed that vitamin D with dosage of 2000IU is effective for periodontitis treatment.




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